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calculating a score


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hey guys, I've been working on a small script that calculates a score based on radio boxes

 function calculate_score(questions, score){ //the current score of the user is 0var current_score = 0;//the maximal score is fivevar score_default = 5;//in order to get the maximal value for each question(s) asked we're going to multiply the max score by the amount of questions //as defined in the second parametervar max_score_per_question = 5 * questions;//we want to calculate how much a user gains per decision he makes var score_per_segment = parseFloat(score_default / max_score_per_question);//-- -- -- -- -- --var score_something = parseFloat(score_per_segment * score); current_score += parseFloat(score_something);document.getElementById("total_score[i]").innerHTML=""+current_score;}

I know the calculations are accurate the only problem is it doesn't add up when there are several questions

 echo "<td>1<input type='radio' name='vraag[]' value=1 onclick='calculate_score(".$aantal.",this.value)'/></td><td>2<input type='radio' name='vraag[]' value=2 onclick='calculate_score(".$aantal.",this.value)'/></td><td>3<input type='radio' name='vraag[]' value=3 onclick='calculate_score(".$aantal.",this.value)'/></td><td>4<input type='radio' name='vraag[]' value=4 onclick='calculate_score(".$aantal.",this.value)'/></td><td>5<input type='radio' name='vraag[]' value=5 onclick='calculate_score(".$aantal.",this.value)'/></td></table></form>";

given the HTML I wonder if it's because everytime I click a radio box the value is set to 0 again....any tips?

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placevar current_score = 0; outside the function so it resets only when page loaded
how do I add this score for each record out of a database?record1[unique score]record 2[unique score]
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I don't know what each [unique score] relates to? in you first example. all i know is that in your script that you don't seriously have a id ref of "total_score"??? I seriously don't think so.
if I made an element that contains an array and append it to every record my script produces would this be achievable?
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