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Anything About Ternary Operators?


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For the if-elseif statement like this:

var show = 0;var source = "";function display(){if(show==0){source="ajax-data.html"; show=1;}else if(show==1){source="ajax-data.txt"; show=0;}getData(source,"div");

Can I use ternary operators to achieve the same effect?

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More or less but you require a else to go with it
var show = 0;var else_if_ternary = show == 0 ? ((source="ajax-data.html") | (show=1)) : show == 1 ? ((source="ajax-data.txt") | (show=0)) : (source="ref not recognised"); alert(else_if_ternary)alert(source)

I've just tested your suggested scripts. It seems not workable.Is there anything I got wrong with your scripts? Please see below:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /><title>Untitled Document</title><script>var XMLHttpRequestObject = false;if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {XMLHttpRequestObject = new XMLHttpRequest();} else if (window.ActiveXObject) {  XMLHttpRequestObject = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");  } function getData(dataSource, divID){  if (XMLHttpRequestObject) {   var obj = document.getElementById(divID);   XMLHttpRequestObject.open("GET", dataSource);     XMLHttpRequestObject.onreadystatechange = function(){    if (XMLHttpRequestObject.readyState == 4 && XMLHttpRequestObject.status == 200) {	 obj.innerHTML = XMLHttpRequestObject.responseText;	 }    }   }XMLHttpRequestObject.send(null);}var show = 0;var source = "";function display(){var else_if_ternary = show == 0 ? ((source="ajax-data.html") | (show=1)) : show == 1 ? ((source="ajax-data.txt") | (show=0)) : (source="ref not recognised");}</script></head><body><form><input type="button" value="Display" onclick="display()" /></form><div id="div" style="font-size:50px;">TEXT</div></body></html>

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if 'show' can only be 2 different values, you could also do this:
source = show ? "ajax-data.txt" : "ajax-data.html";show = show ? 0 : 1;

you might prefer to use a boolean for 'show', then the last line could be just:

show = !show;

Could ya tell me what = ! is called?I remember I've ever come across this syntax once but I can hardly get it in the head.Is show = !show equal to show = false?
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Could ya tell me what = ! is called?I remember I've ever come across this syntax once but I can hardly get it in the head.Is show = !show equal to show = false?
The '!' is the 'not' operator. Basically, it makes a boolean value the opposite. (ie, true to false and false to true) So in a statement like this:show = !show;the value will just be reversed. If show is true, it will be made false and vice versa.
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A empty string (""), null, undefined, +0, −0 and obviously false will return false, while almost anything else will return true. So 0 is treated as false, and 1 would be treated as true, so the example jamesB provided would work as if using show = true, or show = false, which is why he suggested you might want to use that instead.

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Consider this:

<script>var whichFruit = 0;function show(){whichFruit = !whichFruit;var fruits = whichFruit ? "apple" : "pear";document.getElementById("div").innerHTML = fruits;}</script>

The output will be apple and pear and apple... But if I reverse the order like this

var fruits = whichFruit ? "apple" : "pear";whichFruit = !whichFruit;document.getElementById("div").innerHTML = fruits;

The output will be pear, apple, pear... Can ya tell me why this is the case? How does JS process the not operator?

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Go through each instruction in order:

// Case 1:var whichFruit = 0; // Boolean falsewhichFruit = !whichFruit; // whichFruit becomes true (true = !false)var fruits = whichFruit ? "apple" : "pear"; // If whichFruit is true, output "apple" else output "pear"// whichFruit is true, so fruit becomes "apple" // Case 2:var whichFruit = 0; // Boolean falsevar fruits = whichFruit ? "apple" : "pear"; // If whichFruit is true, output "apple" else output "pear"// whichFruit is false, so fruit becomes "pear"whichFruit = !whichFruit; // whichFruit becomes true (true = !false) AFTER fruit has been set, so fruit is no longer affected// fruits is "pear"

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Go through each instruction in order:
// Case 1:var whichFruit = 0; // Boolean falsewhichFruit = !whichFruit; // whichFruit becomes true (true = !false)var fruits = whichFruit ? "apple" : "pear"; // If whichFruit is true, output "apple" else output "pear"// whichFruit is true, so fruit becomes "apple" // Case 2:var whichFruit = 0; // Boolean falsevar fruits = whichFruit ? "apple" : "pear"; // If whichFruit is true, output "apple" else output "pear"// whichFruit is false, so fruit becomes "pear"whichFruit = !whichFruit; // whichFruit becomes true (true = !false) AFTER fruit has been set, so fruit is no longer affected// fruits is "apple"

Thank you very much for ya detailed explanation. I see how it works in JS now.
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Comment: this is how it works in all imperative languages, so you don't need to work everything out again next time :P.

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