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Everything posted by Cronthenoob

  1. Check this link! is that the effect you are going for?
  2. Try setting the background-position.background-position:top right;or wherever you need it to be on the page.
  3. At first I didnt see the problem (besides the my_sql errors on the included page)But I typed stuff In and I see whats wrong now. lol.I'm assuming you are using javascript or ajax for that effect? Try including the javascript in the main page instead of the included page, if you havn't already.
  4. Farcry + the orignal Wolfenstein. lol.
  5. That is pretty cool!But it does run kind of slow. If you stop pressing the foreward key, its a while before you stop.
  6. Try something like this: <?$query = "SELECT * FROM table order by name";$results = mysql_query($query);$i = 1;while($e = mysql_fetch_array($results)){ ?> <tr <? if ($i % 2 == 0){ echo "bgcolor='transparent'"; } else { echo "bgcolor='#F0F0F0' style='color:#7E7E7E;filter:alpha(opacity=70);-moz-opacity: 0.70;opacity: 0.70;-khtml-opacity: 0.70;'";} ?>> <td><? echo "<a href='nominationforms/$e[nom_doc]' class='links'>". $e[nom_title]." ".$e[nom_first]." ".$e[nom_middle]." ".$e[nom_last]."</a>"; ?></td> <td><? echo $e[nom_tenure]; ?></td> <td><? echo $e[nom_ret_date]; ?></td> <td><? echo $e[nom_years]; ?></td> </tr> <? $i = $i + 1;}?>
  7. In every class put padding:0px;margin:0px;
  8. did you try setting margin and padding to 0px in all of your classes yet?
  9. hehe, I've done that before, it'd be nice to be able to bold code sometimes.Could you post a screenshot or something? So I can tell what the problem is? I think I sort of understand what you are asking.
  10. What is that thing you have in the css?Try adding padding:0px;margin:0px;to all of your classes.
  11. Just addheight:120px;width:120px;to your td class in your css.
  12. Try this out! h1 {font-family: arial;font-size: 12pt;font-weight: bold;color: red;} That should make every h1 element Arial font, 12 pt, bold, and red!
  13. Use css for borders :)try this outCSS:.borders { height:100%; width:100%; border-top:3px; border-bottom:4px; border-left:1px; border-right:2px;} HTML <table><tr><td><div class="borders">Hi</div></td></tr></table> EDIT: You might have to specify solid black after the size of the borderborder-left:3px solid black;you can use whatever color you want. And you might not have to specify if you want it to be solid black.
  14. If you ever want to have e-commerce capabilities you will most likely need a server side language like ASP or PHP. I don't think geocities allows you to use these languages.If you want to build a personal page, you should start out with xhtml and css. Eventually, as your site needs more functionality, pick up wichever server side language is easiest for you! There are several.After you get started, and get stuck (you will get stuck) just come here! There are lots of active members that help people like yourself all day, everyday!
  15. XHTML is just a way to format your html in a standards compliant way.It just contains the set of rules you need to code a valid html file.that being said, xhtml is not a language, therefore, when you write an html file, you can standardize it by using the rules set in xhtml.
  16. you should change background-repeat:no-repeat tobackground-repeat:repeat-y;But that will make the background the size of the browser always, and you probably don't want that.
  17. Cronthenoob

    php error

    You can, but you must escape the double quotes or use single quotesso you would do echo "<img src='image.gif' />orecho "<img src=/"image.gif/" />and notecho "<img src="image.gif" />You also don't need the () around the echo statement
  18. Maybe some of the newbies want to help out on the project so they can learn and don't really have any suggestions yet? Ohh, ok i get it. That would make sense.
  19. You mean to split up the discussions in this thread into other threads, so people don't have to go searching through 9 pages to find information about the project suggestions?
  20. I know there is going to be a project, and I know I'm going to be learning a lot in the process.Thats my reason for signing up. I won't bail out if the project I selected is going to be used.
  21. We should start a thread and get a list of people that actually want to participate in the project.That way we have an idea of how many votes there should be. Maybe set a "you must sign up by this date" date. And just sit back, and see who all signs up.
  22. This might happen a lot, and my fix was just a quick thing you can use once, but if it happens a lot more, it'd be smart to ignore me and listen to justsomeguy.
  23. try changing your background color to#C0C0C0I took a screenshot, and that is the color that is in the image.
  24. Cronthenoob


    It only takes the files and folders from the current folder. If you click on a link to a different folder, the page comes up and says access is denied, unless of course you put the php file in the folder you are linking too.
  25. Cronthenoob


    It only works If I have the file in every directory and subdirectory.so if i have a folder called "images" with a folder called "good" and a folder called "bad" inside "images"I would have to put the file in the "images", "good", and "bad" folders in order to display everything in all of the folders.My question is:How can I make it so that I don't have to put a copy of the php file in every single folder?
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