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Everything posted by Skemcin

  1. are people annoyed by the # appearing in the URL and confusing them. I had a client once that was VERY irritated with that techique. Aren't people fun? :)I hadn't hear of the issue, sparatic as it may be) you mention. It interesting to note though.
  2. copy-n-paste each layer seperately maybe
  3. has to do with the combined use of divs with absolute positioning and tables for your layout and how IE tries to figure you where you are on the page. I'm not sure how to resolve this one - - I'm not sure there is a subtle way to correct this . . .you code isn;t wrong - IE is more than 3 years old and only knows CSS1 - to a limit
  4. lol - probable the latter . . . The site does look (not busy at all) good and load time is awesome - less than a half a second on a T1 and only 2 seconds on 56k. I think those are the two most important things to get out of the way - speed and distraction - more speed and less distraction always makes a site more inviting to return to.
  5. Looks alright. Here are my recommendations: get all the pages to validate if you're gonna place the buttons in the footer your contact us page has table, so I'd pull that tabless button on that page the ehader takes up a lot of realestate - I get the first paragraph or so, but then I have to scroll. And since its the same image for each page, it becomes a distraction to always have to look past it page title grpahics seem out of proportion get your news in an rss format and add the <link rel="alternate" ...> tag pointing to it. the mission statement is positioned in a manner that makes it seem not as relavent - when it should be more evident, imo i can't figure out if you need HOME and CONTACT US in both the header and the side navigation - my first impression is that it shuld be one or the other - but if you're worried about them missing it - then I guess I would feel that my design is not giving it just the right about of attention
  6. a better syntax for the alternate solution aspnetguy offers is: <a href="javascript: void(0);" onclick="window.close()">Leave</a>
  7. welcome to the forums.why recreate the wheel - just download one of hundreds of web forums available and install it on your server.just google asp.net discussion board
  8. WOW - Happy Holidays to you right!!
  9. Let me guess, it works for IE but you are prompted before the window closes. The window.close() will work for a something like a popup window but not for the entire browser instance in certain browsers.Typically, you really don't want people to "leave" your site. Its like a car salesmen asking you if he can help you and then him saying "leave" when you say "I'm just browsing thanks".But, if you want to do that, then just link them to w3schools.com or your favorate search engine.P.S. your syntax is correct.
  10. Have you tried using ? link1 link2 link3 link4 link5 or or a <table> <table width="100%"><tr><td>link 1<br></td><td>link 2<br></td><td>link 3<br></td><td>link 4<br></td><td>link 4<br></td></tr></table>
  11. Its not impossible but its very very extensive coding - nothing I can afford to due at this point in time. The concept just seems like one of those things a very wealthy person would pay you to do just to have it - when all you would need to do is go to another computer.
  12. Skemcin


    From a form, yes. A form can only do action="get" or action="post". But, php, like asp and cold fusion, can place variables in different scopes. For instance, you could have anyone of these as well:_GET_POST_COOKIE_SESSIONetc.re: http://us3.php.net/variables.scope
  13. _GET defines the scope in which the variable is stored. It is always better to get in the habit of including the scope of the variable in all your calls. In ensures that a variable is not being defined in some other, unexpected, way - i.e. being hacked.
  14. Skemcin


    GET passes the form information through the URL where POST does not.GET is typically used when a form is related to a search tool. Notice after you do a searhc on google, that you have along URL with all the information you submitted contained in there. Having the information in the URL allows a user to bookmark the page. So when they return they don't have to post the same information in a form.POST is typically used for a form that only intends to send information one way - to the server. So your log-in forms or forms that collect demogrpahic information are going to be using the POST method.Rule of Thumb - when in doubt, use post - or - If you're not searching for something, use post.
  15. before:mypage.cfm?showme=themoney&color=green after: mypage.cfm?showme=themoney&color=green Try that.arrghh - it keeps interpretting it:to replace the "?" you need this:?(all on one line)
  16. I'm not sure of your entire applcation, but if you have server side includes (SSI) available, I've taken all my <option> code and put them in an include. So that I can use that include where ever I might need it. This is especially easy when that list of choices is dynamic - data driven include for <option> in a select - hmmmm so nice - like Baileys Irish Cream and Hot Chocolate on a 3 degree day.(btw, man its cold today)
  17. add a scene - so that you have Scene 1 and Scene 2 make sure your current movie is in Scene 2 In Scene 1, make a new movie frame by frame as you normally would at the end of that scene/movie have it automotacially goto the first frame of Scene 2
  18. Here ya go:http://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_entities.asp
  19. Have you tried this method of pulling xml data into an html file:http://www.w3schools.com/xml/xml_data_island.asp
  20. Skemcin


    HTMl and Javascript will not be able to anything for you all by themselves. Both are client site languages which means they only do things once they are downloaded/accessed through the web browser.Simply mentioning "internet banking project" almost automatically dictates the use of a server side scripting language like asp, php, jsp, or cold fusion.The ONLY way I know you can do ANY online "banking" (and that's stretching the term) is to go through paypal. They have a means of having your HTML form post to their website (go through their processes) and then return the person back to your site. I've done for several sites, its not too bad.Hope this helps to get you in the right direction. If you can provide a little more information about the project we can be a little more specific as well.P.S. welcome to the fourms!!
  21. Skemcin


    nice analogy, they are always fun. so using that appraoch, once I put all my things in my shoe boxes and I "arrange them ... under my bed" that means that when I go to view my page(bed) I don't see what's in my boxes because they are under my bed! Are you speaking in layers? Is my site(bed) behind a firewall or password protected . . . :)Sorry, I couldn't resist. It is, really, a great analogy. I think it accurately illustrates how things "should" be done.
  22. Thats a good question. I think the quote button is supposed to allow you to include multiple quotes at one time in one reply. I've only been able to get the last one I click to show up in my reply (speaking of the quote button). I'm used to the phpgroup discussion board where you either hit reply or quote and that action opens your form to type - its weird having to click quote and then reply - but I'm getting used to it.any more information on the problem you originally posted?
  23. yes, if you want to chat with yourself:)javascript is a client-side scripting language which means it only gets executed once it is downloaded to a visitors PC. You could actually do it - but it would HAVE TO require some other language to help, html, php, asp, cold fusion. you would need something to connect from one machine to the other and javascript cannot do that alone. it would also have to rely on the <meta> to refresh the chat room window in order to see new responses.Now, if you asked if you could do the same thing with java, then you're answer will be an undisbutable yes.
  24. I'll let our resident expert on php email, Chocolate570, take it from here. He'd probably rip off the solution more quickly than I . . .
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