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Posts posted by Cronthenoob

  1. Anyways one of the advantages of java is that it can create cookies and change the URL in the middle of the script. Also javascipt lets you use prompts.
    You seem to be using java and javascript as the same word. They are two VERY different technologies.
  2. Ok, thanks, that is working now, only one more problem, how do I get it to align right?I thought there must of been some way to do it, its just not documented very much!
    <td width="77" style="background: url(rightbg.gif) repeat-y;background-position:right;">

  3. The original CSS html, body style:

    Heres my CSS:
    html, body { margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; background-color:#CBCBCB; height:100%;}

    And I changed it to this:
    html, body { margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; background-color:#CBCBCB; background-image: url('../images/gradient_bg.gif'); background-position:center; background-repeat:repeat-y;}

    and now it works fine! :)I also completely took away the innerdiv.Thanks for the help :)P.S. What does the <br style="clear:both"> do anyways?

  4. Try it now . . . I think I fixed it.I put the background image on the html, body style and added center position and background repeat-y on it.

    html, body { margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; background-color:#CBCBCB; background-image: url('../images/gradient_bg.gif'); background-position:center; background-repeat:repeat-y;}

    Before I had the background image in a different div.

  5. So This is what i've got.

    <div class="outerdiv"> <div class="innerdiv">  <div class="content">   <div class="left"></div>   <div class="left"></div>   <div class="right"></div>   <div class="right"></div>  </div </div></div>

    In IE the innerdiv stretches to the size of the content.In FF the innerdiv only stretches to the size of the viewport.If the user has to scroll down in FF, the part that was originally hidden, has no background.Heres my CSS:

    html, body { margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; background-color:#CBCBCB; height:100%;}.outerdiv {width:100%;height:100%;margin:auto;}.innerdiv {background-image:url('../images/gradient_bg.gif');width:800px;height:100%;margin:auto;float:none;}.content {background-color:transparent;width:600px;margin:auto;}.banner {background-image:url('../images/banner_bg.gif');background-repeat:no-repeat;width:608px;height:103px;margin:auto;float:left;}.left { width:435px; position:relative; float:left;}.right { width:160px; position:relative; float:right;}

    I suspect it has something to do with the float, and it takes the dives that are floating outside of their container.

  6. I've got Head First Java, and its has a really good way of teaching the language, I've worked through it about halfway with ease.Maybe they think those are good languages to learn programming logic with?

  7. I just arrived home from a local college because I wanted to sign up for a JAVA course. I have been teaching myself a little java here and there, and I'm getting pretty good at the basic concepts. They wouldn't allow me to sign up for the course because I did not take their "intro to QUICK BASIC" or "intro to VISUAL BASIC" courses. I've got an associates Degree in Web programming already, but they still insisted that I need to take those courses.My question is this:Does learning Java really require those two courses? Why do I need to know those two things in order to understand java if I've already got a background in programming?

  8. I've done that before . . . The database management system I was using at the time allowed me to log in and delete the database. You could delete the whole thing and remake it!! WEEEEEEEEE. . . .Although that'd ###### if you had a lot of info in there.

  9. I tried about 5 different ways, all with the same subject and and message, and one of them went through . . . .I guess I should have changed the message. . . .It took about 10 minutes to send. Could be my works email server . . .LOL, I got another one just now, Funny.Now I've just got to wait and see if the email I sent with the link in it ever gets here . . . . .

  10. Thats a lot of possibilities!My hosting company has awesome customer support, and they gave me the following code to try. It works, exept the part where it sends the email . . . No errors, but I never recieve the emails.Heres the code, maybe I did something wrong with quotes or something?The part where I put the target email address is the $mail->AddAddress part.

    			require("c:\php\includes\class.phpmailer.php");			$mail = new PHPMailer();			$mail->IsSMTP();						$mail->Host = "mail.myserver.net";			$mail->SMTPAuth = true;			$mail->Username = "myemail";			$mail->Password = "mypassword";						$mail->From = "my email";			$mail->FromName = "my name";			$mail->AddAddress($_POST['email']); 			echo $mail;			$mail->IsHTML(true);			$mail->Subject = "Test message sent using the PHPMailer component";			$mail->Body = "This is a test message.";			$mail->Send();

  11. I get an error whenever it tries to send the emailFailed to connect to mailserver at "localhost" port 25, verify your "SMTP" and "smtp_port" setting in php.ini or use ini_set()I know what its telling me to do, but I don't know how I'm supposed to verify my smtp_port?ini_set(smtp_port, port); ????

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