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While Loop


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I am trying to wrap my head arround this one.I am trying to create (Maybe a while loop) that will mean these criteriasSelect records from tblList where $Req_Zip = Col_ZipCodeDisplay the list1- It has to keep going untill it pulls 8 records.If it can only list maybe 3, then it needs to arrange the $Req_Zip value to become $Req_Zip+1 (i.e $Req_Zip=29211, then it will become 29212. When it goes through that, if it still cannot list a total of 8 recordsThen it needs to rearrange $Req_Zip to $Req_Zip-1 (i.e 29211 will become 29210)If and when all three events take place and 8 records are found then stopIf it could not find 8 records Print statement "That is all we have"I guess I need to use IFNULL in there mixed in with a for of while loop. Any ideas? and what would it look like!

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i think there is many ways to do it..as far now this coming into my mind...you can put $count++ to count the itaration of looping in while loop. then you can check each time that its raching the $count==8 or not..if no then again loop through by decreasing the $req_zip value ..check again the $count..if no then again loop increasing $regip..

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Can't you just sort , select all zip code greater than or equal to the zip code you require, and limit the records to 8.$sql = "SELECT Col_ZipCode FROM tblList WHERE Col_ZipCode >= $Req_Zip ORDER BY Col_ZipCode ASC LIMIT 8";$result=mysql_query($sql);$count=mysql_num_rows($result); //will give the total number of records foundyou can then use count to set the limt in reverse <$Req_Zip until the 8 files are found, if not, use count from both sql results to show messageif($totalcount<8){echo "That is all we have";}

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well it will be if you have something similar to

<?php$zipsearch = 111111;$limitvalue = 6;mysql_select_db($database_glf, $glf);$query_zip = "SELECT member_phone FROM golf_members WHERE member_phone >= $zipsearch ORDER BY member_phone ASC LIMIT $limitvalue";$zip = mysql_query($query_zip, $glf) or die(mysql_error());$Rows_zip = mysql_num_rows($zip);$totalRows_zip = $Rows_zip;	echo 'Zip code search value: '.$zipsearch.' : Total number Required: '.$limitvalue.'<br />';	echo "<hr />";echo 'Greater and Equal to '.$zipsearch.'<br />';while($row_golf = mysql_fetch_assoc($zip))	{echo  $row_golf['member_phone'].'<br />';	}	echo  'Total found So Far: '.$totalRows_zip.'<br />';	echo "<hr />";	echo 'Lesser Than '.$zipsearch.'<br />';if(	$totalRows_zip < $limitvalue){$Total_limitvalue = $limitvalue-$totalRows_zip;$query_zip = "SELECT member_phone FROM golf_members WHERE member_phone < $zipsearch ORDER BY member_phone DESC LIMIT $Total_limitvalue";$zip = mysql_query($query_zip, $glf) or die(mysql_error());$Rows_zip = mysql_num_rows($zip);$totalRows_zip = $Rows_zip+$totalRows_zip;}while($row_golf = mysql_fetch_assoc($zip))	{echo  $row_golf['member_phone'].'<br />';	}	echo  'Total found So Far: '.$totalRows_zip.'<br />';if(	$totalRows_zip<$limitvalue){echo "not enough records found";}else{echo "All required number of records found";}		?>

should end up with something likeZip code search value: 111111 : Total number Require: 6Greater and Equal to 111111111111121212333333666666888888Total found So Far: 5Lesser Than 111111101010Total found So Far: 6All required number of records found

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