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Posts posted by Cronthenoob

  1. You could always build a layout in photoshop, use guides to sort of split it up, then cut the thing up in a bunch of peices. Build an html table and throw the sliced up images into the background of the table.Then just host your images somewhere, and copy and paste the table from your text editor into ebay.I think tables would be the best way to go because they allow you greater controll of the layout without the headache. Most table layouts are done with a 3x3 grid.

    <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr>  <td background="image1.gif"> </td>  <td background="image2.gif"> </td>  <td background="image3.gif"> </td> </tr> <tr>  <td background="image4.gif"> </td>  <td background="image5.gif"> </td>  <td background="image6.gif"> </td> </tr> <tr>  <td background="image7.gif"> </td>  <td background="image8.gif"> </td>  <td background="image9.gif"> </td> </tr></table>

  2. I have a liscense for some adobe products for windows, but I'm thinking of buying a mac. Am I going to have to repurchase all of that software. I know I can run their bootcamp software, or apple parrallels program for windows products. Just wondering if anybody had any further information. Can I get a copy of software I already own for a different OS? I'd like to just run the stuff in the mac OS.

  3. You'll have to do something likeINSERT into table1 set id='id', username='username'SELECT id FROM table1 where username='requested_username'INSERT into table2 set id='table1_id' username='requested_username'I'm not sure about the syntax because i've only worked with PHP and MySQL. But the queries would look similar.

  4. What it does is fix the footer to the bottom of the page, it never moves. So yah it kinda floats there. I thought it looked cool, lol. But yah, I have no idea how to fix it for real. :) I'm definatly not an expert, but I try to help people.Sometimes my suggestions get people thinking, and they discover a better answer on their own.

  5. Thanks for clarifying! That makes much more sense.So you want the form to look like the image but still work?The link you posted looks like a great tutorial.I'll try it out and get back to you in a little later :)

  6. The html file just gets the images and makes the header look like it has a search box.There is no actual form anywhere on the page.Are you just trying to be able to type in those text box images?I don't really understand the question! Sorry :)

  7. Ok I've looked at your code. And played with it a bit.In firefox this works, but for some reason in IE the bar gets sent to the top of the page and behind everything else. Sort of like it disappears.I'll mess with it more and see what I come up with.in your CSS for the foot div use this:

    .foot {	position: fixed;}

  8. Yep you got it!

    <div class="wrapper">  All your divs and stuff here   <div class="your bottom links div">   </div> <br style="clear:both"/></div>

    You shouldnt have to give the wrapper div any sort of style, but it might not work the way you want it if you don't.

  9. The way you have your gradient set up, there is no way to not make it look bad when you repeat it. Thats just the way it is. If you stretched the image it would look really bad also. I'd suggest making a new gradient. Or take a few pixels from the bottom of the image and make them repeat at the bottom. But like you said, that looks bad also. Its hard to make a scaleable site with a texture an oddly placed gradient.

  10. I wouldnt use a text area unless you want the user to type something in?Try something like thisHTML:

    <div class="blobtext" style="overflow:auto">Your text goes here</div>


    .blobtext{  filter:alpha(opacity=100); -moz-opacity: 1.0;  opacity: 1.0; -khtml-opacity: 1.0; position:relative overflow : auto; height:340px; width:280px; }

    Obviously you'd change the values to your personal preference :)100 or 1.0 won't change anything, :)

  11. Making a forum is pretty complex. I'm pretty sure no one wants to just create a forum for you and post all the code up here.You are better off using a free prebuilt forum software :) phpbb comes to mind. There are several others :)P.S. Do you mean Forum? or FORM ??

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