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Need Some Help With Class


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Okay I have a link with a class telling how it should look like and I thought that if I did some really great php coding and add a second class to it to change the color of the text at needed moments. But it doesn't overwrite the css code what is set.Hope someone understand what I ment.

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you can just use onclick and javascript?why PHP?maybe a link to the site?
What I'm trying to do is a menu and too know where you are in the menu the text should turn into another color.
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just use css:#link:hover { color:??????; background-color:??????}you can change everything you like this way and you can use that :hover for every tag in the body.

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just use css:#link:hover { color:??????; background-color:??????}you can change everything you like this way and you can use that :hover for every tag in the body.
Okay clearly you don't understand so I'm going to spellit out for you.Here is the css code
.menubutton, .menubutton:visited { color: #000;}.menubutton:hover {color: #f00;}.onpag, onpage:visited {color #f00}
here is the html
<div> <a class="menubutton" if(Some fancy php tells if you are on the place where this point to){echo class="onpage"} href="tosomewhere">Link</a></div>

The point is that onpage class should overwrite the text color. But it doesn't do what.

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Are you looking for the "current" page styling?
I think so. But I don't get why my code doesn't work or is so what I'm not allowed to have two classes in one object?
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Post your full code complete with the php code and then post the browser source from view sourcing the page in your Browser.
My php file:
<div id="left">	<div class="margin10">		<p class="hp">Navigering</p>	</div>	<div id="mframe1">		<div id="mframe2">			<?php			$select = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM menu");			while($row = mysql_fetch_array($select)){			?>			<a title="<?php echo $row['description']; ?>" class="menua" <?php if(!isset($_GET['sm'])){if($_GET['m'] == $row['menu_id']){ echo 'class="onpage"';}}?> href="index.php?<?php echo "m=".$row['menu_id']."&md=".$row['type']; ?>"><?php echo $row['name'];?>				<?php				$menu_id = $row['menu_id'];				$select2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM submenu WHERE menu_id='$menu_id'");				$rows = mysql_num_rows($select2);				if($rows > "0"){					if(isset($_GET['m'])){						if($_GET['m'] == $row['menu_id']){						?>							<span class="sizemenua">∨</span></a>						<?php						} else{						?>							<span class="sizemenua">></span></a>						<?php						}					}else {					?>						<span class="sizemenua">></span></a>					<?php					}				}else{				?>				</a>				<?php				}				?>				<br />				<?php				if(isset($_GET['m'])){if($_GET['m'] == $row['menu_id']){				while($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($select2)){				?>				<a title="<?php echo $row2['description']; ?>" class="submenua" <?php if(isset($_GET['sm'])){if($_GET['sm'] == $row2['submenu_id']){ echo 'class="onpage"';}}?> href="index.php?<?php echo "m=".htmlspecialchars($_GET['m'])."&sm=".$row2['submenu_id']."&md=".$row2['type']; ?>"><?php echo $row2['name']; ?></a><br />				<?php				}				}				}			}			?>			<br />		</div>	</div></div>

Here is the css:

	#left {		float: left;		width: 170px;	}		/* Navigate */			#mframe1 {				float: left;				margin-left: 10px;				margin-right: 10px;				width: 150px;				border-top: 4px solid #000;				border-bottom: 4px solid #000;			}			#mframe2 {				float: left;				margin-top: 2px;				margin-bottom: 2px;				width: 149px;				border-right: 1px solid #000;			}						.sizemenua {			font-size: 12px;			}						.menua, .menua:visited {			float: left;			margin-left: 10px;			text-decoration: none;			color: #000;			}						.menua:hover {			color: #f00;			}						.submenua, .submenua:visited {			float: left;			margin-left: 20px;			font-size: 12px;			text-decoration: none;			color: #000;			}						.submenua:hover {			color: #f00;			}						.onpage, .onpage:visited{			color: #f00;			}

Here is the web browser output:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" ><head>	 <script>		function clearText(theField)		{		if (theField.defaultValue == theField.value)		theField.value = '';		}		function addText(theField)		{		if (theField.value == '')		theField.value = theField .defaultValue;		}	</script>	<meta name="description" content="Page Module editable home page" />	<meta name="keywords" content="edit, page, easy" />	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/xml; charset=iso-8859-1" />		<title>		Page Module	</title>		<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" />	</head><body>	<div id="top">		<div id="topmenu">			<div class="topleft"></div>				<div class="topmiddle">												<div id="topmargin">								<form>									<input title="Skriv ditt användarnamn här." class="topinput" type="text" name="username" onblur="addText(this);" onfocus="clearText(this)" value="Användarnamn" />									<input title="Skriv ditt lösenord här." class="topinput" type="password" name="password" onblur="addText(this);" onfocus="clearText(this)" value="lösenord" />									<a title="Klicka för att logga in." class="topa" href="" onClick="document.submit()">Logga in</a>								</form>							</div>										</div>			<div class="topright"></div>		</div>		<div id="topbox">			<div id="logo"></div>			<div id="search">				<div class="topleft"></div>				<div class="topmiddle">					<div id="topmargin2">						<form>							<input title="skriv ett sök ord här." class="topinput" type="text" name="search" onblur="addText(this);" onfocus="clearText(this)" value="Sökord" />							<a title="Skriv ett sökord och klicka sen här för att söka." class="topa" href="" onClick="document.submit()">Sök</a>						<form>					</div>				</div>				<div class="topright"></div>			</div>		</div>	</div>	<div>		<div id="left">	<div class="margin10">		<p class="hp">Navigering</p>	</div>	<div id="mframe1">		<div id="mframe2">						<a title="Till start sidan." class="menua" class="onpage" href="index.php?m=1&md=mainpage">Start											<span class="sizemenua">∨</span></a>										<br />								<a title="Till start sidan." class="submenua"  href="index.php?m=1&sm=1&md=mainpage">En till startsida</a><br />							<a title="Sidans forum" class="menua"  href="index.php?m=2&md=mainpage">Forum											<span class="sizemenua">></span></a>										<br />							<a title="Ha inga submenyer nu." class="menua"  href="index.php?m=3&md=mainpage">No submenu								</a>								<br />							<br />		</div>	</div></div><div id="middle"></div><div id="right">	<div class="margin10">		<p class="hp">2009-06-24</p>	</div>	<div id="cframe1">		<div id="cframe2">			<div id="cframe3">			</div>			<div id="cframe4">				<a title="Kopiera länk adressen till din rss läsare för att få rss feeds." href=""><img alt="rss" src="pageparts/rss.jpg" /></a>			</div>		</div>	</div></div>	</div>	<div>		<p class="bottomCenter"><a class="bottoma" href="">Kontakta</a> <a class="bottoma" href="">Javascript</a> <a class="bottoma" href="">Cookies</a> <a class="bottoma" href="">RSS</a> Copyright © 2009</p>		<div id="bottomborder"></div>		<p class="bottomCenter">PAGE MODULE V.1 Created By CkruDeluX.COM</p>	</div></body></html>

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You can assign two classes to an element by separating them with spaces in the class attribute:
<a class="menubutton onpage">

Thanks it works now then i got them in the same class tag and separated with a space. :)
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