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i would like to start making sites like this


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hello, i would like to start making websites like this http://misr4all.com/kasaby3/ instead of making them like this www.divinedesigns1.com i would like to upper my level in this field, but i still dont get why people use all those divs -_- whats the point using so many divs?is that the new way of creating websites?if someone can explain this to me, it would be very appreciated "not too technical please" dumby version then technical please i know the person used a few divs for the background including the body, then used another few for the main container, then he used a few wrappers for the left, right, content, nav, and something else. but why so many divs?

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As opposed to what? The only bad practice before was using tables. Now better developers know to only use them for display tabular data. I mean, there are really only two types of elements, block (<div>, <p>) and inline (<a>, <img>). It's just that <div> is the most semantically meaningful tag for making a section of a page (minus the new H5 specially purposed ones).

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yeah, but why use so many divs, just to get the divs to go left or right?

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As I said, that's part of it. Positioning is a big deal.

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As I said, that's part of it. Positioning is a big deal.
ok, but positioning stuff doesnt take that much divs, i can pretty much position those stuff with less gives
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The more you put in a site the more divs you'll need. One div will cover the styling of many elements.

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whats the point using so many divs?

The reason is because its a template system, and it allows for a 1 to 3 column setup, and the extra divs probably allows for the addition of borders, shadows and such like, and apply these just by selecting a different template that supports these instantly.

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whats the point using so many divs?

The reason is because its a template system, and it allows for a 1 to 3 column setup, and the extra divs probably allows for the addition of borders, shadows and such like, and apply these just by selecting a different template that supports these instantly.

Is that site a WordPress site or something of the like? I have noticed a trend today for website layout like in the above site DDs provided. It's where the header and footer stretch all the way across the screen and the body(content area) is narrow a bit and centered. I noticed a lot of wordpress sites have this layout.
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Is that site a WordPress site or something of the like? I have noticed a trend today for website layout like in the above site DDs provided. It's where the header and footer stretch all the way across the screen and the body(content area) is narrow a bit and centered. I noticed a lot of wordpress sites have this layout.
Yes, wordpress, joomla and other CMS use the same principle. each template comes with own images, and template.css file that target specific element to produce this template design, fluid or fixed width, set default font-size can all be changed in the backend administrator page. It adjusts to how many columns you have using php in the index page, changing the id ref to adjust the layout.
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sp pretty your stacking boxes in boxes to make the layout of the template?

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