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center image?


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dsonesuk, that's because prophets are strangers in their own land. lol! I am wondering where you found the sidebar id? I used firebug, found the ads in the sidebar id, but couldn't find the id in firebug. Is that the id you used?

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You find the img element, you identify its not using display: block, and is still inline element, therefor you need to use text-align: center; on a parent block element. you use the html veiw, in firebug to move up until you find the correct block element which turned out to be <div class="wp125ad odd"> clicking this on the html veiw panel on left, gives you the current css style in the right panel of firebug, well in mine it does, depends how you have the panel display setup.

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I see. I didn't go deep enough. I always wondered how you and the others respond as quickly as you do and I just happened to have my firebug on top when I went to the link and started investigating. I know firebug is capable of much more than I use it for. Thanks dsonesuk.

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