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Everything posted by SFB

  1. you should also have hands, unless you can type with your feet which would be really fun to try sometime. for you own website you wont kneed to learn everything. i like the learn as you kneed it approach. i started html with simple links and text then went to tables and setting colors and then i moved to css to further help design my site. then i moved to php to make a message board and some other cool things. i've been doing this for at least a year and a half now but i have known css and html well for about a year. once you get the concept of tags you should be able to learn html quickly.
  2. ok so i'm a bit confused. the problem is with the object tag? in the quote box is from the page you supplied. are you thinking there should be an image after "you can display a picture:"? there isnt. the code that is supplied there is supposed to be in code form and not an image.
  3. ok so i was boooord and found the today's top ten posters. but it seems to be in the timezone of the forum and not of me. for example for me it is 7:36 am and it says i alredy have 21 posts. i have posted no more than 10 probably like 5-7 posts. businessman332211@hotmail.com hasn't loged in yet today in my timezone so his posts for today should be 0 but it says 12** all numbers were recorded at 7:36 in my timezone. the numbers may be different for other people. I consider midnight to be today (12:00am)
  4. do you really have that many visitors that you need to run your site on two different servers? i'm not sure if this is what you want really but here it is. <?php$rand = mt_rand(1,2);if($rand == "1") { //redirect to other server}else{ //stay at this server}?>you will have to fill in the if statements with how you want to redirect the user.
  5. SFB

    Session variable

    um I'm not sure if that is true, I always use session_start(); on all the pages i use sessions on. even the ones i set them on. I guess it doesnt hurt to use it if you dont have to but i think you should.
  6. too bad your server got hacked.
  7. I would perfer to work in the serverside area but if the project doesnt use php then i would work with (x)html/css. I dont think the (x)html/css people have to wait. they should be working before the image people because then they can tell them where, whatsize and for what purpose they want the image. the server side language people will be able to work on the processing of forms and things like that while the image and (xhtml)/css people work on the layout.
  8. there are websites that will tell you an estimate of how long it will take to load your page based on its size. just type in loading time test in google or your favorite search engine. then you type your url in the site and it gives you an estimate. http://www.websiteoptimization.com/services/analyze/http://www.1-hit.com/all-in-one/tool.loadi...ime-checker.htmabove are the first two from google. i like the first one better but they were both good when i used them
  9. SFB

    Session variable

    without seing the whole script its hard to tell but check if you have session_start() at the top of each page you use the session on.
  10. could you give us a link to a page where you are experiencing this problem. i havent had any problems using flash and the FireFox browser
  11. well on this forum his name is dcole.ath.cx but normaly he is just dcole or his real name is dan. his website is http://dcole.ath.cx email is dcole07@gmail.com or autocaddan@gmail.com
  12. I was only sugesting having a register that would be for all blogs. not a login. i didnt say it would be easy or even possible. if it worked banning could proabably be done with a combination of individual blogs only or for all depending on what the person did. the more i think about having all the blogs connected to one site for the users, the less it seems possible
  13. you should really email or pm dcole.ath.cx. he is almost done with a php search engine. he would be able to help you a lot
  14. think if you submitted to a guestbook 200 times ever second. man they would have one cloged up server. banning of dcole's ip would not be good because it is the same as the ip to his server. that would mean that his site and mine would go down
  15. I always wanted some sort of blog on my site. one that had a full admin pannel but i never got around to it. it would be interesting the somehow have you register on one site and then any website that used our blog (if it is what we make)you would be registered and be able to leave comments and things like that.EDIT: It would be hard to stay loged in from site to site but at least you would be registered.
  16. i actually dont think it should be your choice where the link opens. i think it should be the user's choice. i always have links open in a new tab unless it is a link to a page on the same site.
  17. i'd place it in the embed tag somwhere also i dont think the embed tag has an end tag. if you are using xhtml you should end it like <embed (stuff goes here) /> just like a br tag <br /><objectclassid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,0,0"width="425" height="350" id="movie"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/Yi4GkqwqI_Q" /><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/Yi4GkqwqI_Q" quality="high" width="425" height="350" name="movie" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"plug inspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" autostart="true" /> </object>
  18. SFB

    Virtual Tours!

    the way i would do it is take a bunch of pictures then print them out and arange them. now set your first one as a background and then make arrows and place them on the page as a link now when the user clicks on an arrow use php or something to change the background one to the left. and then display the corect arrows on it. if it ends up being too chalenging just make seperate pages for each .
  19. i dont think this idea has been mentioned. a blog. that should be slightly less complicated thatn a forum and more complicated than a message board/guestbook
  20. SFB

    Help me please

    Even without metat tags google should get something from your page and display it there. in your case it cant because you have an extra page that you see before entering your site. i would recomend removing it. that extra page is like a gate to a search engine. it has to open it and then go on. it is basically worthless to the search engine. if your homepage was the first thing the search engine saw it would be redy to get to work. it could collect the data it needs to put a description below your link. personally i dont like an extra page before your main site but the decision to keep or get rid of it is up to you.
  21. SFB


    lol this it cool. i didnt realize this space exsisted
  22. SFB

    making a poll for my site

    edit: sorry i cant figure out why i am getting doubble posts. i am not trying to but it is happening. i dont think i am clicking post twice. i know, i must be clicking on "add doubble reply" button
  23. SFB

    making a poll for my site

    I'd like to say he is too lazy but currently he isnt working on hosting as much as he is working on his search engine. over time he probably would go figure out how to configure it but if i wanted it that hour/day i had to do it. ini_set seems to work now. must have been doing something wrongI had xampp but then got rid of it for lack of use and it was slowing down my computer on startup. i would login and then have to wait an extra amount of time before other programs would open.
  24. I dont see the point in making a guest book more complicated than it needs to be. i could see using ajax to update the page so you dont have to change what page you are on but otherwise i dont think you really need things like a search. a message board is usually one long thread where people say hi, I like your site and some other nice things and a few people ask some questions like how did you do this but its not like a forum where you should search for it. (i suppose other people's opinion on that would differ) a swear word / spam filter can easily be done i added one to my message board in under 2 hours. i dont understand what the drag and drop boxes are. is that like for formating your text like you drag a bold tag over a word or something? I am sort of also against js. just because some people block it (i wish they wouldnt). i can see using it in places where the user could get along without it. like in this reply box. i can type in BBC code insted of clicking on the link to get it.EDIT: lol that was like a doubble post but it was all in the same post. (everything was in there twice) sorry i will try not to let the forum have an error again lol
  25. yep just about all the am radio stations and some of the fm stations went down. i was like turning the dial on the radion(battery powered) and i'm like where is KRBI(our local station) and then i got a flashlight and was like nothing really works on this radio. i got about 3 stations that came in clear and the rest were like all blurred together like they didnt have strong enough signal to block the other station out of their frequency. now all works again. I heard last nignt that the only way to st peter from mankato was to like take this rout that takes your west of st peter then you go back twards st peter. there are like 2 direct ways from st peter to mankato and both were blocked.
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