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CSS issues


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Hello. I have a little problem with using <li> in <ul> (unordered lists). I have set the li to display:inline in the stylesheet-link, which makes it horizontal. I will use it as navigation. Here's the issue. The ul for nav is put inside a div called nav. When I adjust the padding of <li> it stretches across the border of the nav-div. Will my site be SEO-friendly if I don't make any adjustments to the div for the navigation? Are there any other ways?

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SEO is more related to content, than html although it it important when using <h1> to <h6> heading tag as these usually would contain keywords that google will use in search results. IT would help if you supply actual html code AND css code, screenshot, even a link, so we can get a better understanding of the problem.

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Guest LH91325

Most web crawlers don't even read my external CSS files. I take this to mean that web crawlers (Google, Yahoo, MSN, Bing) don't care about your appearance, only your content. However, they do sometimes send a 'bot over to snapshot your appearance, but only to depict a visual snapshot in your search results. For example look at any google search and the >> stuff on the right side. (preview) But I'm pretty sure the search engines could care less about your site appearance as far as indexing your content or aesthetic appearance, other than to take a snapshot to show in search results. So don't worry about it other than how it appears to your human traffic. That's my advice.

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