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Everything posted by holmedwa04

  1. I would just like to add to that, that if you are trying to align text in tables, some sites say you cant, but if you just use the <p align="right">Text</p> it will work!
  2. Ok, thanks thats all really.
  3. So, if I dont use the websafe colours will they perhaps appear dithered?I dont usually use other than websafe colours, its just for one site template that I have made.
  4. Ok, thanks so it isent a problem to me, just to leave them in then?
  5. Am I best just using the web safe colours then?
  6. Oh, right, I didn't realise, does it stop it from working in other browsers or just make it display normally?
  7. holmedwa04

    Help me please

    Hi,Meta tags consist of two parts, keywords and a discription, it appears from looking at you source code that you are only using keywords.This is the format of a Meta Tag: <meta name="description" content="What you want the search engine to display."><meta name="keywords" content="Keywords or phrase you want people to search for, separated by commas with no fullstop at the end"> Does this help you?
  8. holmedwa04

    Help me please

    Have you actually submitted you site via google or has it just found it automatically?
  9. Hi,I feel it is best to use the forums, because it is more live if you know what I mean, people can answer your questions, whereas it is sometimes harder to follow a tutorial.And also someone is bound to know about what you need to know on here!
  10. I quite agree, not many people use netscape, and if they really wanted to view your site properly they would you a browser that works with it.I suggest putting a satisfaction guarantee on your site, then in it mention about which browser it best runs in and what sort of reselution is best for it.
  11. Hi,As most of you already probaly know, when writting a colour you can use the colour name, or a hex value, I have listed the colour names that you can use below:Black,Sliver,Gray US spelling,White,Maroon,Red,Purple,Fuchsia,Green,Lime,Olive,Yellow,Navy,Blue,Teal,Aqua,* Lightblue,* Lightyellow,* Lightgreen,* Pink.* Not always accepted by some browsers.Then obviouly you have the Hex value (256 I think).Link Here to a table of the colours with RGB values as well, the username is: buildmysite, and the password is: now.So here comes my question, why can you use any colour you like if you get the hex number of an image program? Is it because the 256 colours are websafe or something?
  12. I do use CSS, I have my own style sheet, all be it not a very good one, but it does some stuff for me.Its here is you want to have a look at it.a:link {color:"blue"; text-decoration:"none"}a:visited {color:"blue"; text-decoration:"none"}a:hover {color:"green"; text-decoration:"underline overline"}a:link.2 {color:"blue"; text-decoration:"none"; font-weight: "bold";}a:visited.2 {color:"blue"; text-decoration:"none"; font-weight: "bold";}a:hover.2 {color:"green"; text-decoration:"underline overline"; font-weight; "bold";}a:link.3 {color:"black"; text-decoration:"none"}a:visited.3 {color:"black"; text-decoration:"none"}a:hover.3 {color:"green"; text-decoration:"underline overline"}a:link.4 {color:"red"; text-decoration:"none"}a:visited.4 {color:"red"; text-decoration:"none"}a:hover.4 {color:"green"; text-decoration:"underline overline"}body {scrollbar-3dlight-color:#000000; scrollbar-arrow-color:#FFFFFF; scrollbar-base-color:#000033; scrollbar-darkshadow-color:#000000; scrollbar-face-color:#000066;scrollbar-track-color:#000099; scrollbar-shadow-color:#000033} I have used class' on my link settings, so I can have different links.
  13. I seem to remember loosing all of the favicons in my favorties, when I deleted all of my tempary internet files. I think it should store the favicon with the actual favorites when you add them.You may ask the reason why I was deleting my tempory internet files, because MSN wasn't working properly and so when asking help they told me to do that, and it seemed to solve my problem.
  14. holmedwa04


    I know, because, like you say, I am relying on them to have an email, and if you look at the second code, it sends a thankyou page when they click submit, even if I havent recieved an email, but I can use any siver side scripts myself, as I am currently using btconnect to host, and the package I am using is free.I have to pay if I want to be able to use server side scripts!
  15. Lolz, oh right I didn't notice them, I do that alot, I find it really helps.Anyway, many thanks for your time, after about 3 or 4 months I have finally got the template that I wanted working!
  16. Yeh, that seems to be working, but I have borders that I dont really want on all of the tables!Lol, sorry about this.
  17. Thanks it sort of works, but then my pictures that were linned up have gaps?
  18. kk, here is the linkIt is the table that is nested with the Navigation, and main body that I would like to strechto the rest of the screen.
  19. One problem that I have come across is when adding a path to somewhere if you use \ it will only show the picture in IE, you made need to replace them with / that might make it work?It is apparently a bug in IE which lets you use \'s but if you check you code on the vaildater Here it will tell you to replace them I think.
  20. Im not sure how much percent it is though, I just want it to fill the rest of the page, unless it obvioulsy has more content than one page.
  21. holmedwa04


    I cant really see any way around this without mailto. You could use these codes:<FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="mailto:your email?subject=???" ENCTYPE="text/plain"> ...and this code <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Submit Post" onclick="window.location='thankyou.html';"> If you add your email in the bit that says your email, insert your subject, then you can create a rule in your inbox to send all emails with that subject to a certain folder. Then finally set the page you want to send you viewer to, after they have submitted the form.Insert the first code as the start of your form, and the second one just before you put you reset button in.Hope this has helped youNote you need to leave the ? after your email address if you want a subject
  22. Do you think I could use a wildcard, like so, you use them in frames, will it work in tables?<tr height="*">What do you think?
  23. Ah, sorry, I got rid of it, I will upload it agian for you! :)Edit: Right it is uploaded now, sorry about that
  24. Also, how do I get that cell to fit the rest of the page, I have tried all of these and they don't work: <table height="100%"><tr height="100%"<td height="100%" And none of them work, any help please?
  25. Thanks very much, that is great, I think I read somewhere about putting a break in after cells with just an image, but I never really understood it, and I think the font tag was there, because at some point I was changing the font, then forgot to remove it.That is great beond words, because I have been trying to get that working for months and then I just gave up, but when I found W3Schools forums I thought would try and ask here.So, your help is really appricated!!!
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