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Everything posted by Skemcin

  1. Skemcin

    set up window

    ALWAYS format the PC when you want to upgrade your operating system. Back up all the data you want to preserve on CDs or DVDs and make sure that all your devices have drivers for the newer operating system.
  2. sorry, I have to - I know you have to start somewhere, but omg: but in this industry you don't outright advertise that you have no clients. You always make it sound like you've been in business for some undisclosed about of time. operative word - little and offer. how about promise or guarentee?I'm sorry, I am all about helping startups, but this just crys out "I'm doing this 'cuz I can not cuz I know what I am doing".I've worked for someone like this and I have hosting with a service like this - its most likely third party hosting (they use someone elses network and rely on them) which is never a good way to go.Sorry RedBB, I can't give you a thumbs up - especially since you have: two links label "HOME" in your left navigation six of the eight links in your navigation are broken you've already told me you have no clients no terms and conditions to know if you are keeping my information I submit private and not reselling it to your affiliate or advertiser (note not plural) too many "coming soon" promises no SSL used when signing up you "muli-host"/"image uploader" thing does nothing but take my image that I upload - where did it go? you have '); characters accidently appearing after a </script> tag so it is the first thing that appears on the site. did I mention none of your links work - oh yeah I did. WARNING - don't start a hosting service at 4:00 in the morning when you're drunk!I need to stop there . . .
  3. Skemcin

    Best One

    The good news is that all the major languages have FREE developing tools (including cold fusion). I was elated when Cold Fusion switched to a J2EE server engine - its much more stable and that much more expandable. But it stil has that server cost. In any respect the host I use does and excellent job managing php, asp, and cold fusion hosting packages and all at very competive rates. The only main difference I have found is that the Cold Fusion server licensing cost doesn't allow them to offer a $9 package like it does for asp and php. But if you're using Cold Fusion, you tend to be doing more than just tinkering around so it would be fairly rare to use a smaller package.There is no doubt that this discussion is like trying to figure out which is better, the Toyota Sienna, Honda Odyssey, or Chrysler Town and Country.(arggh man, I'm talking mini-vans instead of muscle cars, my wife would be proud!)
  4. I wonder if it is just a limitation in that class then. Have you researched any aftermarket .NET classes that may offer more functionality and even perhaps address the transparency issue. I can't see how you are doing anything wrong as I understand that the transparency characteristic is something that is specially treated by the appropriate software and can easily be dropped if a transparent image is opened and saved in a program that doesn't support that capability.
  5. I know in Cold Fusion this would be directly related to the server side custom tag that I would be calling to do the resizing - my code would not be able to do anythinng about it.In ASP or .NET, are you calling functions from within a standard DLL? Or are you installing an "after market" DLL to perform the task?
  6. cool. glad to help out.
  7. Skemcin


    great - glad it worked out.if there was any trick to it, other might find it helpful if you paste a snippet of code here.
  8. Skemcin

    Best One

    the compiled code is one of the nice aspects of .NET and the fact that it mingles with other Microsoft Technologies - mainly C#. I am a working in a .NET Association Management System where I develop web applications - mainly a new bookstore for my place of work. So I am seeing the benefits of it there. One note I think aspnetguy pointed out once before was that the compiled code (dll or set of dlls) could essentially be an entire website. This makes it easier to distribute your code with out the source being available. So if you developed a slick content management peice, you could distribute it much more easily in .NET than any other language.But, I'm still a CF Guru!
  9. Skemcin

    Best One

    very very yummy post boen_robot - nicely done. I can't wait to share this breakdown with my boss - if you don't mind.:)makes me feel much better about my choice of programming languages - Cold Fusion
  10. Skemcin

    Best One

    You do not need to pay for cold fusion unless you are going to be a cold fusion host. Adobe (who just bought Macromedia) offers a single server license for Cold Fusion which is all you need as a developer on your local pc. Once you need to move a site live, just like anyone else, you find a hosting service - I recommend Crystal Tech for any paid hosting, including Cold Fusion.Cold Fusion is just as accessible as php and asp - just not as popular yet.
  11. Skemcin

    ves need help

    post the url to your site/page or post the code in a [ codebox ]
  12. take a screenshot of what you set up in your word processor and lets have a look at what kind of layout you are after.
  13. Skemcin

    smallll query

    more subdomains - just like http://javascript.internet.com you can set up http://www2.internet.com or http://www3.internet.com.
  14. I wouldn't call it "unsafe". But just understand that since cookies are stored in the text file and since they record what you are doing when you are on a site, if you have the file open the browser is not able to modify the file (since it is already open) so what ever changes the browser is trying to make would not be made. It CAN be unsafe in the respect that if you open a cookie and modify it someway that it could decrypt and/or make information more readily available to a curious site. And just the opposite - you could edit your cookie to try to get more information from a site that it really wants to - both are commonly known as Cookie Poisoning. Unsafe is, I think, too scary of a term - I would prefer to say it is not advisable to play with you food.
  15. have you tried to viewing it in another borwser, i.e. firefox, to see if it is abrowser issue on your pc or if its a pc or connection issue. If you see the same thing in FF or Opera, then something else is happening.
  16. Skemcin


    So you are trying to load an external website into a fame in your site using the Regular frame method?
  17. Skemcin


    You have to figure out if you are going to use regular frames or internal frames:Regular Frames:http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_frames.aspInternal Frame (iframe):http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_iframe.aspIn any case, they call a seperate HTML file all together. Review those two links and post any issues you have afterwards.
  18. Skemcin

    ves need help

    yes the content in the middle of the page is coded using <iframes>http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_iframe.asp
  19. tagtag.com - or just google "free wap hosting" for more options
  20. add 0px margin and padding to your html,body css class: html,body{margin: 0px;padding: 0px;overflow: scroll;}
  21. Skemcin

    ves need help

    BY inline, I mean, just put the <marquee> tag where ever you want it to show up. You do notneed anyhting else except the tag - no java, no javascript, nothing else. The web browser already knows how to generate teh effect just by simply using the <marquee> tag.<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"><html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"><title>Marquee Test</title></head><body><marquee direction="left" behavior="scroll" scrolldelay="10" scrollamount="1" loop="-1">text 1 | text 2 | text 3 | text 4</marquee></body></html>
  22. Skemcin

    HTMl new pages

    we would appreciate that problems and solutions be presented here, in the forums, so that others can learn from the experience as well.thanks
  23. what kind of internet connection are you accesng the site with?what browser are you using?what operating system are you running?can you post an screenshot of what you are experiencing?
  24. Yes, your history is different than your cookies. History is a list of web sites that you have been to where cookies are little text files that store information about you for any particular web site. Not all websites use cookies, but many do. So it is common to see a web address in your history and see a cookie for it as well.Your cookies are stored in the same place that your temporary internet files are stored. If you click "Tools", "Internet Options", "Settings", and then "View Files" you will see all your temporary internet files. If you sort them by file type, you will easily be able to see your cookies, your images, and your web pages that would coinside with your history.I, personally, keep 0 (zero) pages in history and 5mb of cache. I hate history, I never use it, as I rarely tend to "forget" a site that I went to or need to go back to. I always felt history was hard to use since it isn't visual. If a browser came up with a way to thumnbail your history and/or bookmarks, that would be nice!(hmm. makes me think about a new extension for Firefox)Hope this helps
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