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Everything posted by DarkxPunk

  1. Hey everyone, I am not sure whether this should be posted in PHP or SQL but here is what I have: <?php$db_host = '###';$db_name = '###';$db_user = '###';$db_pass = '###';$con = @mysql_connect($db_host , $db_user , $db_pass) or die(mysql_error());@mysql_select_db($db_name) or die(mysql_error());$articles = @mysql_query(SELECT article_content FROM articles);?><!doctype html><html><head><title>Search Protocol</title></head><body><?phpecho ($articles);?></body></html><?php @mysql_close($con); ?> Now I know its connecting and I even ran that exact query using my IDE, and it works. But for some reason I am getting: Parse error: parse error in - on line 8 What am I missing?
  2. 9 and 10 have stepped up greatly and are maybe 95% there. But with the amount of functions and combos making up HTML and CSS, that 5% is allot. For the most part I doubt for 9 and 10 you will find much difficulty, but you will still need to code for at least 8 and I would use ie conditional comments rather than js.
  3. I concur start from scratch. If you need any help feel free to message me or post on the forum.
  4. Well what I am searching for will be broad. The goal is to have a search engine for a site. It will consist of things like blog posts, profiles, etc. so it would be nice to just point the search function to a directory or a few directories where all this stuff is and then search all the text in the documents for whatever is searched. The documents will be html files and how they are formatted will be decided by the poster so I may not know the Id or anything I just want the text to be searched. I know I can also do this from MySQL and may use that as well. But for now I simply want to understand how to search text of HTML documents with php.
  5. If I had a better understanding of PHP I bet, but sadly I am a bit of a noob in this regard... I need a tutorial or something.
  6. create a class such as .textCenter {text-align: center;} then wrap the <p> in a <div> and give the div that class. <div class="textCenter"><p>Hello</p></div> Now with that all you have done is centered the <p> inside the <div>, not the document so now we need to center the div. .divCenter {margin: 0 auto;} Now apply it to the div. <div class="divCenter textCenter"><p>Hello</p></div> All done. Now it may seem like allot, but once you add allot more content you will see how convenient this is.
  7. I am looking for a PHP search engine that searches the contents of HTML documents. I am not expecting someone to simply hand me some code, but I also dont want something I need to buy or install. I found one post on the net with a great tutorial but I lost it and can't find it. I will keep searching, but if anyone has anything, let me know.Thanks!
  8. Hey everyone, I will admit I doubt this is the right place to talk about this, but it seems the best based upon the topics descriptions. Now I am not one to be the most artistic, I am more a take a idea/design and build it. To design it though... Not my cup of tea. My question is how can I improve myself in this aspect or what tutorials or websites do you think could help spark something? I am also offering my services to help anyone work on development if they have and ideas/designs I feel maybe if I work on more cool webpages I will grow a more artistic mind. Thanks for any help.Peace.
  9. I just copy and pasted your code. It looks nothing like that.It's not formatted right at all.
  10. Reading this all I can say is wow. And hey don't attack Davej he is my friend :'(
  11. Php is the only way. Other than js. But js will ###### client cpu
  12. I will give you this one freebie but learn js! <!doctype html><html> <head> <title>NewTab</title> <style>#newTab { margin: 0 auto; border: 1px solid #000000; padding: 25px; width: 50px; height: 50px; background: red; color: #ffffff; } </style> <script> function newTab() { window.open( 'about:blank','_blank' ); } </script> </head> <body> <div id="newTab" onclick="newTab()">NewTab</div> </body></html> the on click can be used on most any element. You can also put the js in the body, but put it before your button.
  13. window.open( 'https://support.wwf.org.uk/earth_hour/index.php?type=individual', '_blank' // <- This is what makes it open in a new window.);That's js, use it in a function and call it onclick of any image, div, word, etc.
  14. Here: http://gs.statcounter.com/#mobile_browser-na-monthly-201112-201212Go ahead if you really want to, but concider who your market it.
  15. That's the ###### of developing for android. See why I don't bother? Stick with developing for iOS.
  16. It can, but it should not. It's just the rules. It's improper to use ids for multiple elements. Id also can be called from the URL unlike classes. Ids are identifiers, classes are a class of style. Ids are also called for DOM, js, etc. So many reasons to explain. Just follow the rules.
  17. I am confused... My goal is to have one bar that is the width of the viewport or the wrapper that has a border at the top and bottom of 1px to give separation. The only way I can get it to go 100% width and wrap around the first UL is by overflow: hidden. I will keep playing and attempt what I think you are saying. -EDIT- Well I did float left and width 100% and it worked... Guess before I had something countering it... Thanks for the tip.. -EDIT2- So, success! I managed to make a fully functioning one that is dynamic to the content. Yay! Now I will attempt to clean it more myself but I bet what I have is pretty messy. Any tips are appreciated
  18. I started all over and got to here: My problem is this. When I try to position absolute the uls and relative the lis the overflow hidden screws up forcing the first ul to not do the full width border top/bottom. I want this menu bar to be fully adjustable without changing the css, just the content so no values can really be fixed. How can I from where I am push the sub menus into the positions. I tried changing to the top and left to % but its not locking to the li its locking to the ul (UGH). Now note I have gone through at least 5/6 tutorials fully and combed through others and none of them achieve what I am trying to do, its filled with junk code or when I try to style it, it just falls apart. I want to understand nav bar construction to its fullest. Thanks for any further help.
  19. This is a HUGE amazing links to help in your future CSS usage. Its amazing how much you can actually do in CSS. http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/html-css-techniques/the-30-css-selectors-you-must-memorize/
  20. DarkxPunk

    Apple Inc = Morons

    True but apple does not look at the bandwidth or speed they just want to force hi quality websites on their devices. The reasoning is simple, does not mean its right, just understandable.
  21. Hey everyone, I made a nav bar with a drop down menu, but I want to add a second level and I do not know how I could achieve it. Every time I try it either overlaps or shows under the li. What I would like to see is it kinda come out the side, but the problem I see with that is I would have to calculate the exact width for the second level to nudge for each menu which is impractical. Thanks for any help.
  22. DarkxPunk

    Apple Inc = Morons

    iOS ignores print and handheld media queries because these types do not supply high-end web content. Therefore, use the screen media type query for iOS.
  23. Got a bunch of lis <li>blah</li><li>blah</li><li>blah</li> If I do this while the lis are displayed inline-block and written like this: <li>blah</li><li>blah</li><li>blah</li> Extra space is added... Why? How I remove? -EDIT-Figured it out. Its a white space created by inline-block, bloody ###### is it obnoxious.
  24. DarkxPunk

    CSS class question

    It should work... Read my signature too.
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