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confused and dazed

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Everything posted by confused and dazed

  1. Hello internet. I have a simple image slider that works well. However I have not been able to get the images to fade in. Can anyone direct me to a good tutorial on JavaScript that may teach me how to incorporate image fading into my slider? Thanks.
  2. JamesB - WOW I guess some of the things I do out of habit effect my code more than I realize. I like to close containers/objects underneath and IN-LINE with opening containers/objects. Like this: <open div1> <open div2> <open div3> <open object> </close object> </close div3> </close div2> </close div1> Thanks for this - I placed the closing tag right at the end of the opening tag and there are 0 tabs now when the window loads! By the way I just forgot to add the equals when writing out this post.... THANKS again! dsonesuk - I'm guessing you understand now based on JamesB statement and my response.
  3. Scratch that... all browsers are putting these 7 tabs in... how do I get rid of them?
  4. Hello Internet, I have a basic textarea element written as follows: <textarea name="contact_feedback" id="contact_feedback" value “” rows="4" cols="26" style="border: 0px solid #000000;"></textarea> My dilemma is that Chrome/Safari they don’t place 7 tabs in the textarea when the window loads but IE8 does. Can I use in-line CSS or something else to eliminate these tabs when the window loads? Thanks!
  5. I get it... vulnerable... that’s why I seek all of your help. Thanks for tips as well.
  6. I try to keep all JS and CSS in remote files that are called in the <head></head> of my page. I only do in-line CSS when necessary and typically never any JS. Never thought about folks shutting off the JS... Thanks for that bit of info!
  7. Meant Javascript. I will place checks there as well. The question still remains though... HOW are they doing it....
  8. Hello internet, I was not sure if I should put this in JAVASCRIPT or php – in the end the form gets submitted so I decided to put this in the PHP forum. Here is my dilemma – I have several JAVASCRIPT checks to make sure people fill out their name, phone number, feedback content, and have a valid email address. On occasion it seems like people are getting around that JAVASCRIPT just to prove a point. Blank forms are being submitted. What can I do to prevent this?
  9. For whatever reason its now working on FF/IE/Chrome... So strange justsomeguy - Seems strange that now it works... thescientist - not assuming anything - I was testing with my own email accounts and was checking the spam folders along the way. I was confident it was sending out because it was working when I was testing an IE browser - I did mention that. Usually you give good feedback - seems your latest comments were a little pointed. Can you guys think of why it could be working now and not when I first wrote the post? Something maybe with the ini version I'm using or my hosting account particulars.... anything you can think of?
  10. This code in the <head> of the PHP file works just fine to send the form information to my database. I see all the enteries listed in the database...
  11. Here is the body of the PHP file. It works everytime in IE but not in Chrome or Safari(now its not working in Safari) <body> Your contact form has been recorded<br> Thank you.<br> <?php $con = mysql_connect("xx","xx","xx"); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } mysql_select_db("xx", $con); $Cname = $_POST['m_contact_name']; $Cemail = $_POST['m_contact_email']; $Cphone = $_POST['m_contact_phone']; $Ccomment = $_POST['m_contact_feedback']; $to1 = "emailaddress1"; $to2 = "emailaddress2"; $subject = "Contact Form Submitted"; $message = "<html><body> Contact Form Name:<br> $Cname<br><br> Contact Form Email:<br> $Cemail<br><br> Contact Form Phone:<br> $Cphone<br><br> Contact Form Comment:<br> $Ccomment<br><br> </body></html>"; $from = "$to1"; $headers = "From: $to1rn"; $headers .= "Content-type: text/htmlrn"; mail($to1,$subject,$message,$headers); mail($to2,$subject,$message,$headers); mysql_close($con) ?></body>
  12. Hello internet, I tried asking this question once already but there were no responses. Does this mean my question is not written well - or there are no suggestions... Here is my question... The issue of the day is this… I have a successful form that submits user information to my database through a php file. Using chrome it will send the user information to the database but will not kick out an email. This is strange. IE/Safari work just fine – but Chrome will not work. What small nuance am I missing?
  13. Hello internet! The issue of the day is this… I have a successful form that submits user information to my database through a php file. Using chrome it will send the user information to the database but will not kick out an email. This is strange. IE/Safari work just fine – but Chrome will not work. What small nuance am I missing?
  14. Im sorry - background-size100% does work. Sorry for that newseed....
  15. I dont think you are getting the whole issue here - If I place an image in a DIV container i still have not been able to size the container to fit the screen (height) 100%. I can size the image within the DIV exactly the way I want it - thats not the problem - the problem is sizing the DIV to the screen.
  16. Does not work - I have a background color of #000E0E (with a body {} call) and an image i want down the center to scale with the screen....
  17. Hello Internet, I am struggling with what I am guessing is a relatively simple concept. I have looked at some tutorials on W3 and did general searches on the internet. The effect I am trying to accomplish it to have the image I supply as a background image scale with the screen size - screen size meaning 100% vs 75% vs 50%. In the attachment the Tan area is an image I want to scale with the screen size. My primary two constraints are: 1. I want the background color to be a dark gray 2. I also want the tan image that is 1000px wide centered in the screen. The height is irrelevant because it’s the sides that are important to me. The height can be any size. If the screen is at 100% or at 25% the height needs to fill the whole screen. I have tried many things - height:auto, height:100%, em, divs... many different things. If you can direct me to a tutorial or help in any way I would appreciate it. I did include a file that shows the effect I am looking for.Screen size.pdf
  18. Concatenate....... Right! Doh...! 'name_' . $x So I changed my code to one query call but it still came up with the same problem... I also figured out why this was happening. When I set up score in the database I set it up as a varchar(4). What I dummy I can be sometimes! I changed it to an int(4) and everything is OK! I also went back to my previous version of my code with 6 querys and it worked there as well (having it now as an int)
  19. Good question - There is a good answer. I need to have complete control over the names that come out of each individual row. I have it set up on my webpage so a user can click on that name and launch a very specific outcome for the name. Keep in mind that I am using an onload function to populate objects as soon as the webpage loads. This way a user can click on a a name and launch a very specific outcome. Using just one query for this limits the functionality I can place on the button object I have associated with each of the 6 names. The "DESC LIMIT" seems to sort of work but not the way I want it.
  20. Hello internet, I am using the following calls to get an ordered list of largest to smallest info of all that row's data: *NOTE: there are only 6 entries in mydatabase with grp='c' $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM mydatabase WHERE grp='c' ORDER BY score DESC LIMIT 0,1", $con); $rows = array();while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))...... more code to place data into a specific id to use an onload to populate objects $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM mydatabase WHERE grp='c' ORDER BY score DESC LIMIT 1,1", $con); $rows = array();while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))...... more code to place data into a specific id to use an onload to populate objects $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM mydatabase WHERE grp='c' ORDER BY score DESC LIMIT 2,1", $con); $rows = array();while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))...... more code to place data into a specific id to use an onload to populate objects $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM mydatabase WHERE grp='c' ORDER BY score DESC LIMIT 3,1", $con); $rows = array();while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))...... more code to place data into a specific id to use an onload to populate objects $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM mydatabase WHERE grp='c' ORDER BY score DESC LIMIT 4,1", $con); $rows = array();while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))...... more code to place data into a specific id to use an onload to populate objects $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM mydatabase WHERE grp='c' ORDER BY score DESC LIMIT 5,1", $con); $rows = array();while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))...... more code to place data into a specific id to use an onload to populate objects What ends up happening is that I get a list together but here is what I get DESC LIMIT 0,1 >>> this produces the second largest score - NOT the largest DESC LIMIT 1,1 >>> this produces the third largest score DESC LIMIT 2,1 >>> this produces the fourth largest score DESC LIMIT 3,1 >>> this produces the fifth largest score DESC LIMIT 4,1 >>> this produces the sixth largest score DESC LIMIT 5,1 >>> this produces the LARGEST score - not the smallest
  21. I took a quick peek. This looks a little more functional than some of the tutorials I have tried in the past. I will try this out and report back out.
  22. Hello internet. My next task is to try and pull data from mysql using PHP and place that information into a table in a PDF file format. Everything I have found when I searched on the topic leads me to believe this is an extremely advanced form of coding and I am certainly not on that level. Is there software or something out there that you can point me to, to help create these PDF files from data in mysql?
  23. <link rel="stylesheet" href="normal-styles.css" type="text/css" /><link rel="stylesheet" href="ie9-fixes.css" type="text/css" /><link rel="stylesheet" href="ie5678-fixes.css" type="text/css" />Where do you get these files?
  24. The code below worked! Thanks! To anyone following this link... correct spaces make all the difference. This syntax is very sensitive. <!--[if lte IE 8 ]> SOME CODE <![endif]--><!--[if !IE]> --> A BUNCH MORE CODE <!-- <![endif]-->
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