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site does not work online : suspicion of file corruption

Ron Wolpa

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A perfectly operational site (html5+css+java script) , as it is ran from my local disk , has been uploaded to the server.

It has not worked online! (as the navigation tabs are clicked the screens are not opened suggesting a problem with js files).As it is the first time that I host on the server of this company I suspected of some problem on server side (despite it is still static html) and then I uploaded to another web server on which I have space. It hasn´t worked either.

My 2nd suspicion was something to do with FTP , despite I have never had any problem alike. I downloaded the files/folders from both servers with the same result : both came in as it is online , not working. I employ an old 32 bits program ACEFTP PRO 3.61.0 (sept 8 2004) to send files.By lack of options I started to suspect on everything ranging from file corruption during ftp transfer (ASCII vs. BINARY - this made me configure aceftp pro transfer option from auto to binary) to some incompatibility with my new 64 bits hardware.

The next step was to employ Dreamweaver CS6 to do the upload task.I deleted all files from server and uploaded the site files with Dreamweaver. The result was again the same on both servers , the site does not work and once again I downloaded the files and tested the site on my local disk : site does not work. Some file probably a JS is corrupted.Up to now I have never had this problem before what makes me inquire what is going on here ?

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I'd upload your scripts a mod at a time and test each new add. If you wrote your scripts, that won't be a problem just a pain. If you didn't write them, you may be up a creek.


There will probably always be some differences between your localhost any "live" server.

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Case-sensitivity is an issue I have between my localhost and live server.


davej, thanks for reminding me that needs to be on my cms to do list.

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Thank you for answering my post.Finally , after many attempts , I managed to upload succesfully the files. Most of the site functions work but not all. Once again I downloaded the files that were uploaded to the server and found out that they are perfect : the downloaded site survives.However online that is another story : there is a jQuery Nivo Slider v2.3 that doesn´t work as it does on my local disk.



1- There will probably always be some differences between your localhost any "live" server.2- Are you uploading from a Windows desktop PC to a Linux server? If so the file paths are now case-sensitive.


1- it is still a static html site , I am working on a folder that it is not c:wampwww , so that I cannot call it localhost.My experience with js is that if it works locally then It will work online. I´ve never had this problem before.2- Yes , I have here windows 8 and I think I am uploading to a Linux server. I am only employing lower case for folders and files.

Edited by Ron Wolpa
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Check the Javascript error console.>>>Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 (Forbidden)

Uncaught TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'nivoSlider'

You don't have permission to access /js/jquery.nivo.slider.pack.js on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

Why it failed to load online ? I checked that the file is there on the server.

If try to load it the result is forbidden. What is going on here ?
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The problem is that this...

<script src="http://mmkt.net.br/js/jquery.nivo.slider.pack.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

...is forbidden by that remote server. He will have to get that file somewhere else.

Edited by davej
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You can find it here and just add the script onto your server.....


THANKS FOR POSTING GUYS : no need to download the file , I already have it , the jQuery Nivo Slider v2.3 is already on the server (file name js/jquery.nivo.slider.pack.js).

As foxy mod and "cat" wrote it , the file is not accessible , the server by some unexplainable reason is blocking it.Thank you anyway.

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I suggest you write and upload a simple test webpage. See if it can load a simple external css file, a few image files, etc..


Any suspicion of file corruption can be answered by FTPing the entire folder back to your desktop for examination or testing.

Edited by davej
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