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How do you put forums on a site?


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So how do you make forums? I see them everywhere - with different systems, colors and graphics, etc. - So how do I get one on MY site?Are there different forum systems that you can download and tweak, iserting the code into your site - or do you have to meticulously creat the entire system from scratch, using your very own perfect code?Please help with this, as I would very much so enjoy having a forum on my website :)Thanks a lot for your help,LifeInBinary.

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Most users will download a package from a source on the Internet and install it on their Hosting account. Most users do not 'code' their own.An example of a free Forum software that is quite popular is phpbb and can be downloaded from >> here <<. There are 'skins' (templates) to apply to them to change the colour and graphics in order that the Forum can be customized to suit your site, or, you can build your own theme by manipulating the css files.Also available at the supplier's site will be "Mods" to add features to the Forum. Some knowledge and experience will be valuable in order to install the Mods, but they aren't difficult.Phpbb is only one version of Forum software. My using that named package in this topic doesn't neccesarily mean I support it or reccomend it, but I do use it on my site. I am awaiting the release of phpbb 3, the newest one, so I can replace an older version on my site.If you want a 'plain jane' Forum, there is one named "phorum" which is quite good, too. Invision Power Boards, as per the w3schools Forum here, is a paid software, but very good and extremely popular.Google on "forum software" to get about a gazillion links to follow.And as to the installation on your Hosting account, typical users will install the software into a folder on their account under the public_html or www folder, whichever is the web-accessible folder, and then create a link from their Home page or site. There are other ways to do it as well, for example, you can have the Forum software accessible directly as your 'home' page, too. Your option.

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I'm using a free copy of phpBB2 and that works fine for me. Right now I'm translating and designing the whole thing so it's more like mine...heheMine is starting to become Norwegian now, but if you want to see (lol), here it isEdit: you need to be able to have PHP and database on your server. If you have something without, like Freewebs, you can use Awardspace where you have PHP and MySQL database.I'm also changing the stretched phpBB picture, hehe. Just been busy with my CMS system so.

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Thanks a lot for all the suggestions guys.And by the way, andersmoen, if you want to email me that banner image on your forum (before it was stretched) - I'd be happy to make you a new one if you specify how many pixels high and wide it needs to be. I use Macromedia Fireworks, and I am pretty okay at graphics. Just thought I would offer. If you're interested, let me know via reply and I'll give you my email address - or I suppose you could upload it to http://www.filesend.net/ and post the link - either way.Thanks again for all your help,LifeInBinary.

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What you mean?
I mean, I can see where the image at the top of your forum is pixelated - and I can make you a new image that takes up the same space without the pixelation if you want. I do graphics.Let me know...
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Sure...If you want to, go ahead, though I'm not completely sure of what you mean.But I just haven't had time to work on the forum lately, because I'm working on my personal website too, (finally), but right now it's not the best. Comments about it? Tell me what you think of it. Since this isn't my topic, just send pm or something...

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