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Bad things about W3S


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hello to all, my question is simple, why other people say that W3S has a lot of errors in the lessons, have u ever heard about W3fools.com? is a page with a lot of questionable things about W3S, so cause i'm a begginer, is important for me know if the lessons of W3S are ok, if W3s content is updated. thanks!

Edited by banto
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There's a this_site_sucks.com for just about every meaningful site on the web.

Edited by niche
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FWIW, W3Fools itself hasn't been updated in a while, despite the fact a good number of the issues pointed out are fixed already. The stuff you see stricken through was the stuff that was fixed only a few days after the site's public announcement.They probably haven't bothered, because their "core" issue - the JavaScript tutorial - is not addressed yet. That said, there are few other absolute beginner tutorials on the web that are as complete and as clear as those. Most are focused on programmers coming from other languages, or focus on a few JavaScript features, or they are even more outdated than W3Schools' tutorials, or they have the same kind of flaws W3Fools points out.

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