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Search Enginge Site!


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Hi again.First of i wanna say thanks too all that have helped me with my other problems. i really apriciate it! :)so too my prob again.. hehe.I have been searching around the web for a script that allowes my visitors too search my sites, so they can get a hold on the info they want faster than going trough all the sites, but i cant find any working or good scripts on the nett too help me. Atleast thats Free. since im a broke rat.. :)So.. anyone in here knows about any good ones thats free and working like a charm? can be in either php, curl, mysql, html or java. no problem.^^Or if anyone have a script they have made self and wanna share. would be great! ^^ :)Again. Thanks for all help!I bow too ur skills that are greater than mine!

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Yes Google does provide a free service for putting search on your site. It is important to understand that this service is based off of the pages from your site that Google has already indexed. Meaning if Google hasn't indexed your site then your users won't get any search results. It uses Google's index not the complete content from your site.If you are going to write your own script then there are 2 ways to do it. If you have a dynamic website that stored content in a database then your script will search the database based on search terms.If you have a static site then your script would have to scan the directories of your site and open each page and check for search terms. This type of search will be much slower because you will be reading a lot of files not just querying a database.

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