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Everything posted by davej

  1. davej

    Browser checks?

    I just installed IE9 and it overwrote IE8. So now I don't have IE8. Well, I guess I do on my other computer. I'm not familiar with Wine.
  2. No, that is the issue. For security reasons the path is unavailable. In fact it will give you a string something like "fakepath/yourfilename" that actually says "fakepath" so there must be a way to get a file handle, unless they expect you to store the entire file contents.
  3. Yeah, I would like to understand this. I was looking at some example code and the drag prevention didn't work. In fact I posted that question here somewhere... http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=46045
  4. Saw this question posted to Yahoo... List the six basic rules needed to create syntactically correct HTML5 codeand briefly describe each one. http://answers.yahoo...&paid=add_watch So what could these six rules possibly be? Close your tags? Use lower-case? Begin with a DOCTYPE? Use the W3C validator?
  5. In Javascript it is held in the element.files[0].name.
  6. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deep_Web http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_Internet
  7. I don't know because it is one of those "line 0" errors, however I had it happen again in a different page and in this case Chrome threw an exception on value1.toFixed(8) when the value was a null. Firefox did not. I have not been making use of the developer tools for this sort of thing. I guess I need to learn how to do that.
  8. I have been working with some code and now get a javascript error in Chrome but not Firefox or Safari. Is that a common situation? I have never seen it before.
  9. Well, you can save the file name and you can save the file contents. I just don't know how to save the file handle since knowledge of the path is apparently forbidden.
  10. What browsers do you use for checking your pages? I have been using Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and IE8. I guess I should also install IE9 but I've been reluctant. Does anyone care about Opera?
  11. Looks interesting. I did a little further testing on my page and it failed miserably. I guess I need to implement your approach. I wonder if there is a table somewhere documenting all of the common mobile device screen sizes? I wonder about simply using percentages to set the page up. That might be easiest if it will work correctly. All that is generally needed is a set of screen-width decision points regarding how many columns you would want to set up.
  12. Good question. The path is hidden so I guess the only thing you could remember would be the element or the element.files[0] object. Does that act as a file handle?I have a similar issue with the color picker -- and in that case there shouldn't be any browser security confusion.
  13. http://www.w3schools...ialgradient.asp I'm having trouble using this. It seems to die if I try to use it on rectangles as they get longer.
  14. Have an example which shows drag being prevented by having the dragStart event handler return false, but that didn't seem to work for me, at least not in Chrome. http://www.w3schools...draganddrop.asp My question is basically this: if you have several draggable objects that need to be dynamically undraggable, what do you need to do to disallow an attempted drag?
  15. Had some odd results... but I think I fixed it. Are there any remaining problems with this code? <body><canvas id="canvas" width="500" height="500"></canvas> <script>var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas').getContext('2d');canvas.strokeStyle="#FF0000";//redcanvas.lineWidth=10;canvas.beginPath();canvas.moveTo(10,10);canvas.lineTo(490,490); alert('canvas is still blank -- next stroke');canvas.stroke();canvas.strokeStyle="#00FF00";//greencanvas.lineWidth=30; canvas.beginPath();canvas.moveTo(490,10);canvas.lineTo(10,490); alert('next stroke');canvas.stroke();canvas.font="35px Verdana";canvas.strokeStyle="#000";canvas.fillStyle="#F00";//redcanvas.lineWidth=1; alert('next fillText');canvas.fillText("HTML5 abcABC",50,250); //(string, xStart, yStart) alert('next strokeText');canvas.strokeText("HTML5 abcABC",50,250); //(string, xStart, yStart)</script> </body>
  16. davej

    HTML Editor:

    You can have an issue opening the file with the browser. If your file associations are set properly then the .html file should appear in the folder with your browser icon -- meaning that double-clicking on it will open the browser. Otherwise you can start the browser and then use File>Open File... in the browser to find and open the .html file, although each browser is a bit different. You don't want to save as a .rtf file. That is "rich text." You want plain ascii which is a .txt file.
  17. You could start by reading... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firewall_%28computing%29http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Router_%28computing%29http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Switch_%28network%29http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_network
  18. Why don't you simply edit your header.png image to include the logo? That would simplify the situation.
  19. You lost me. The login has ten fields? What is the disadvantage of the radio button?
  20. I made it taller than the screen so that I could have a large map and scroll down to look at the data only if I wanted to, however I thought the map looked slightly off center.
  21. davej

    vb 6 in w7

    I think Microsoft still gives away VB6 to students, but it may not be available otherwise. http://www.fortypoundhead.com/showcontent.asp?artid=20502
  22. I would like to also test an Android phone but I don't have one available. I have occasional access to an iPhone. My test page is here: http://www.stlnetwork.net/geomap/default.html
  23. In Firefox I get a popup asking if I want to share my location. In Chrome I see nothing. I just get the error: PERMISSION_DENIED Does anyone know how to get Chrome to ask for permission? Thanks ----------------------------- Edit-- Ok, it does seem to work if I upload the html file to a webserver. It does not work if Chrome is looking at a local html file.
  24. Anyone know how to get this thing to accept an initial value? I'm tired of seeing it come up black. Just adding value="#0F0" doesn't work.
  25. davej


    Oh, I didn't think about that. This is my cleaned up version of an example where they had the strings plugged in directly. I did not think of parameterization since the types are not declared. I guess it would prevent SQL injection. Looking here... http://www.w3.org/TR/webdatabase/ Is this feature dying?
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