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Marquee - Evil? & Marquee Table Rows - Supported?


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I wanna ask for some advice from you guys on marquee and the use of it.I know most common browsers support it. It's not XHTML though. Is it an evil thing?In my honest opinion, I know JS can sort that out and marquee is no longer needed but it's simple and doesn't require a browser like IE to approve JS before loading it. Another question is:Why can't I apply marquee in this way?

<table><tr><th>XXX</th></tr><div class="marquee"><marquee direction="up" height="100" width="400" >  <tr>    <td>XXX</td>  </tr></marquee></div></table>

When I move the marquee tags out of the table tags, it works. Why?

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Anything outside the TD cells within the table will be invalid, you can have

<div class="marquee"><marquee direction="up" height="100" width="400" > <table><tr><th>XXX</th></tr>  <tr>	<td>XXX</td>  </tr></table> </marquee></div>


<table>  <tr>	<td><div class="marquee"><marquee direction="up" height="100" width="400" ><strong>XXX</strong><br />XXX</marquee></div></td>  </tr></table>

Note: it does work in XHTML. Edit: marquee is old school, and you find javascript/jquery were used instead, but it seems a newer css styling for this is coming out with css3, http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/default.asp half way down the page

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