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Everything posted by Skemcin

  1. \n is also a return is it not?
  2. Skemcin

    help !!

    Here is help on tables (the <tr> and <td> tags):http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_tables.aspHere is help on the <br> tag:http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_br.asp
  3. Skemcin

    ves need help

    no frames, the marque is just a tag and it is used inline with the rest of the page ocntents.
  4. Skemcin

    Saving HTML Pages

    First thing, the HTML document that you are loading and wanting to save, is it its stored and or created on your server (is it dynamic in some respect)?That information will help just to understand exeactly what you expect.In any respect, I am not sure how asp or php can do this but with Cold Fusion, I could use the <cfhttp> tag which will load a webspage and set its entire contents to a single variable. From that, I would use the <cffile> tag to create a txt or html file out of the variable. This could be set up to either save it on the server and/or give it to the client.
  5. That is your CACHE - temorary internet files. When ever you surf teh web, every page and its associated images gets downloaded to your computer. Then your browser loads those images so you can see them. The place that is stores those files (which it hold only temporarily) is called your CACHE. You can determine how temporary you would like the files to be kept - I, personally, have my browser set to get the latest file every time and not cache anything. I do this because I am developer, and since I view the same page over and over again after each change, I do not want the browser to show me an cached page if it has been changed.Post a link to your forum so we can take a look . . .
  6. Skemcin

    Need same help

    Yes, if you code all your Portugeuse pages into english or invest in some translation software.
  7. When you install any version of Photoshop (including CS) it also installs Adobe Image Ready - that can be used to create animated gifs.Have you psd file open and in the file menu use Jump To and it will open Image Ready with your PSD file loaded. Then add new frames, tween, optimize for the web, etc. . .
  8. Skemcin

    ves need help

    its the marque tag: <marquee direction="left" behavior="scroll" scrolldelay="10" scrollamount="1" loop="-1">text 1 | text 2 | text 3 | text 4</marquee> but I don't beleive that it appears in the HTML 4.0 or XHTML 1.0 standards.Another IE proprietary tag that seems to continue to linger around.
  9. Skemcin

    I need help

    you make a page and then a link will load the page into one of your frame windows. each frame window is labeled with a name. therefore, to get the page to load in the correct frame, the link has the target frame defined.so, you do not target teh text to a frame, you have to create another page and then when you link to it, you tell the link in what frame to display the pagehttp://www.w3schools.com/html/html_frames.asp
  10. post the url (web address) to your page so we can see how it is coded . . .
  11. The fact that it looks soo much like HTML made it sooo easy for me to learn. Its just like HTML except every tag starts with "<cf..." - so you have <cfif>...<cfelse>...</cfif>. And the tags are logical so when you learn you just need a tag reference book or site and you can figure out what you need to do in very little time.That entire site that I linked to is all coded in Cold Fusion. All the flash movies you see are not developed in flash, they are generated on the server by Cold Fusion tags - its pretty slick.That interface allows you top play with the code - so have at it - its nice.
  12. Actually search this forum first - you'll find this entry:http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=1017Trying to password protect your site with javascript is like telling a thief you locked your car but the keys are on top of the driver side tire.Javascript is a client-side language which means that the code resides on the client PC and the code gets executed there too. So, if you have logic built that protect a page, allI have to do is look through your code (reverse engineer it) and I'll find out how to get in.You will have to use one of two (or both) methods:a.) server side scripting language (php, asp, cold fusion)b.) server directory services (pasword protect at operating system level)
  13. Here is a nice little introduction to the code! (check out the code snippet explorer - top navigation)
  14. Skemcin

    Ruby on Rails

    Yeah, Cold Fusion is kind of like the Apple of scripting languages. Allaire made a decision long ago to charge fro their server which made it hard to distribute the technology just as apple decided not to allow their pc and os to be build under generic names. So both have had a less than desirable showing in the market over the years although the underlying technology is just as functional (if not more so in some cases). With Adobe now driving teh wheels, time will only tell . . . There are more php and asp jobs out there but there also a greater range of expertise that can make selection criteria inconsistant - in the CF community . . . the fact that you are there tends to mean you know what you're doing and CF jobs - are pretty easy to get hired for - and I am self taught.:)I've got a few jobs I'm working on throught the holidays so I'll keep the board posted on any CF Tutorials I might manage to get posted.Thanks for the interest.P.S. Isn't server side generated flash the coolest thing?
  15. This is what I would recommend to any e-commerce beginner - do it in this order: First, implement a simple "DONATE" button via paypal on your site - this will get you to understand how to make a form that includes a return url that will collect money. Second, implement paypals (or similar - i.e. yahoo) out of domain pre-build shopping cart so you get a larger understanding of how you need to build a product database and understand fullfillment Third, find a third party cart that can handle all your requirements, install, implement, learn Fourth, ok, maybe by now you are ready to take the resonsibility of coding your own cart from scratch. Without learning everything from the previous experiences, you will have no clue about the financial risk you undertake when you try to code a cart from scratch - don't mess with people's money - a novice cart will have holes that you could drive a truck through.
  16. Skemcin

    Best One

    As aspnetguy points out, javascript is the only language that can perform client side validation. It would be a good practice to use javascript for that and then use your serverside scripting language to validate that as well - since it is client side, I could conceivably get around the validation - never trust anything you do or ask to be done on the client side.Anyway, just understand that a language can either be client side or server side - it can't be both. That is why it is so important to make sure you find ways to make them work together (again what aspnetguy eludes to). HTML, like javascript, is clietn side only - all it doesn is display information and asp, php, and cold fusion cannot do anything without their respective engine to process them, so the source code would be useless if it were rendered on the client's pc. Well, useless in that it can't do anything, very useful to a nosey person what could figure out what its doing (but thats a different story) ewww, that sent a chill up my spine . . . lol:)
  17. My guess is that you will need to study up on your HTML before taking the exam.I've taken the HTML and CSS quizes on this site and somehow got them all right. I'd suggest doing the same before taking any other formal test - otherwise you might be wasting you time and money.
  18. argggh, how did this one slip under my radar. . . another missed opportunity to plug Cold Fusion.
  19. I see it, its all black with some dark grey lines that look like they resemble the header graphic on the site.P.S. Its not on your homepage but once I enter the site it is there.
  20. this is a complicated network related scenario. w3schools doesn't really address network configurations - its focus is more on the web development.sorry, I can't help you too much in that area - if someone else here can, I suspect you'll hear from them shortly.
  21. Skemcin

    <hr> styles

    Glad it worked out. Hats off to you going the strict route - I wish I had the time to pursue that. I updated the code, In my section where I showed the source code, I had inadvertantly include teh code used to show the "Valid XHTML" button - which obviously doesn't relate to the solution. So I took it out so its easier to see how the code would really look - just the three lines.Happy Coding!!!
  22. Skemcin

    Layout Problem

    ahh - remove the height:100%;from the <body> and <html> definitions and it looks good in FF, IE, NN and Opera.In fact, I took out all the "height:100%;" definitions and it still works in all the browsers - I'm in Windows 2000 Professional.
  23. Skemcin

    Layout Problem

    Sorry, not sure if this helps much, but the CSS seems to validate but does return these three warnings (not errors): Line : 3 (Level : 1) You have no color with your background-color : body Line : 3 (Level : 1) You have no color with your background-color : body Line : 51 (Level : 2) Redefinition of margin-bottom : .LeftBoxBtm
  24. Skemcin

    Ruby on Rails

    lol - I've actually already come to grips with the fact that Cold Fusion tutorials will not be introduced here. It would require the CF engine to be installed on the server that this is hosted on. So, until that happens, I'm SOL. I imagine that would be the same reason RoR will not be offered here as well - its not installed on the server. But, I hope to add some CF Tutorials that mirror the ones found here - I'll let you know when/if that happens.Here is something you might like! (check out the code snippet explorer - top navigation)
  25. Skemcin

    Best One

    My personal preference is Cold Fusion. If you already know HTMl, then transitioning into another tag based language is easiest. It still gains more and more popularity, its free to develop in and unless you are looking to host your own server, its just as accessible in third party hosting services - so cost is not an issue.Everyone has their own preferences, and you will hear folks swear by Cold Fusion (me), and others that will lean you toward PHP or ASP. Each have their subtle differences that feed their advantages or disadvantages. So it most commonly comes down to the environment that your application will reside in and how you learn.I'm gonna leave it at that for now. I URGE other members to be careful answering this thread - I will be watching it to make sure it doesn't get out of hand.Bhushan Please go through the ASP and PHP tutorials here and eve explore some Cold Fusion ones here:http://www.webmonkey.com/webmonkey/program.../tutorial2.html(a little dated, but a good preview)And get a feel for which ones you warm up to faster. Then, ask a little more specific question, this one almost opens pandoras box.
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