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Everything posted by holmedwa04

  1. holmedwa04


    No, sorry that wont work, because it will always make the left border 1, right 2 and so on, unlless, I used different classes in the style sheet?It should look like this.
  2. holmedwa04


    Well a sudoku is a 9 x 9 grid, and within that grid there are 9 3 x 3 grids, and I am trying to create on on the PC in HTML.So I need to be able to have a thicker border on some edges.Can I use a code like this, or does this not exist?<table><tr><td left border="1" right border="2" top border="3" bottom border="4"Hi</td></tr></table>
  3. holmedwa04


    Oh right, in that case do you know how to customise certain sides of a cell in a table, as I am trying to make some online Sudokus?
  4. Cant he just use <center>Text Blah blah blah</center> ?
  5. holmedwa04


    Hi, does anyone know how to make a PDF document actually show when you click a link, without opening Adobe Reader. Just show it in the same browser window?
  6. You could use this, but this doesn't allow you to use pictures, it just allows you to change the colours. And also it only works in IE apperently?body { scrollbar-3dlight-color:#000000; scrollbar-arrow-color:#FFFFFF; scrollbar-base-color:#000033; scrollbar-darkshadow-color:#000000; scrollbar-face-color:#000066;scrollbar-track-color:#000099; scrollbar-shadow-color:#000033; }
  7. I dont sopose you could upload a demo, so we could see what it looks like?
  8. holmedwa04


    Me neither lol, well I have found it now!
  9. I though valign was usually in the middle, but when the images were not linked, it showed the little crosses, and I thought that they might be in the middle, but they were not. Anyway I have fixed it now, and the slight problem with the colours is fixed now aswell.
  10. I thought it might have been something like that, but im really sorry, I couldn't be bothered to check all of the codes!
  11. The colour chart I have has the RGB values aswell so, yeh thanks
  12. Yeh, that has worked thanks! Yeh probally, but Cronthenoob has fixed it for me. I thought CCCCCC was part of the 256 colours anyway?
  13. When I set the background for a cell to CCCCCC, and then I set the background of the actual image on an image editing program to CCCCCC, when I look at the image in the cell, there is a difference in colours. Why do you think this is.This is the page herePlease can you help me, because it is really bugging me!
  14. Its alright now, I think it was because I was linking to images that were not even there, and so when I made them, it aligned them correctly.
  15. No, I think they mean menus the will drop down when you hover over a link.
  16. No problem, im always willing to help, and estatic (well maybe not, wrong word) when I have actually helped someone!
  17. No, it stiill doesn't seem to be working, is it because I am using align="center" aswell? Here is the code:<table border="1" width="100%"><tr><td align="center" valign="middle"><img src="logos/25translogo.gif"></td><td><img src="logos/40translogo.gif"></td><td><img src="logos/50translogo.gif"></td><td><img src="logos/60translogo.gif"></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="gray"><img src="logos/25greylogo.gif"></td><td bgcolor="gray"><img src="logos/40greylogo.gif"></td><td bgcolor="gray"><img src="logos/50greylogo.gif"></td><td bgcolor="gray"><img src="logos/60greylogo.gif"></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="black"><img src="logos/25blacklogo.gif"></td><td bgcolor="black"><img src="logos/40blacklogo.gif"></td><td bgcolor="black"><img src="logos/50blacklogo.gif"></td><td bgcolor="black"><img src="logos/60blacklogo.gif"></td></tr></table>
  18. It doesn't seem to vertically center the image, is it because is is part of a link?
  19. You might be able to change the percent, im not sure, try it. No I am saying that you can use either width or height, because it will keep the aspect ratio. Only unless you want to change the aspect ratio, do you use both. And no, the size parameter can go in any order, and wherever, as long as they are insde the < >.
  20. When changing the size of an image use this code:<img height="pixels" width="pixels" src="mypic.gif">You can use either height or width, because it keeps the same aspect ratio, but you can use both if you like.
  21. Just wondering, what are flame wars?
  22. holmedwa04


    Now, I know this sounds stupid, but I can't seem to valign an iamge in a table, this is the code:<table><tr><td align="center"><a href="mysite.html"><img src="mypic.gif"></a></td></tr></table>Can anyone help, I have already done the align one, just the valign im having trouble with.
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