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Fieldset Rounded Corners in IE, where?!


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I know a similar thread has been posted about fieldsets and IE's round corners, however, I'm becoming increasingly frustrated because I cannot achieve a fieldset with rounded corners on my machine. I am using xp sp2, ie7. I have created a html doc on another machine with same platform and browser and hey presto the corners were round. I am doing nothing different, I haven't set borders in the css for the fieldset, and have tried a load of different variations. I have searched for an answer everywhere. I can only assume that my version of ie7 is missing an important update perhaps. My question is has anyone else experienced this apparent anomoly, are there any known issues regarding the fieldset rounded corners?Any comments are very welcome.

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eg.I have tried it with styles on the fieldset and without styles. could it have anything to do with my strict xhtml 1.0 dtd? Just a thought.<body><fieldset><legend>text</legend><label for="email">Email:</label><input type=text name="email" id="email" /></fieldset></body>if you can help thanks

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Even so, with 2K of .png images you can make scalable divs that hover over your page with perfect anti-aliasing and gorgeous drop shadows and highlights and a style that's all your own. And if you write the code generically enough, you can use it over and over.

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Thanks for all the answers.I have tried this html with css and without css. It's particularly strange, because I have used the same html on another pc running xp, ie7, no css, and there were round-corners on my fieldset. But what ever I seem to do now with xp and ei7 I get squares. I think I'll just have to live with them, create some custom corners. Thanks everyone

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