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Jack McKalling

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Everything posted by Jack McKalling

  1. Latin-1 is one of the character sets ISO granted to be standardly used anywhere on the net. ISO is an organisation that defines standards for everything. There are for example ISOs of dimension units such as meters or kilometers. In everything are standards, that is what ISO does, making standards of everything. There are various character sets certificated by ISO (that hold this "ISO" in its name). All those sets are named ISO-latin-# (where # is 1-15). This "latin" doesn't come from the language of south america, but the language the Romans spoke in history, latin, on which the charsets are based.
  2. I see you are using conditions for which stylesheet you activate, IE5 or IE6. Are you sure you can't make one sheet for all browsers?
  3. Jack McKalling


    You have found the HTML forums huh? lol
  4. It actually is a cool effect though, but unfortunately only build in IE. Other browsers don't support this.
  5. So because it is complex, you should not rush into things before you understand what you're doing.A tip: be very consistent Write and use your expressions always in the same way. Secondly, THINK as regular expressions, and it would not be too hard to understand.
  6. This effect can be found in the DHTML tutorial, along with twenty others :)You can't do this with style though, and it is Internet Explorer Only. But you can however, if you create your page by using server-side languages (like PHP), make a code block in your code that you execute on every page to add this to all pages that the browser receives. But that requires knowledge of that language and some sort of conversion of your pages or even your site. Just to mention, you can't in any way do this with style. Sorry :)With JavaScript might, but the script to simulate this (that on its turn would be cross-browser and not IE only), would be tons of longer code than only one meta tag.
  7. :)Perfectionist aren't you I am too, I can find myself in your request. But some things can't be done, when one thing is wanted but the other too. Maybe is it possible to not let the anchors position on top of the background image? Or place colors instead of images? But you mustn't do that unless you are willing.
  8. Whaha, I see that was in the wrong topic :shocked: :)Myea, go to over there then.My site is over here:http://dhost.info/profmemberone/Pages/FunLinks.php (site called "FunLinks" obvious, but even only one file in the whole site)Unfortunately, my host is down
  9. I mailed it to his address :)You too insterested?But I can't post .exe files, nor mail them, I had to zip it. I am not sure if vchris received it already..
  10. Yeah, W3C recommends defining both color and background color, or none of both. This is because of the possibility that eg yellow on white has, practically invisible letters on your document So if you specify the color, you must also specify the bg color.
  11. I too hate that, but that is up to the organisation of the server-script. It is very easy to pre save the input data and just refilling it in the error showing form :)If I was confronted with a site that does that, the site would look more professional in my opinion (may I show off my own site that does that indeed? )
  12. Wasn't it "inherrit"? I am not sure.You can either just use "transparent" or the actual same colour of the thing that is behind the footer. The later one would validate :)Besides, I don't think using words for colours is valid according to the validators. Though they do work in browsers.
  13. Well I don't understand much of what you said about me But I understand about the quotes.Me myself would do like this:document.write("<img src=\"" + image + "\">");For a simple reason. If all strings in the language are double quoted, and I use PHP for that, I can implement variables directly in the string as PHP can only understand variables in double quoted strings. BUT, you can't double quote inside duoble quoted strings, so I use backslashes (to escape) for the inner ones. JavaScript can't ofcourse use variables inside strings that PHP can, but I program in the same syntax for neat reasons, and habituation.
  14. Please post browser discussioning posts in the Browser Discussion topic, it bothers me here.
  15. Okay :)Well it might just be that this programm wasn't replaced by, but altered in a payed version. In that case, they mean not to support the free one anymore, and then I would do something illegal. But that is up to them, they should have made the decision of charging before they supported the free version :hypocrite:I mailed the SS Free version to vchris, but I don't know if he has received it or not, while it is a zipped .exe file, that may be intercept by his mail server. If someone knows how to post or in general publish this .exe file, I'll happy to listen. I may have uploaded it just to my server, but it is down for the moment.
  16. My mistake, just copied some example code from php.net. I don't do this often myself. :)But at least use that code, with the "application/octet-stream" mimetype
  17. I think (without examining the sourcecode) they might have recreated the form that posts a reply. To do that, you only need to see what fields and what data with what names they use to post the data. Next, the posted text data is altered by script before posting it.It is actually quite simple, remake the form of the Post Reply page, and alter the content of the input data by what you want (ie in this case the prefix "user feedback")You then only need to supply a link to that form as eg an attachment, to direct the users to your new form, and the data will be posted in the topic that was defined in the form by hidden data.
  18. I don't know the background reason, I just can't find "Spy Sweeper Free" anymore :)Either one of those two is the case, it can be a free program (it is) that I can't find anymore, or they started charging for it. At least for "Spy Sweeper" I mean.There are more SS versions to be found on their site, a Full version and possibly more full versions, and a demo. And in the past, the demo, or the title of the not-full version, was "Free"If you put it like that, pirating software, I might just decline giving it, like I not like doing somethin gillegal But still, I want more people to be equiped with this incredible tool.
  19. I fully agree with Skemcin, if one of the mods should be a backup admin besides that we decide not to do that, he would be that one, with all his whisdom, lol He is right, we must stick to what this forum is meant for, development. Skin changes I neither mean with to alter the page templates, but only position/placement, borders and colours etc. No changes like div.mainpage {} into span.mainpageholder {} or something. :)It is a good idea to recreate the look and feel of the site itself, the forum would more fit to the site like being a part of it instead of additional functionality of the site.
  20. Okay, that explanation is enough It doesn't bother me though, I don't have to change that amount to make the border smooth.
  21. I was talking about exactly that progrtam "CWS Shredder". I rarely use it, while I haven't had any CWS since my Spy Sweeper.The version I have is not a demo version, that is what I mean. This version was firstly what right now the demo is. My version os yet totally free unless you are willing to pay for the full version. The reason why I personally want to give this to you, is because you can only find the demo online.
  22. You can create or get a php script for that, go here:http://nl3.php.net/manual/en/function.header.php This will always get the download dialogbox open. (should)
  23. No, the @'s over here do not have the same meaning as in occasional PHP Here, they have got something to do with (SQL) user variables Anywhere else in php, they prevent php form showing an error, but not in an sql string.
  24. Jack McKalling


    Whaha, I should have know that actually, I didn't noticed
  25. You are talking about Content-Type headers don't you? Yeah, that is very cool indeed. I already use it to create a PHP stylesheet Looks a bit (very) strange when you see the following, that does is valid with such header::<link type="text/css" rel ="stylesheet" src="stylesheet.php" /> (still anyone not knowing how to use javascript in the stylesheet? even better: use PHP!)
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