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how does she do that!?


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That page has over 2,100 validation errors. That's the first time I've seen so many. See if you can figure out which one I am on the shoutbox. If you want a picture that changes depending if you are working on your site, then when you start working on your site replace the picture with one that says "online", and when you're done copy one that says "offline". Or else, you can have an image link go to a PHP page that you will need to set up to keep track of whether or not you are online so that it can send the correct source filename for the image. Or piczo provides something that even someone with no knowledge of how to create a decent website can use.

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That page has over 2,100 validation errors. That's the first time I've seen so many. See if you can figure out which one I am on the shoutbox. If you want a picture that changes depending if you are working on your site, then when you start working on your site replace the picture with one that says "online", and when you're done copy one that says "offline". Or else, you can have an image link go to a PHP page that you will need to set up to keep track of whether or not you are online so that it can send the correct source filename for the image. Or piczo provides something that even someone with no knowledge of how to create a decent website can use.
haha... that's pretty mean, but funny :) . You can't expect a website made on piczo (www.piczo.com) to be completely perfect though (although I am working on one that will kick @$$)Anyways, thanks for your help. :)
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I'm not sure what you're talking about except Piczo, but if Piczo hadn't exist I wouldn't be doing HTML and other programming. That's where I started with some basic HTML and then went on to freewebs.com and learned more and more and now I'm on server-side languages and C++ so Piczo can be good even though the safety there is really low...But the online/offline thing she has...she might update that on her own when she's on? I didn't see it so..OMG! That was annoying! Can't even click on the page without getting a JS alert box! Hate those kinda pages...and is she learning HTML to others? Start with something else than Piczo if you're actually gonna learn someone else anything :)

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really helpful comments there people
well, no one was asking for help on the design or layout the original post's author was intrigued with the online/offline icon that is supposed to represent the status of the site owner.When someone says, "I went on this site and I found this really cool thing" I think it is safe to assume that the site has a possibility of be cool. Sharing one's experience once being drawn there is perfectly natural. I can't speak for the rest, by my comments were not meant to be helpful as my help was not solicited - but I was compelled to share my disappointment having been drawn to the site - even though it was just for a button effect.BTW, the button effect is nothing special. You can either go through the laborious task of:a.) replacing/renaming the image each time you decide to spend time on lineb.) edit the code that calls a different image each time you decide to spend time on lineor you can simply program a script that when called toggles the code or image. Then set that as your default web page when you open your browser and you're set.Anyway . . . .
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No offense, but stopping people from right-clicking was a neat trick in 1995. Now it's retarded and completely useless. Apparently this guy made the script you use: // made by: Nicolas - http://www.javascript-page.com I also see that your nice image is at http://p5.piczo.com/img/i89159458_98538_5.gif. But not all is lost, this page is pretty remarkable. I have never seen a page that shows over 2,100 errors when you try to validate it, so congratulations on that.
Nice review, written in your TRULY remarkable sarcastic style :) .Btw, aren't the bottom links just looking terrible? Ugh...
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The scary thing is that the person who made that page is teaching people how to do the same thing. The kind of people who leave comments like this:

I NEED TO KNOW ALL THE TAGS COZ I HAVE RECENTLY GOT THE SOFTWARE!!!HI!!!! AS YOU KNOW I HAVEALREADY VISITED UR SYT BE4!!!!!! IT'S COOL AND I EVEN THINK THAT ITS GETTING MORE BETTER!!!!//*babii_carmen*\\: hey nice syt can every1 check out me plz n sign the guestbookHiya Wow i luff your site keep the fabb work up its brill :Dor syt is wel gd im gnna add u cuz i luv all ur graphics and the layout is gd!!
...are going to be designing the next generation of web pages. These are dark times people, we need to focus here, there are souls to be saved, souls of little girls who use words like "syt" and "gd" and "brill" need our help.
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It's hard to believe that, before I leaned proper html, I actually thought that that site was really great... Ugh, even thinking that makes me want to slap myself in the face.As for piczo being bad, I don't necessarily believe that. Piczo is a good site builder... It's just that people build crappy sites with it. :) If my site ends up having a lot of errors, I'm going to copy and paste all my html onto another better site builder.Piczo is pretty much for amatuers... adding HTML should not be allowed.

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Indeed. The power of Christ compelled me to make fun of the author as well on her shoutbox.
lol - I noticed and I was entertained. :)
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I don't think the site looks like it should in Opera =/Some text is over eachother and stuff lol...oh well, the shoutbox she has, if I could be bothered I could delete all the messages in it because Piczo has big XSS wholes and stuff :)

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I doubt if the site looks like it should in anything, look at some of the code for it:

<div id="div220300408" style="position: absolute; top:601px; left:327px; width: 276px; height: 71px; z-index:2; overflow: visible; "><font face="Verdana, Verdana" size=3 class=sizethree color="#000000"><b><center>DO NOT LEAVE PRIVATE MESSAGE AS MESSAGES ARE SHOWN RIGHT AWAY</center></b></font></div><div id="div166625155" style="position: absolute; top:622px; left:323px; width: 337px; height: 205px; overflow: visible; "><iframe style="" src="http://pic5.piczo.com/go/shoutbox?sb=3383562&sbo=461260" width="337" height="205" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true"></iframe></div>

Everything is positioned absolutely, there's font tags and stuff like that, it's not pretty.

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I know..but she doesn't decide that though. When she click no add text or something (I don't remember Piczo anymore), she just drags the box where she wants it and then fill in some content...then it generates codes with position.

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From her shout box:

Camogirl101: i don't know what i would do without this site
Oh, I don't know, write better code, perhaps?I've used a lot of online editors in my day, from Homestead to Google and others, as well as FrontPage. One thing I always did was make it at least aesthetically pleasing. This site is horrible from the time you open it. My only hope (slim that it may be) is that it's some stay-at-home mom who's doing this for her friends. I can't believe this is someone who actually thinks they're doing something good.
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Moms don't make websites using editors. They only use CMSes that require only a login... like Opera's blogs or (I think) MySpace.I know this for sure as my mom is having what she called a website made by a crappy CMS on an even crappyer site called something like "mylivepage" or something.So I would also assume it's a 12-15 year old girl. Younger girls wouldn't bother with sites at all, and older ones become interested enough in the "how" behind web sites, to start writing some HTML manually. Valid, semantic... perhaps not, but with less validation errors non the less.

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