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Everything posted by birbal

  1. birbal

    Next step?

    It would be same but if you store the sql in variable you will be able to print it out when you will need to debug so that you can study how your query and its values being evaluated. it will be same when you will pass $sql to mysql_query($sql);
  2. you could pass an array in construtor which will initialize its value by looping it. something like public function __construct($param=array('db'=>'dbcredential','customer'=>'some name','event'=>'spme event')){ foreach($param as $key=>$value){ $this->$key=$value;}} if you want that no other property be set rather than the property you initialized at first you ,can use isset() in loop before assigning the value
  3. birbal

    what debugger

    no it should not be problem. your local site will be there you need to point out out correctly your web root when you install those manualy to get it worked. but it wont collapse your site
  4. array_search() is case sensitive so that it is not matching. you can use str_ireplace() fo case insensitive replacement. rather than searching through the array you can directly replace the cid using str_ireplace(). if you need to determin the count of replacement occurance you can use the 4th param of that function. http://php.net/str_ireplace. that would be more efficcient. str_replace('cid:', '', $srcArr,$occurance);if($occrance===0)echo 'No cid affix found<br />';
  5. birbal

    backup your DB

    I cant see anything in your provided code which will cause to query the database and save it and compress it to zip. is that your complete code? Set the appropiate content-type header for zip file in email header
  6. AFAIK you have to pay everytime you will participate in exam
  7. mysql_real_escape_strin() returns escaped string which you need to store in some variable and later use that variable to get insert into db $content=mysql_real_escape_string($content, $db);
  8. the query is being broken for quotes you need to escape the inputs before its geting inserted into db using mysql_real_escape_string()
  9. Have reached into top most stress level

  10. what is id refering here? id of directory or file? are you storing the file in filesystem or database?
  11. your about me tutorial (debuging of css js) is great. i dont knew about it before and never use it before thanks for the sahring. :D

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