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Google Search & Page rank


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Google Search: http://www.google.com/coop/cse/For Highest Page Rank In Google you need:- strong content in your website- url rewrite (friendly url)- strong description, keywords, titles- use <h1>, <h2>...- clear HTML code (you should have a tableless layout based on CSS)- build a Google SiteMap and submit it to GoogleThis is the start, for more information search on Google for "Search Engine Optimization" (SEO).

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Hi to allI have a questions about this.Is static page has better page ranking or dynamic page?and between dynamics page:php is better or asp3?I Make an e-shop and All of my subject and important text are in DB.is kind of DB to effective to make better page ranking?for example : what kind of DB is good for Google?(access or mySQL or MS Sql ) I see many of php dynamic pages that Google find them.can asp work like php in Google ranking search? Thanks

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There's no difference between static or dynamic pages, there's no difference in which server-side language you chose to program it. The things that matter are accessibility, good content and reciprocate links to sites with high pageranks that have content similar to yours.

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Google also doesn't care what database you decide to use. In fact, it has no clue what database you're using and doesn't want to find out either. It doesn't place any benefit for static pages because it's real easy to set your server up to parse .html files as .php files and config PHP to hide itself, so Google could be looking at a bunch of .html pages that are actually PHP pages where it has to way to find out. Because of things like that it can't really favor anything. And it definately doesn't favor any Microsoft (ASP) vs. open source (PHP) technologies. If it favored either one, the other one would have a fit.Like Ingolme said, Content Is King. If you don't have good content it doesn't matter what tricks you try to use.

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thanksOk Content Is King!!But all of my Content is in DB.like: quick comment(tool tip), full comment, product name, . . . I have 3 dynamic pages and make many page by its and DB. Is these data valid for Google robot?I hear that Google has problem with dynamic pages. because this pages have not anycontent by themselves(standalone). is this correct? my site sample is:www.panasystem.comas you see my English is not very good. :) Thanks

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Also, as msd found Google likes "friendly URLs" better, so www.panasystem.com/pana/Detail/Samsung+D600 would be better than www.panasystem.com/pana/Detail.asp?item=Pro1005. I don't know how to achieve URL rewriting on Windows servers though.

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