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Everything posted by rootKID

  1. sorry for late reply, and yes. i do know this, just where and how?...
  2. ###### YEAH! ITS WORKING! ... thanks bro .. just what i needed! ..
  3. Hello, and sorry for late reply... but would this work: <?php$news_query = "SELECT * FROM news_simple";$news_expanded = "SELECT * FROM news WHERE added + ( 3600 *24 *45 ) >".time()." ORDER BY added DESC LIMIT 10";$news_result = mysql_query($news_query)or die(mysql_error());if(mysql_num_rows($news_result) > 0){/*while($n_row = mysql_fetch_assoc($news_result)){ echo $n_row['n_headline']; echo "<br />"; echo $n_row['n_text'];}*/$id = 1;while($n_row = mysql_fetch_assoc($news_result)){ $id++;echo '<a href="javascript: klappe_news('.$id.');">'.'<img src="styles/images/backgrounds/icons/minus.gif" id="pic" />'.'</a><a href="javascript: klappe_news('.$id.');">'.$n_row['n_date'].'</a><div id="k'.$id.'" style="display:none;margin-left:30px;margin-top:15px;">'.nl2br ($n_row['n_text']).'</div>';/*echo '<a href="javascript: klappe_news('.$id.');">'.$n_row['n_date'].'</a><div id="k'.$id.'" style="display:none;margin-left:30px;margin-top:15px;">'.nl2br ($n_row['n_text']).'</div>';*/}}//If ends...else { echo "<center>There is no latest news</center>";}?> and yeah, you told me to get a ID to the image... i did so, but when i run... still dosent work... so right now im a little lost... im not the best at javascript coding :/... and yes, i do have firebug, but when i use it then i just still see's the same image... but when i have opened the messeage... then i just get a ahref with javascript around the image... so...?
  4. IPboard 3.2.X but i can't find it anywhere :'(... EDIT: Asked this on ForumCore.net also... hoping answers soon from there i suppose ...
  5. hello birbal... i can't think how to add the words into the code... can you give me a tip on where to add... lol X)...
  6. hello everyone... a question is needed to be asked... in this forum here: www.tbdev.net then they are using Invision Board (IP-Board Forum)...but what version i dont know and i dont care... the thing i do care about is 2 othet stuff at my own site here: www.speed-scene.com when i am adding a code to the site forum in the 'Speciel BBcode' tool and then chose PHP orr such, and same with a Normal Code tag...then in the code automaticly, its adding stuff like font size and such... even true its a SQL/PHP im adding... and i have no clue how to fix... so hoping someone can give me a answer... also... the second thing i cared about was that when a new member orr such are trying to make a new thread, then a moderator has to accept he's post before it will be showed... can someone tell me how to fix that so it will do this automaticly?... Thanks in advance as useally! ...
  7. lol... so stupid as i am... i founded the problem with a little help from my teacher.. it was the .CSS file i needed to touch a little with... the div box i have included the functions to was on auto with the width... so the tables are working 100%... the problem was the div since it was on auto, then it did go as far as it could... so that is fixed now.... but thanks for inputs... and yeah, will still be looking for errors with the site you gave me... thanks for that! ... Website: www.speed-scene.com/personal_sites/dark .
  8. sorry... my bad... still a little sick... anyways... yes.. same page... here are the Files: (ATTACHED)... Hope this helps... .
  9. hello tst...lol... i tried to move the clear both div one up to the just end of the content div... and then i got the background to work... but now i have a problem with the boxes... when i try to set the boxes to 100% (Both of them), and they both have a div-box from themselves... should they not go out in full then?...
  10. hello again tst... ive not asked my teacher yet, but will tomorrow... ive been sick lately, so had to stay home today... so i will send feedback tomorrow .
  11. ok, sorry for late reply, will do so later and put some feedback up! ... EDIT: could you give me a example?... im home right now and dosent leave again untill tonight ... so i can work on the project a little... Hoping you can show me a example so i understand you a little better what you mean exacly ...thanks in advance...
  12. Hello w3s... when im running this code: <?php$news_query = "SELECT * FROM news";$news_expanded = "SELECT * FROM news WHERE added + ( 3600 *24 *45 ) >".time()." ORDER BY added DESC LIMIT 10"; $news_result = mysql_query($news_query)or die(mysql_error());if(mysql_num_rows($news_result) > 0){$id = 1;while($n_row = mysql_fetch_assoc($news_result)){$id++; echo '<div id="pic'.$id.'"><a href="javascript: klappe_news('.$id.');">'."<img src='styles/images/backgrounds/icons/minus.gif' />".'</a></div><a href="javascript: klappe_news('.$id.');">'.$n_row['n_date'].'</a><div id="k'.$id.'" style="display:none;margin-left:30px;margin-top:15px;">'.nl2br ($n_row['n_text']).'</div>'; /*echo '<a href="javascript: klappe_news('.$id.');">'.$n_row['n_date'].'</a><div id="k'.$id.'" style="display:none;margin-left:30px;margin-top:15px;">'.nl2br ($n_row['n_text']).'</div>';*/}}//If ends...else {echo "<center>There is no latest news</center>";}?> then my picture at my page here: (PICTURE ATTACHED) it wont change pictures when im trying to do so here with this java code: function klappe_news(id){var klappText = document.getElementById('k' + id);var klappBild = document.getElementById('pic' + id);if (klappText.style.display == 'none') { klappText.style.display = 'block'; klappBild.src = 'styles/images/backgrounds/icons/minus.gif';}else { klappText.style.display = 'none'; klappBild.src = 'styles/images/backgrounds/icons/plus.gif';}} ideas?...
  13. ok, will do tomorrow, and then return with what ive fixed. and then you will be needing to tell me what more i need,sorry if im going to far... im still a learner.. . Anyways... see ya tomorrow night orr so.. Regards: rootKID Writed by cellphone... EDIT: hello again... on monday, im going to school again... so i will be showing my teacher the stuff there... and then ask him... maybe he can help me find the errors your talking about ... and then post feedback monday... sorry for late reply ...
  14. i still dont understand... i mean, i just view the source code, and i cannot find the error still... it seems like its still going to output the boxes the right places and closing them again...
  15. sorry for late reply, and will do right away... and just so i can look a little more stupid... how do you check it?... with some sort of tool addon to browser orr?, and witch one?... might be handy for myself in the future... thanks in advance... PS: will be looking into the boxes right away to see if i can find the problem myself and post back,... .. EDIT:... just for clearing... there are no errors at all at the index.php file... ive looked like ###### and can't locate the div (unclosed) one... so could you give me a clue?... like witch one i should look for?... and somfthing like that?... thanks in advance... PS: yeah... maybe this is basic stuff... but my eyes sometimes stink like ######... so... thanks in advance dude...
  16. i understand... here is the link to my website: http://speed-scene.com/personal_sites/dark/shop/shop.php Hoping this helps...
  17. hmm... ok, i will try and return soon with what ive finded... i will also ask my friends next week in the schools if they know how to fix... maybe my teacher, so see ya later ... Regards; rootKID .
  18. as useally, sorry... but sick...anyways tst... here is my shop.php code: <?phpecho begin_box("Shop Categories");include ("shop_undermenu.php");echo end_box(); echo "<br />"; echo begin_box("Shop");$catID = $_GET['cat_id'];if(!isset($catID)){$result = mysql_query ('SELECT * FROM `shop_cat` ORDER BY shop_cat_id ASC LIMIT 1')or die(mysql_error());;$row = mysql_fetch_assoc ($result);$catID = $row['shop_cat_id'];}$query = "SELECT * FROM shop_items WHERE FK_catID = ".$catID;/*echo "<pre>";print_r($query);echo "</pre>";*/$result = mysql_query($query)or die(mysql_error());if(mysql_num_rows($result)>0)//Checking to see if there is any rows to take...{echo "<form action='' method='post'>";echo "<table class='shop_table_100'>";echo "<tr class='shop_tr_holder_css'>";echo "<td>Add</td>";echo "<td>Amount</td>";echo "<td>Product Name</td>";echo "<td>Price</td>";echo "<td>More Info</td>";echo "</tr>";while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){echo "<tr>\n";echo "<td><input type='checkbox' name='check_addbox[".$row['item_id']."]' /></td>\n"; ////extra array...echo "<td><input type='text' name='amount[".$row['item_id']."]' size='1' value='1' /></td>\n"; //With extra array...echo "<td>".$row['item_name']."</td>\n";echo "<td>".$row['item_price']." USD</td>\n";echo "<td><a href='details.php'>Info</a></td>\n";echo "</tr>\n";}echo "</table>";echo "<form action='' method='post'>";echo "<table class='shop_table_100'";echo "<tr>";echo "<td><input type='submit' name='add_item' id='submit' class='shop_add_submit_button' value='Update Cart' /></td>";echo "</tr>";echo "</table>";echo "</form>";}//Ending IF (Num_Rows...)else{echo "<form action='' method='post'>";echo "<table class='shop_table_100'>";echo "<tr class='shop_tr_holder_css'>";echo "<td>ERROR!</td>";echo "</tr>";echo "</table>";echo "</form>";echo "<form action='' method='post'>";echo "<table class='shop_table_100'>";echo "<tr>";echo "<td>There are no Products added yet.</td>";echo "</tr>";echo "</table>";echo "</form>";} if(isset($_POST['add_item'])){if(!empty($_POST['check_addbox'])){ foreach($_POST['check_addbox'] as $p_id => $check) { $amount = $_POST['amount'][$p_id]; //Getting the Amount from the box... $_SESSION['cart'][$p_id] += $amount; //adding them to the session... header("location: shop.php"); }}}echo end_box();?> what i was trying here was just to add your code, (integrade it...)...and then hoped that it would work, but it did not... and then i added where i could i find it was needed, a mysql error php tag so i hoped that could show me somfthing more related...that did not help either... so im clueless right now... look at picture to see what it shows me... PS: Code for categories below... <?php$under_query = "SELECT * FROM shop_cat";$under_result = mysql_query($under_query)or die(mysql_error()); if(mysql_num_rows($under_result)>0)//Checking to see if there is any rows to take...{while($u_row = mysql_fetch_assoc($under_result)){echo "<a href='shop.php?cat_id=".$u_row['shop_cat_id']."'>".$u_row['shop_cat_name']."</a> ";}}//If ends...else {echo "No categories to show... come back again later ...";}?>
  19. hello tst...sorry for late reply as useal... ive been sick lately... anyways... did try as you said with the following of below... and it kinda almost worked ... (PICTURE ATTACHED)... now my question is, how can i add the background to full again?... and why are the boxes so small?... i've setted them to 100% in the .CSS file... :/...ideas would be awsome... thanks... ...
  20. sorry for late reply... but i will check the possibility of the id's... maybe your actually right about that part... so will try change that later when home... ->From Cell-phone...
  21. i just can't think how to fix... tell me... and for real... do you think i should re-make the shop?...
  22. hey again tst... i just tried your code... but still wont work... errors again...
  23. Hello W3S... what im trying to do here is to call a function that have some div's in it...and here is my code im using for this: <center><div id="content_body"><center><!--/**********************/--><div class="content_left"><?phpecho full_width_auto_begin_box("Latest News");include ("mods_content/index/news.php");echo full_width_auto_end_box();?></div><!--/**********************/--><div class="content_right"><?phpecho full_width_auto_begin_box("Stats");include ("mods_content/index/stats.php");echo full_width_auto_end_box();?></div><!--/**********************/--></center></div><div class="clear"></div></center> and as you see, then i also added a div class called clear at the end... but it still is confucing somehow... so here is my functions code below: /*Inner (Box auto_100%) Mod Function*/function full_width_auto_begin_box($caption = ""){$begin = "<div class='100_auto_box_background'><div class='100_auto_box_title'><b>".$caption."</b></div><div class='100_auto_box_content'>";return $begin;}function full_width_auto_end_box(){$end = "</div><div class='100_auto_box_footer'><a href=''>To Top</a></div></div>";return $end;}/*Inner (Box auto_100%) Mod Function*/ and below here is my .CSS...: /*CLASSES*/.clear {clear:both; /*SKAL HAVE EN START/###### DIV MED CLASS CLEAR FOR AT FOOTEREN IKKE IRITERRE FLOATSNE...*/}/*CLASSES*//*BOX auto_100% CSS*/.100_auto_box_background {width:100%;background-color: #808080;text-align:left;}.100_auto_box_title {width:auto;background-color: #616161;background-image:url(images/backgrounds/tables_titles/black_1.png);background-size:contain;text-align:left;font-size:20px;}.100_auto_box_content {padding:10px;width:auto;height:auto;background-color: #808080;text-align:left;}.100_auto_box_footer {width:auto;background-color: #616161;background-image:url(images/backgrounds/tables_titles/black_1.png);background-size:contain;text-align:center;}/*FOR THE LINK DECORATION IN THE BOX FOOTER...*/.100_auto_box_footer a:link { /*unvisited Links*/color:#990000;text-decoration:underline;}.100_auto_box_footer a:visited { /*Visited Links*/color:#990000;text-decoration:underline;}.100_auto_box_footer a:hover { /*mouse over link*/color:#990000;text-decoration:underline;}.100_auto_box_footer a:active { /*selected link*/color:#000000;}/*FOR THE LINK DECORATION IN THE BOX FOOTER...*//*FOR THE LINK DECORATION IN THE BOX CONTENT...*/.100_auto_box_content a:link { /*unvisited Links*/color:#900;/*background-color:#333333;*/border: 1px solid #990000;}.100_auto_box_content a:visited { /*Visited Links*/color:#900;}.100_auto_box_content a:hover { /*mouse over link*/color:#900;background-color:#333333;}.100_auto_box_content a:active { /*selected link*/color:#900;}/*FOR THE LINK DECORATION IN THE BOX CONTENT...*//*BOX auto_100% CSS*/ hoping someone can help me :/... Note that this is when im trying to make 2 things between each other... but when im putting it right under each item like so below: <center><div id="content_body"><center><!--/**********************/--><?phpecho begin_box("Latest News");include ("mods_content/index/news.php");echo end_box();echo "<br />";echo begin_box("Stats");include ("mods_content/index/stats.php");echo end_box();?><!--/**********************/--></center></div></center> and that is without a clear/both...ideas?...
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