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trouble with text input


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Hey I have this table in the code below which has a gap between the first 2 text inputs which should not be there. what I want is 1 text input next to "current target:" and 5 text inputs in a column just below the current target one. I have been up all night though and it is probably something stupid (I am tired lol) but I really cant see anything wrong with the source code.

<table class="defend" align="left">		<tr><td align="center">  <form>						<b>Current target:</b>						<input tpye="text" size="20" /> </td>		</tr>					 </form>		<tr><td align="center"> <b> Target List </b> </td>		</tr>		<tr><td align="center"> <form>	<input type="text" size="20" />	</td>		</tr>		<tr><td align="center">		<input type="text" size="20" /> </td>		</tr>		<tr><td align="center">		<input type="text" size="20" /> </td>		</tr>		<tr><td align="center">		<input type="text" size="20" /> </td>		</tr>		<tr><td align="center">		<input type="text" size="20" /> </td>		</tr>					</form>			 					 	</table>

Any idea what I could be doing wrong here?

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You've ended the form twice, but only opened it once. Is that deliberate?Edit: bah, my brain has checked out this week..

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However, the form tags are misplaced.1. You cannot have ANY content at all between closing and opening row tags. I mean this: </tr>NOTHING CAN GO HERE<tr>2. Form tags can enclose a complete table.3. Or a complete form, opening-content-closing, can go inside a single table cell.4. There are no other choices.

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chibineku are you tired as well cause i can seee two?try putting form tags within td cell tags<input tpye="text" size="20" /> should be 'type'
oh lol I see the typo, funny enough that isnt the one that is causing me the trouble it is the gap between the first and second one in the 2nd formEDIT: ok I put the form tag within before the </tr> lol i dont know how i made that happen lol. and fixed that typo code below
	<table class="defend" align="left">		<tr><td align="center">  <form>						<b>Current target:</b>						<input type="text" size="20" /> </td>					 </form>		</tr>					 		<tr><td align="center"> <b> Target List </b> </td>		</tr>		<tr><td align="center">  <form>							<input type="text" size="20" />	</td>		</tr>		<tr><td align="center">		<input type="text" size="20" /> </td>		</tr>		<tr><td align="center">		<input type="text" size="20" /> </td>		</tr>		<tr><td align="center">		<input type="text" size="20" /> </td>		</tr>		<tr><td align="center">		<input type="text" size="20" /> </td>		</tr>					 </form>			 					 	</table>

These text inputs are just for show at this stage.EDIT: oh crap i just reallised i had the 2nd form close tag outside the tr also lol im gonig to bed... cheers guys

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