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Jack McKalling

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Everything posted by Jack McKalling

  1. a:link { color:#0000ff; text-decoration:none; }a:visited { color:#0000ff; text-decoration:none; }a:hover { color:#00ff00; text-decoration:underline overline; }a.2:link { color:#0000ff; text-decoration:none; font-weight:bold; }a.2:visited { color:#0000ff; text-decoration:none; font-weight:bold; }a.2:hover { color:#00ff00; text-decoration:underline overline; font-weight:bold; }a.3:link { color:#000000; text-decoration:none; }a.3:visited { color:#000000; text-decoration:none; }a.3:hover { color:#00ff00; text-decoration:underline overline; }a.4:link { color:#ff0000; text-decoration:none; }a.4:visited { color:#ff0000; text-decoration:none; }a.4:hover { color:#00ff00; text-decoration:underline overline; }body { scrollbar-3dlight-color:#000000; scrollbar-arrow-color:#FFFFFF; scrollbar-base-color:#000033; scrollbar-darkshadow-color:#000000; scrollbar-face-color:#000066;scrollbar-track-color:#000099; scrollbar-shadow-color:#000033; } Pffffff
  2. You can read up the (X)html tutorial or the CSS2 reference for that.
  3. You should reference to the directory that the image is in, compared to that of the webpage itself. Eg if you have a root directory with a folder called "main", and inside are both the image and the webpage, there is no need to specify a folder because it is the same as the webpage itself is in. Another one, if the image is not in that "main" folder but inside a new folder within "main", then the foldername of that new folder should be specified for the image.If that is to difficult to understand, study the (x)html tutorial, or search for how to target specific files within your directory by URL (it can be either absolute or relative, which the later one is prefered for local files)
  4. You should go for PHP there But you may also choose ASP.NET, that is up to you. I prefer PHP, but who am I :)A server-side language (php) can print your forms, and process your actions at the same file (if you want). Almost anything you can think of, is possible with php Read the tutorial at the site, and try it out. Your host must have php support installed to use it though.
  5. pqb, could you post a picture of what exactly you want? Then we can look what your code should be.
  6. You need to swap the pseudo-classes with the classes. It is example, like this: a.myclass:hover :)Besides, the values of properties must not be quoted, only family names in the font when they include spaces
  7. No I disaggree, we should try a whole year at first hand :) lol kiddingWe'll se what we'll do, won't we?
  8. My I come in between and say that I think phpMyAdmin sucks? :)But that is my opinion, ignore me This is besides the point.I always create my own admin control panel, less danger in doing something wrong, and possibility to hanbd over permissions to your mods if you have.
  9. :)That is what I meant with big amount of votes before you can decide what the mayor vote is for all our members :)Eg 230 votes for a first option, 348 for a second, 154 for a third, etc.Hard to get though.
  10. Your code isn't really strict, you close a table that was never opened, or close it before the last row was closed. Check up your code and notice the validator would like it if you would put all the content of each table element in a <tbody> element within the table :)Use this: <table cellspacing="5" cellpadding="20" border="0"><tbody><tr><td width="55%"><h1>Anna Blackburn</h1><p><h2>Bespoke Dressmaking & Tailoring</h2><p></td><td rowspan="4" width="45%"><img src="Pictures/cover.jpg" width="250" height="400" alt="cover picture"></td></tr><tr><td width="35%" rowspan="5"><h3>Wedding & Evening Dresses a speciality</h3><p>Other clothes also made to measure, either from client's own scheme, or after consultation with our design expert.</p></td></tr><tr><td width="55%"><h2>Handmade Cards for Various Occasions</h2><p></td><td rowspan="4" width="45%"> <table cellspacing="5" cellpadding="20" border="12"><td><img src="Pictures/HPIM2465.jpg" width="350" height="250" alt="example card"></td></tr><tr><td width="35%" rowspan="5"><p>Click on <a href="#topofpage">menu</a> to view different categories.</p></td></tr></tbody></table> But I may have misunderstood what the tables should have been
  11. I haven't nominated anyone, but I voted for one of the already nominated ones. And I voted for a CMS (one a time) What does it stand for again?
  12. Don't worry for that, if we really want to take part of it, and are enthousiastic, it wouldn't get boring anyway
  13. This is even another, but this one doesn't check if browser supports this function. Anyway, adding to favorites should be the user's responsibility, providing a link is only extra confort, not really necessary.
  14. You can post the html you used here, so we can help debugging
  15. Jack McKalling

    Uploading help

    The link to the uploaded file however, can be easily stored in the database.If you want this upload processor to do just that, then expand the following line at the bottom: To this: Or what- and however you are used to connect to your database and execute queries
  16. Jack McKalling

    Uploading help

    Is a MySQL database able to hold files? I don't thinks so :)You should upload them to your directory, and store the link in a database table. I have a public upload program, shall I give it to you, so you can use it as an example? Copy the text from this codebox and paste it in notepad to safe the file.
  17. I don't understand, could you rephrase that?
  18. Freedom of speech *silently aggrees with holmedwa04*
  19. The number itself is not to be the poll answer, but the amount of votes.I only say the more data of the votes we get, the more accurate the data would be, if it is the number of votes, the answers they vote for, the amount is important.But leave that, it was a side note anyway
  20. Ok, the last thing is true, but the first not. You don't have to rename the files themself, or am I wrong and was php not able to rename them by script? if so, I meant the piece of code should have that too, rename files ability.
  21. Yes, not the trying to make it available to, but just receive, as much votes as we can. Sorry, wrong phrased.I mean the number of received votes should be big.
  22. Then its okay. I aggree IE is less protected against malware than other browsers, and that the usement of the computer is as much of importance than security software. That is, actually, the well usement, my fourth security. lol
  23. I have no excuse in arguing. I don't intend to argue, but I have a word for everything you or others say, and I don't mean arrogant. I'll just say, we're both right. Sorry Is it okay?
  24. And to have accurate results, we should let as many members vote as we can
  25. What you describe from your pc, without using IE, is exactly that same to mine, when I DO use IE. Only with three pieces security software added (ZoneAlarm, Spy Sweeper and Norton Antivirus).But I don't say IE is less vulnerabe to threats, you're probably right on that one. I only say using IE doesn't mean you definately get infected.You could say I can do a lot better in downloading not three pieces of software but just one other browser, but if you didn't know that already (you probably do), IE is not the only entrance of a pc, so having that security added is not a bad thing anyway.
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