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Java Applets


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I am learning Java Applets online , and i whas wondering how hard it is to make a online multi-player game.Where users can log in and out .I only question the code not the graphics.

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Let say a game with a stick figure that can hug other (online)people in the game ?? (lol)

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Hmm, different, but It wont be that hard. Few codes here and there. Search on Google for how to do it, I make mmorpg's, well I used to, with a few companies like Gravity, Accalaim. When I needed codes, and I didn't want to ask people cause they would laugh at me, I just searched up codes on Google. If you need me to help you search I could.

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But can u give me an example , because how can Java see if some1 is online or not ?

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I see , the biggest online multi player game based on Java applet is i think RuneScape. so it must be possible

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Look into client-server applications. There is a server which handles a majority of the code (world state - what monsters are where, what items are loaded in the game, etc.; player state - what items a player's character has, where that character is, who is logged in, etc). The clients are responsible for drawing the game world and sending commands back to the server.It's not too much different from websites. The webserver recieves requests from the clients (browsers), processes that request, calculates data, etc., and then formulates the response and sends it back to the client.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Client-server

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Actually I started making a game in java, got it so you could use the arrow keys to move around on a map and you moved around the map, when you went to the edge and kept going another map would load and you would be at the bottom of it. That was it before I said forget it! Too much to learn, I needed to get tomcat set up on my hosting server and such for a secure connection. Basically you could use obdc (database connection for java) straight in the applet, but any wrong minded java programmer could pull the connection info in minutes and waltz into your database doing whatever he/she wants! You should look in servlet-applet communication to. Go to the sun java forums for more help :).

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I am learning Java Applets online , and i whas wondering how hard it is to make a online multi-player game.Where users can log in and out .I only question the code not the graphics.
It's really, really, really, really hard. Is that the sort of answer you are looking for when you ask "how hard is it"? I don't think there's a universal metric for difficulty. It is harder then making toast, but it is not as hard as getting a pig to mate with an elephant. However, if you are John Carmack (and, if you are, let me just say that I really admire you), then it should be very, very, very, very easy, especially considering your groundbreaking work in early multiplayer games using C. However, if you are in the segment of the population that is not John Carmack, then expect it to be considerably more difficult then if you were John Carmack. If you are a professional programmer with a college degree, then it should not be too difficult, there will be challenges, but nothing that your education did not prepare you for. If you are a programmer without a formal education or professional experience (i.e. a hobbyist), then you will be lost in several places. If you do not have any software engineering and software design background or education, expect to spend several months or years redoing the design because it was not completely thought-out in the first place. If you have no, or little, experience with Java, expect to spend several months learning the basics, followed by a program redesign when you figure out that you weren't prepared to start programming in the first place.The point I am trying to make is that "how hard is it" is not a good question. It depends on who you are and how much you know. It's like asking "how hard is it to run a 6-minute mile". You will get different answers from professional runners vs. 400-pound bodyguards. It is completely relative to you. The only answer anyone can give is this:if it's easy for you, then it's easy. if it's hard for you, then it's hard.If you don't know enough to know how hard it is, then it's hard for you.
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Haha, nice rant justsomeguy!@The master: You might consider starting with a chat program. That'll get you experience with a central server handling inputs from multiple clients. I believe there ought to be a number of tutorials out there that will help you through this. Then, once you have a communication framework built, you can start adding features - like little stick figures hugging one another. However, heed justsomeguy's warning - you'll probably end up redesigning it a number of times.

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Yea i think a game on this stage Java GUI programming is a bit over my head :).But thx anyway for the reply's il go check some sites .

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes, that's what i'm aiming for, a chat program when I complete basic and intermediate courses.StringBuffer[] msg = new StringBuffer[30]; for(int x = 0; x < msg.length; x++) msg[x] = new StringBuffer("");

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