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Help with inherit positioning


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I keep looking for how to use inherit positioning correctly but I am having troubles with this. inherit: Specifies that the value of the position property should be inherited from the parent element???Not really understanding that line. Could someone give me a example of how it should be written out?

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an element contained within another element, i.e.

<div id="parent">  <p id="child>Lorem Ipsom</p></div>

With inherit positioning applied to the <p> tag (child), if the the <div> (parent) had a positioning applied to it, the child would also have the same value for the positioning attribute of the parent.

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So when using it in the CSS code I would just state something like this.

.headerwrap {position: inherit; }

The in the <body> I would refer to it with something like this.

<div class="mainwrap">  <div class="headerwrap"></div></div>

Would that place the two over top of each other?

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