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Everything posted by davej

  1. I see these links: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synchronized_Multimedia_Integration_Languagehttp://www.w3.org/TR/2008/REC-SMIL3-20081201/
  2. davej

    Error in code?

    Are you really saying that you can't see what's wrong with that line? It is pretty obvious. http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_img.asphttp://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_comment.asp
  3. davej

    Malware Crawler

    Some time ago I was writing a WebClient tool using .NET that was essentially a screen scraper, but then I went on to other things and never really finished it. I was wondering if anyone has written a tool that would allow you to visit "attack websites" and the tool would pretend to be a browser -- and record what happens.
  4. Uh, you say Java but you mean JS. Very different. document.getElementById('image1').style.opacity = 50/100;document.getElementById('image1').style.filter = 'alpha(opacity=' + 50 + ')';
  5. And you can't just change it? http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/pr_pos_z-index.asp
  6. davej

    Css3 animations?

    Do you really think it is wise to seek work as a webpage designer when you are still just learning the basics? I mean you don't even have an ordinary css menu on your sample webpage: http://www.website2013.site50.net/ http://css.maxdesign...rial/roll10.htm http://www.1stwebdes...tton-tutorials/ http://ntt.cc/2010/1...developers.html EDIT-- I do see from your posting history that you have actually been quite active in the PHP forum, so why doesn't your webpage seem to offer any PHP functionality? I see a very simple webpage.
  7. davej

    Oracle PL/SQL ?

    --update-- In Oracle SQL the CREATE TABLE has an option regarding the "organization" of the table... http://psoug.org/def...RGANIZATION.htm http://docs.oracle.c....htm#ADMIN11684 I'm not sure what to make of this. I thought the PK was always indexed. I doubt there is a equivalent in SQL Server or MySQL. Is there? More discussion of this topic here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3382939/when-should-i-use-oracles-index-organized-table-or-when-shouldnt-i
  8. davej

    Moving image?

    I think if you are truly interested in web development then the student version of Adobe "creative suite" might be a good idea -- but even the student version is not cheap -- and it has a big learning curve. It would allow you to do a variety of photo-related manipulations including GIF and Flash animations. You absolutely should also invest in a digital camera. Really though, an animated GIF image is not much of an accomplishment. Certainly it is not nearly as important as a good menu design leading to a good selection of interesting material. All I have seen you post is a bare-bones webpage with a resume. That is hardly enough material to keep anyones attention for more than a moment.
  9. davej


    Do you really need a favicon? Do you really need three stylesheets? You used the DOCTYPE for xhtml and then ignored the RULES for xhtml. http://www.w3schools.../html_xhtml.asp
  10. davej

    Java and Dr. Evil

    I think it is dismaying that OpenSource projects can end up being owned by a company that has no motivation to preserve them and actually may have purchased them for the purpose of destroying them.
  11. davej

    Java and Dr. Evil

    The problem was identified and Oracle didn't care enough to fix it. Some suspect that Oracle is trying to kill OpenSource. http://techcrunch.com/2012/08/18/oracle-makes-more-moves-to-kill-open-source-mysql/
  12. Example of a function: function ave( x,y ) {var z = (x + y)/2;return z;} Once this function has been declared it can be used elsewhere. Your code can simply call it. var myAverage = ave( 33, 67 ); http://www.w3schools.com/js/js_functions.asp An event is something like a mouse-click or a mouse-over or a page-load. In order to monitor a particular event you assign it to a particular function which is then considered an "event handler function" for that event. http://www.w3schools.com/js/js_htmldom_events.asp
  13. I posted this in General, but I'll also post it here in the specific Java area... Does this threat imply the use of malicious applets? I'm not sure. http://www.cbsnews.c...-java-software/ "The U.S. Department of Homeland Security is advising people to temporarily disable the Java software on their computers to avoid potential hacking attacks.The recommendation came in an advisory issued late Thursday, following up on concerns raised by computer security experts." http://www.us-cert.g.../TA13-010A.html http://www.slashgear.com/turn-off-java-they-warn-heres-how-you-do-it-12265037/
  14. See... http://www.cbsnews.c...-java-software/ "The U.S. Department of Homeland Security is advising people to temporarily disable the Java software on their computers to avoid potential hacking attacks.The recommendation came in an advisory issued late Thursday, following up on concerns raised by computer security experts." http://www.slashgear.com/turn-off-java-they-warn-heres-how-you-do-it-12265037/
  15. Easy. Go here and download chapter 5. In particular take a look at example 5.17. https://github.com/c...tml5canvas/code
  16. Very good. I didn't notice that ApplicationModel was the code fragment shown. The types don't match up in various places and that passed parameter should obviously be PetShopName, although that in itself seems a bit crude. Wouldn't you want the user to select from an enum of valid pet shop names?
  17. davej


    While we are on the topic, does this example preload the image content? I have never been clear on that.
  18. davej

    Browser issues

    Rather than guess what you are attempting to describe you might want to simply post a link to it.
  19. davej

    CSS into CSS3?

    Ok, I did not look at your code so I should not have commented or jumped to a conclusion. And I have to admit that I don't really see much value in this and wonder if I may be misunderstanding what you are wanting to do? In your code I merely add an id to the bottom of the css file... #rot {transform:rotate(-30deg);-ms-transform:rotate(-30deg); /* IE 9 */-moz-transform:rotate(-30deg); /* Firefox */-webkit-transform:rotate(-30deg); /* Safari and Chrome */-o-transform:rotate(-30deg); /* Opera */} And then I add an id to the image... <a href="http://ar.linkedin.com/in/eduardlid"> <img id="rot" src="Eduard%20Lid_files/btn_viewmy_120x33_es_ES.png" alt="Ver el perfil de Eduard Lid en LinkedIn" border="0" height="33" width="120"></a>
  20. davej

    CSS into CSS3?

    Why is something so trivial a problem when there is a clear example? http://www.w3schools.com/css3/css3_2dtransforms.asp <html><head><style>#rot {transform:rotate(-30deg);-ms-transform:rotate(-30deg); /* IE 9 */-moz-transform:rotate(-30deg); /* Firefox */-webkit-transform:rotate(-30deg); /* Safari and Chrome */-o-transform:rotate(-30deg); /* Opera */}</style></head><body><div><img id="rot" src="btn_viewmy_120x33_es_ES.png" alt="linkedin"/></div></body></html>
  21. Thanks, I noticed that there are some odd issues.
  22. davej


    Well, I wrote a trim function a few years ago but then the other day I was lazy and just tacked on .trim() like you would in most languages, and it worked. So I don't really know what to do, but then I'm not really working on anything that matters right now.
  23. You can set the height or allow the items inside the div to determine the height. http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/pr_dim_height.asp
  24. I do see some strange stuff when I download your page. Are you on a server that requires ads? Maybe I just don't see the ads because of my ad-blockers. You also have a folder with a mysterious small "pixelxxxxx.gif" and some compressed javascript.
  25. Well, first of all, your current website is very simple. You don't even really use ordinary CSS features as much as you should. You don't even use a background image or a banner or a proper CSS menu. Try improving that before diving into new material. I see now that you do have an animated gif, but the animation is barely noticeable. And what is the topic of your webpage? Web design?
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