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Posts posted by Cronthenoob

  1. There is a museum here where I work, actually in the building. I wanted to create a virtual tour type thing for our website. I've been researching some different programs but they all seem really expensive, or have a free trial and put a watermark on the panorama.Are there any good free programs out there for this? I will probably only be using it for this one project and I don't really want to spend any money on it.

  2. Alright, well I've got another question.How can I manipulate the PDF when it opens.I want to hide the toolbars and make it automatically do single page mode.Is there a way to do this when the file loads?

  3. I havnt either, thats why I was asking.I'm about to try it now.Yep, you can put a pdf as the source of your iframe. Thats pretty nifty. Ok now time to resize it because its tiny. . . . REALLY TINY. :)

  4. Yah, im still working, almost there, lol.alright, this doesnt seem to stretch it and put gaps for the images. Try it out.

    <html style="height:100%"><head><title>Shape Making Club - CCMS</title><style type="text/css">img{border: 0px;margin: 0px;}</style></head><body  bottommargin="0" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" rightmargin="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" bgcolor="#04053D" text="#FFFFFF" link="#3F9CDC" vlink="#3F9CDC" style="height:100%"><table width="100%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" height="100%"><tr><td width="70%" colspan="2"><marquee behavior="alternate"><font face="arial"><B>Shape Making Club - CCMS</B></marquee></td><td align=right valign="bottom"><img border="0" src="top_right1.gif" width="319" height="22"><br></td></tr><tr><td width="12%" align=left valign="top"><img border="0" src="swirl.gif" width="90" height="117"></td><td align=left><font color="#3f9cdc" size="6" face="arial">Shape Making Club</font><BR><font color="FFFFFF" size="1" face="arial"><BR></font><font color="FFFFFF" face="arial">@ CCMS</td><td align=right><img border="0" src="top_right2.gif" width="184" height="184"><br></td></tr><tr><td height="80%" colspan="3"><div style="height:100%"><table border="1" width="100%" height="100%" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0"><tr><td width="15%" height="100%" valign=top>This is the navigation bar.</td><td width="70%">This is the Main Body</td><td width="15%" style="background: url(rightbg.gif) repeat-y;background-position:right;"> </td></tr></table></div></td></tr></table></body></html>

  5. Try copy and pasting this

    <html style="height:100%"><head><title>Shape Making Club - CCMS</title><style type="text/css">img{border: 0px;margin: 0px;}</style></head><body  bottommargin="0" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" rightmargin="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" bgcolor="#04053D" text="#FFFFFF" link="#3F9CDC" vlink="#3F9CDC" style="height:100%"><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" height="100%"><tr><td width="70%" colspan="2"><marquee behavior="alternate"><font face="arial"><B>Shape Making Club - CCMS</B></marquee></td><td align=right><img border="0" src="top_right1.gif" width="319" height="22"><br></td></tr><tr><td width="12%" align=left><img border="0" src="swirl.gif" width="90" height="117"></td><td align=left><font color="#3f9cdc" size="6" face="arial">Shape Making Club</font><BR><font color="FFFFFF" size="1" face="arial"><BR></font><font color="FFFFFF" face="arial">@ CCMS</td><td align=right><img border="0" src="top_right2.gif" width="184" height="184"><br></td></tr><tr><td height="70%" colspan="3"><div style="height:100%"><table border="1" width="100%" height="100%" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0"><tr><td width="15%" height="100%" valign=top>This is the navigation bar.</td><td width="70%">This is the Main Body</td><td width="15%" style="background: url(rightbg.gif) repeat-y;background-position:right;"> </td></tr></table></div></td></tr></table></body></html>

    I didnt have it with images, but it stretches it to the size of the page. Let me know if this is the solution you are looking for :) If you don't like it, then its back to the drawing board for me, lol. :)

  6. I was having the same problem with the mail() function.Basically I asked the host why it wasnt working, and they sent me to a page that showed a special library? i think that they had installed on the server. And I had to use that for it to work properly. Its called phpmailer. What host are you using?

  7. What if we could supply simple applications for starting web developers?Prebuilt guestbooks, page counters, things like that.Users could log in and edit something, submit it, and then copy and paste the code it spits out.Thats probably along the same lines as things everyone else was suggesting.

  8. The example, is there to show you how to setup an HTML radio button.In order to get the html_form_action.asp to display something other than a blank page, You'll need to learn some ASP and how to request variables from a submitted form.The results are going to the asp page found in this tag:<form name="input" action="html_form_action.asp" method="get">the method is get, so it sends the value of your radio button thats checked to the address at the end of the url.on the second page there is an ASP code that takes the information that was sent, and prints it out, onto the page.Also, check this outif you type this into the address bar:http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_form_action.asp?action=holycrapit says your ###### is holycrap.What the form does is set that action=male or set the action=female depending on what you checkEDIT: For some reason it blocked the word S E X

  9. I have created a template for a website that I am making and even though I have set the cellpadding, cellspacing and border to 0 for all tables, it still leaves a space at the bottom of the cell which stops pictures from joining properly.This is the code:
    <table width="100%" border=1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">

    Can anyone help me, I have also changed the border of all of m pictures to 0 as well?

    It says your border=1" ??try border="0"There is a recent post on this forum where someone had the same problem, I'm searching for it now and post a link when I find it.Here it is Maybe you can use that and figure something out.
  10. Hello all,I'm new to this particular forum, so bear with me.I have the following table called "Info":companyname Address boothnumber boothspace A 11 s st. A 1 100 B 22 b st. B 2 200 I use the following statment:Select companyname, Address, boothnumber, boothspaceFrom InfoWhen I run this it gives two results for the same company, the address and then the boothnumber and boothspaceHow do I combine the output so that I can have the companyname, address, boothnumber and boothspace all on the same line? In other words, how do I pull the company name once, it's address, boothnumber and bothspace when the data is in different rows?Thanks in advance? B
    You can try SELECT companyname, Address, boothnumber, boothspace FROM info WHERE companyname = 'CompanyX'I'm not sure if that is what you are trying to do. :)
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