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Everything posted by holmedwa04

  1. holmedwa04


    Will all of the levels have different bullets?
  2. holmedwa04


    How many different levels can you have?
  3. holmedwa04


    Ok, so do I need to put a doctype and typeset or whatever on all of my pages?If so what will they look like and how will I make them?
  4. holmedwa04


    It says something about nodoctype?
  5. holmedwa04


    Im confused, the tutorial that I followed, told me that you didn't need to close any <li> tags?
  6. I dont know, I can see you problem, I would just try making a copy of the one you like the best and then adding the content you need to it?
  7. holmedwa04


    If I wanted a list, with different types of bullets, would I just nest another unordered or ordered list in a parent list? Like this: <ul> <li>Bullet 1 <li>Bullet 2 <li>Bullet 3 <ul> <li>Bullet 3.1 <li>Bullet 3.2 </ul> <li>Bullet 4</ul> And then would the bullets 3.1 and 3.2 be a different bullet?
  8. Oh right, so it wont affect my coding then?
  9. Use a style sheet, make one by opening notepad and inserting this:a:link { color:#0000ff; text-decoration:none; }a:visited { color:#0000ff; text-decoration:none; }a:hover { color:#00ff00; text-decoration:underline overline; }a.2:link { color:#0000ff; text-decoration:none; font-weight:bold; }a.2:visited { color:#0000ff; text-decoration:none; font-weight:bold; }a.2:hover { color:#00ff00; text-decoration:underline overline; font-weight:bold; }a.3:link { color:#000000; text-decoration:none; }a.3:visited { color:#000000; text-decoration:none; }a.3:hover { color:#00ff00; text-decoration:underline overline; }a.4:link { color:#ff0000; text-decoration:none; }a.4:visited { color:#ff0000; text-decoration:none; }a.4:hover { color:#00ff00; text-decoration:underline overline; } Then save it as style sheet.css. Now in the head add this:<LINK rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="stylesheet.css">Then just set the colors you want, to use the first style type, use a normal link, to use a second type this:<a class="2" href="www.site.com">And if you want to use any of the other styles replace the 2 with the appropiate number.
  10. I thought you needed to use this:<a href="www.site.com"><img border="0" src="image.gif"></a>?Which one is correct the most, if you get what I mean?
  11. Where is the question or problem you are asking about? All I can see is a whole bunch of code.
  12. Right, I have downloaded and installed ConTEXT, but I am not sure which highlighters I need to download?
  13. oh right, I was under the impression that you had to use this java script: function initRollovers() { if (!document.getElementById) return var aPreLoad = new Array(); var sTempSrc; var aImages = document.getElementsByTagName('img'); for (var i = 0; i < aImages.length; i++) { if (aImages[i].className == 'imgover') { var src = aImages[i].getAttribute('src'); var ftype = src.substring(src.lastIndexOf('.'), src.length); var hsrc = src.replace(ftype, '2'+ftype); aImages[i].setAttribute('hsrc', hsrc); aPreLoad[i] = new Image(); aPreLoad[i].src = hsrc; aImages[i].onmouseover = function() { sTempSrc = this.getAttribute('src'); this.setAttribute('src', this.getAttribute('hsrc')); } aImages[i].onmouseout = function() { if (!sTempSrc) sTempSrc = this.getAttribute('src').replace('2'+ftype, ftype); this.setAttribute('src', sTempSrc); } } }}onload = initRollovers; And then you add a link to it in the head I think, then you made two images in the same folder, one with a 2 at the end of the filename.It seemed a bit complicated to me, and I thought there must be some other way, because obviouilsy you can use CSS for normal text rollovers.
  14. Yeh, that is really quite a good way of explaining it, I have never thought of it like that! Lol
  15. Yeh, I meant about you couldn't colour code the actual coding to help you check and write it, a bit like excel makes differnet colours when writting a formula with lots of cells in.But the indenting seems to work, how do you indent, do you just use spaces each time or tabs?
  16. Oh right, so can you specify points also with just the normal <font size=" "> tab?
  17. Thats no problem at all, I find nested tables to be one of the most complicated things that I learned, and it does take a while to remember that you need to close them all in the right place.It is a shame that you cannot colour code them, so that you can see all of your different tables that are nested.Anyway I Congratualte you for soving your problem!
  18. Well, I though this would be IE discussion? This is a retorical question, its a question that does not need answering.
  19. There are absolutly loads of HTML tags, and as I am sure you are aware, it is hard to write them all down, and so there will be many that you see from new. As W3C is the "World Wide Web Consortium, a body for standardising Web Technologies". Then there shouldn't be any that are missed, although tags do depriciate. I find that if you follow a good tutorial you will learn most that you need to know, and then if you have any queries, just contact someone on here by sending a post. Try this really good tutorial Click Here
  20. Do I have to use the hexcodes?Edit, It is alright, I have just matched the colours as close as I can to a hexcode.
  21. No I just mean, as in the set sizes, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 thats all.Thanks it works now, I just need to know how to set the size for text in tables?
  22. so how would I make it size 3, color balck and face arial?
  23. Hi,Does anyone know how I can set the basefont, colour and face of all text in a stylesheet?
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