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Everything posted by Skemcin

  1. How do you exactly mean. Are you talk ing about ColdFusion Application Mappings? The DEV license is the same as the Enterprise version only with 2 ips served rather than unlimited.
  2. Refer to the second post - those are the only methods I am aware of.
  3. what you bolded in your quote is basically telling you that all the files can be used as is. however, the <cfinclude> files that they provide might have to be modified (just the structure of the file path) so that you do not get a "template not found" ColdFusion error.If you get a clean page of AJAX and ColdFusion, I'd be interested in seeing/studying it. I know AJAX is only compatible with IE and FF, but it is something I'd like to consider toying with on a few intranet applications.(thanks in advance)
  4. Skemcin

    AJAX Forum

    True - but I think it might be something to keep an eye on. There are distinct rules on how AJAX works and it might (just might) deem a separate discussion area. I don't know if it should be ruled out all together - but it is important to understand that it is based off of javascript and XML - which are already addressed here. On the other hand, is having a AJAX forum and different from having a DHTML forum - where "D" is the javascript/css and "HTML" is (well) HTML?
  5. Skemcin


    lol - no just recalling how many times I've said the same thing . . . not wanting to say it again . . .
  6. Skemcin


    ...and that would be my cue to clarify (once again) the differences between:a.) web programmerb.) web designerc.) web graphic designerSome links to read up on:1.) http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=37182.) http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=77813.) http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=26464.) http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=21025.) http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=948
  7. yes, it is a combination of server-side and client-side scripting. I have not used it yet so I am not much help there.
  8. Skemcin


    you are starting out with a <cfelseif> you first must have a <cfif> before you can use a <cfelseif>. The elseif can only be nested inside a <cfif>,<cfelse>,</cfif> combination.That might be all it is - let me know if it still errors out.
  9. Cool - I replied to the other post. And I will try to get back to the Array post as well.
  10. it sounds like you are looking for a solution that uses either Flash Remoting or AJAX.I'm not completely following your request, but if one drop box is controlling the contents of another drop box, these are the only four options I know of:a.) use flash forms and flash remoting (no post back)b.) use html forms and AJAX (no post back)c.) use html or flash forms and create a post backd.) run all the queries hen the page loads and use javascript to populate the correct drop box for each selection (too much processing for large drop box selections)Is this pertenant to the application you are trying to build?
  11. Well,This is how I do it: <style type="text/css">.switchcontent{ display:none; }</style><script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.iribbit.net/i/_files/toggle.js"></script><a href="java script: void(0);" style="" onmouseover="this.style.cursor='hand'" onclick="expandcontent('xxxxxx')" title="xxxxxx">xxxxxx</a> | <a href="java script: void(0);" style="" onmouseover="this.style.cursor='hand'" onclick="expandcontent('yyyyyy')" title="yyyyyy">yyyyyy</a></div><br /><br /><br /><br /><!--- xxxxxx ---><div style="display:none;" class="switchcontent" id="xxxxxx"><strong>xxxxxx:</strong><br /></div><!--- yyyyyy ---><div style="display:none;" class="switchcontent" id="yyyyyy"><strong>yyyyyy:</strong><br /></div> Just more the "expandcontent('xxxxxx')" and wrap the appropriate areas as needed for your application. Cross browser support and been reliable to me over the years.
  12. am I missing the obvious?you have omitted the following tags to close your page: </tr></table></body></html> Plus the comments in the code do not follow the correct syntax.Other than that, I'd give it a 10.Concerns:a.) the use of background images can have some adverse effects. They don't print by default and if the font size is increased or decreased by the user (very likely for a number of reasons) you loose all control of making sure the text doesn't over extend your background image - at least in the way this code addresses it.b.) what font color is used in the content area? will it be legible online as well as if printed?c.) your links - I know they are just to fill the space - are not coded correctly, all external references need the "http://" in front - otherwise, just use a "#" sign.d.) too many beveled edges. Bevels are used to create depth, separating one thing from another - pick out the thing that you want to draw attention to and bevel it - not every design block - IMO.e.) how is the site footer going to be handled? All in the middle content section or underneath the entire site? I prefer the latter.
  13. Skemcin


    search the web for royalty free images - that's a start.
  14. Skemcin


    post more of your source. The SQL that is generated looks like double single quotes as opposed to a single double quote. This could be a simple fix.Sorry for not replying the last couple days - real busy over the weekend.
  15. Skemcin

    Source Safe

    I use a combination of Dreamweaver's built in functionality ( I kno wits not the best) and Araxis Merge.I absolutely love Araxis Merge and highly recommend it - although it is a little expensive for my taste - it is worth it.http://www.araxis.comhttp://www.araxis.com/merge/
  16. Skemcin

    Online Shop

    this may go without saying, but this may be over your head. BUT, I am never one to discourage anyone from giving something a try - and I respect anyone who does.So, let me outline a couple things for you so that you can completely understand some vital points (NOTE - this is a high level overview):a.) realize you are dealing with money - and other people's money and if you do not respect that then you can find yourself in a very ugly situation pretty quickb.) first, you need to decide when you are going to accept payments online. Are you only going to confirm a card online then process it offline when the site is launched - or are you going to do it all online from the very beginning. If so, then you need to find a gateway that works with your current banking system. If you do no process cards right now, then you need to start from scratch and make sure the service you select offers online and offline processing. If you have a service, then check to see what you have to do to make online transactions possible - hint, fees involved. Does your merchant use PayFlo, Authorize.Net, or someone else?c.) shopping carts a dime a dozen these days and you get what you pay for - trust me. my hosting comes with its own shopping cart and if I didn't think I had the best hosting around, I would use it. Funny thing is, I do feel I have the best hosting available so I feel that if I were to use a shopping cart it would be the one they offer - I have simply not accepted any jobs that involve e-commerce outside the two I am working on right now. Oh, make sure your shopping cart is programmed to run through your payment gatewayd.) once a shopping cart is selected and an appropriate hosting service, you next concern should be support - both from hosting and from the cart - ESPECIALLY if you have no idea what you are doing. I have used a cart in the past that will set up/configure your cart in a development and production environment - I can provide their information is needed.e.) now that a cart(keep in mind the server-side scripting language used) and a hosting service(keep in mind the server-side scripting language offered) has been selected, you need your "certificate". That would be your SSL or secured socket license. Prices range and typically directly reflect the amount of insurance you need. Just do your research. Many hosting services offer a shared SSL so you can avoid that if you can live with https://ssl124.yourhost.com/yourdomain in place of https://www.yourdomain.com.f.) now you AREN'T ready to go live. You have ot market your site and that takes a little fore-thought. This is not the Field of Dreams - you build it, they won't come - you need to advertise. That may be easy for some situation and harder for others - it all depends on the target audience and how accessible you are to that audience when you plan on launching.g.) still not ready . . . cuz if you did all this before doing a cost analysis and business plan, then you will have no idea if you are going to make enough money to make it worth all the effort. Let me help a littl here, if you do no thing you are going to GROSS more than $3,000 a month in online revenue alone - then don't waste your time.Hope this helps.I need to start a subscription service for all the consulting i do on these forums!!:)BTW, if you truly are not able to use a pre-built cart and you have never done this before, I'd say you are in over your head (with all due respect). I, for one, do not want someone learning how to do things with my money. Leave the financial responsibility up to someone who has already been there - a proven, pre-built cart.
  17. Yes, that was the point of my statement - an adaptation of the original authors statement. lmfao - the whole post is off topic - what harm would any other statement be at this point?Dark Chocolate M&Ms - now THAT's a blessing.
  18. nuf said! I could not agree more. Technology, by definition, is simply the application of an observation, identification, description, experimental investigation, or theoretical explanation of phenomena. Therefore, technology alone cannot be blamed for anything - it is the user that is always to blame.It is why lawsuits filed against the cigarette and gun manufacturers are so contraversal. If our society were to hold true to any consistency, we would be suing automobile manufacturers every time a drunk driver gets behind the wheel and ends up killing someone.With great technology, comes great responsibility.
  19. Skemcin


    The <cfsavecontent> tag can be very useful - and I think you realize that - have fun with it!:-DI <cfparam> every variable I use on a page except those I am using to as a defined condition. That meaning, if #form.userid# is being used anywhere on the page, then I param it so that my page doesn't error out. Thats the main reason I param a variable - even if I have some other failsafe - I like being redundant. Plus, I did it in that example so I can run the code all by itself.As far as the error - can you post or PM the exact error - rarely, they point to a line that is not the problem. If you are missing a # then it sometimes shows the error on the line/column of the next # since it thinks the variable never began or ended - depending on the way the code is written. Anyway, send me the url or a copy-n-paste of the error and I can see what you have.Do you have debugging turned on? If so, you will see a all the actions the Cold Fusion server performs at the bottom of the page - after your site. You'll see every SQL statement run, all your session variables, all your CG variables, etc.
  20. You can choose to consciously ignore the theoretical and philosophical roots behind anything all you want. But your subconscious is still going to impact your morals and beliefs. It is for that reason that theoretical and philosophical are so important - they help reveal the motivations the control the human mind.If you truly did not care about all the "deep" things about like - then you would choose to not have an avatar. The fact that you have chosen to use the Gimp logo as your 'tar suggests that you have put thought into how you wish others to perceive you. You may discount that as - "heck, I just like the logo" or "naw man, I just like the software" but the relationship between you and your avatar shows a certain depth to your thinking.It obvious that if theoretical and philosophical ideas were not discussed then we would never be able to learn how to deal with people. We would be left only to tolerate their behavior - and tolerating is the worst thing you can do throughout your life. Either accept it, get rid of it, but never tolerate it.In any respect, living in superficial world will never allow you to appreciate everything that it is composed of. Chocolate, be careful with this kind of statement"Why would we dig deeper into our world when the superficial surface around us pleases us?"Would you say that if your superficial world was surrounded with murder, lies, corruption, prejudice, and poverty? You can be one of those people that turn a blind eye to all the problems in the world if you like - and you may find yourself around a select few that stay on that journey with you, but people like me have a word for people like that - snob. I mean absolutely no disrespect in my comments, but I think it is important to understand how that perspective might be viewed by others. You are young and you have many experiences ahead of you - I am only worried that this angel will greatly reduce the opportunities.Respectfully,Skemcin
  21. Skemcin


    ha - yeah that's the right way - I sometimes forget that the form values like that are considered arrays even though they dump like a string.that is the better way to do it.To make it neater, try this: <cfparam name="counter" default="0"><cfparam name="form.users" default="0"><cfsavecontent variable="sqllist"><cfloop list="#form.users#" index="i"><cfoutput><cfset counter = counter + 1>'#i#'<cfif counter neq listLen(form.users)>,</cfif></cfoutput></cfloop></cfsavecontent><cfquery name="qryUpdateUser" datasource="xxxxxx"> UPDATE User_Table SET Approved = 1 WHERE UserName IN (#sqllist#)</cfquery>
  22. Skemcin


    so, #form.users# ends up being equal to t1,t2,t3,t4andyou need it to be set to "t1","t2","t3","t4"The quit and dirty way to do this is fairly simply.<cfset form.users = "'0,#form.users#,0'"><cfset form.users = "#replace(form.users,',','","','all')#">First, recreate your variable so that it is in a format that you can use to globally replace certain characters.Then, its hard to see in the forum font, but basically, replace all your commas with the quotation (one or two single quotes).after this code, put in this:<cfdump var="#form.users#"><cfabort>The <cfdump> tag, very useful, will output the value set at the time the dump tag is processed. You can place it wherever you want how ever many times you like - before and/or after just to see the changes if you like.The <cfabort> tag stops all processes at that point - so its nice to stop database action from occurring before you are ready.For more fun with <cfdump> set the var to #application#, #server#, #cookie#, #session#, #cgi# to see what other variables are at your disposal at any time.Anyway, let me know if that helps.
  23. most people have been using flash to do this. you can make sure that hte file is compressed and is set to stream. if you are depending on the client to have the right plugin for the particular media type - you might loose more people than your gain. Search the web, I think there are online utilities that will allow you to upload a sound bite and return your the little flash play/pause file.
  24. Skemcin


    Here is how I would handle the concerns you address:a.) I always do client side form validationb.) I back up my client side validation with server side validationc.) It doesn't matter if you use page A or page B to process a form, any one can place a page on their local drive and submit to your page. All my action pages check for both a certain submit button value and for the page(domain) referrer url. This ensures that only a certain page(s) in my domain are posting to my applications.ie: http://www.iribbit.net/i/contactme-action.cfmAs for returning errors - I either use alerts on the action page or I use server side includes on the action page for error catching. I, then, either have the link that returns the user to the form look like a link or have it as an actually form button posting back to the original form page. That page, just like the action page, use the same set of <cfparam name="form.myvariable default="myvalue"> tags. It simply doesn't matter what page does the processing, the form page still has to have all the code written into it to be prepopulated.Another reason I seperate my actions from my forms is to make server log analysis much easier. I can isolate errors or slow request much easier. I don't have to think - "oh does this page have a form on it is it a post or get, how do I know if this page is showing an error for some other reason".In any respect, I mentioned that each developer has his/her own conventions. ColdFusion logic, I feel, is very easy to separate form from function and display from action. I, honestly, am not versed in asp or php enough to formulate a real evidenced based comparison. It probably still wouldn't matter since a developer is still going to do what they want.:)I can only advise you to try each way that might be presented to you and give each a fair shake. Then, adapt or modify it to suit your needs.I've got more rationale if you have more questions.:)BTW, the example I provided doesn't have the referring URL check in it - I don't think, - I'd have to check.
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