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Will you please help me to write the code for the image?


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If you know HTML and CSS then first create a static page using those which shows what you want. After that it should be easy to write the Javascript code to build the same structure.



This is HTML code for the image

<!DOCTYPE html><html  lang="en"><head><style media="screen">html,body {    display:table;    width:100%;    height:100%;    margin:0;    background-color:#f0f0f0; }body {    display:table-cell;    vertical-align:middle; }#container {    max-width:57%;    padding:1.75vw 0;    border:0.1vw solid #000;    margin:auto;    background-color:#fff;    box-shadow:0.5vw 0.5vw 0.5vw #999; }#container div {    height:2.94vw;    background-color:#fec81d;    border:0.1vw solid #000;}#container #left25 {    margin-right:75%; }#container #left50 {    margin-right:50%;}#container #left75 {    margin-right:25%; }#container #left100 {    border-right:0;    border-left:0; }#container #right75 {    margin-left:25%; }#container #right50 {    margin-left:50%; }#container #right25 {    margin-left:75%; }#container .bot {    border-bottom:0;    border-left:0; } #container .top {    border-top:0;    border-right:0; }</style></head><body><div id="container"><div id="left25" class="bot"></div><div id="left50" class="bot"></div><div id="left75" class="bot"></div><div id="left100"></div><div id="right75" class="top"></div><div id="right50" class="top"></div><div id="right25" class="top"></div></div></body></html>

But I don't know how to change it to JavaScript!!!

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Look into creating and appending elements using Javascript. You can use document.createElement to create a new div, set the ID, set the class, and append them to your container div. You can create the container if you want also and append it to the body.

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Look into creating and appending elements using Javascript. You can use document.createElement to create a new div, set the ID, set the class, and append them to your container div. You can create the container if you want also and append it to the body.


Sorry,I didn't underestand how I can do that.Can you help me please?

When I write document.CreateElement( ),it creat div by compelete width screen.How can I say that the first div should be for example 200px and then each time,the div should be wider

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Sorry,I didn't underestand how I can do that.Can you help me please?

When I write document.CreateElement( ),it creat div by compelete width screen.How can I say that the first div should be for example 200px and then each time,the div should be wider


You can create an element and change its style with the style property: http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/dom_obj_style.asp


See this example: http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/tryit.asp?filename=tryjsref_style_create_elmnt


Thank you

I wrote this code,just for one div.I know I have to use loop

But the problem is thet nothing show in the browser!!!

Will you please tell me what is the problem?!!

This is the code what I wrote :

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /><title>Untitled Document</title><script>function Div(){	document.getElementById("myDiv").style.backgroundColor="orange";	document.getElementById("myDiv").style.width="200px";	}</script></head><body onload="Div()"><div id="myDiv"></div></body></html>
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Its empty so height is 0 and you won't see anything until you add height, or add content in target div.


I wrote this and first div created

<script>var d=1000;function Div(){	document.getElementById("myDiv").style.backgroundColor="orange";	document.getElementById("myDiv").style.width="200px";	document.getElementById("myDiv").style.height="100px";}</script></head><body onload="Div()"><div id="myDiv">1</div></body>

Then I put it in the loop,but again I found another problem!

This is the code by loop :

<script>var d=1000;function Div(){	for(var i=200;i<=d;)	{	document.getElementById("myDiv").style.backgroundColor="orange";	document.getElementById("myDiv").style.width=i;	document.getElementById("myDiv").style.height="100px";	document.write("<br>");	i+=(2*i);	}}</script></head><body onload="Div()"><div id="myDiv">1</div></body>

Will you please help me again and tell me what is the problem?

Edited by ferry_2020
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What you need to do is create new elements, using document.createElement(), and then append them to the page using document.appendChild().

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What you need to do is create new elements, using document.createElement(), and then append them to the page using document.appendChild().


Sorry,I didn't underestand what you mean.It means that I shouldn't use loop for creating div?!!

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No, what I mean is that you should use the loop to create a div, not just to change its style.

You use createElement() and appendChild() to add new elements to the page.


OK,Thank for your advise but can you tell me what should I write in loop? i.e for( ? ; ? ; ? )

I wanna create div with specific width.I can't write number with px(pixel) in loop!

Please help me

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No, what I mean is that you should use the loop to create a div, not just to change its style.

You use createElement() and appendChild() to add new elements to the page.



I wrote code in this way :

<script>var d;function Div(){    document.getElementById("myDiv").style.backgroundColor="orange";    d= document.getElementById("myDiv").style.width="200px";    document.getElementById("myDiv").style.height="100px";            for(var d=200+"px";d<=1000+"px";d*2)    {document.createElement("br");    var D= document.createElement("div");    document.body.appendChild(D);        }}</script></head><body onload="Div()"><div id="myDiv"></div></body>

But it has problem yet!!!

Please tell me what should I do?

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Remove ALL text string from for loop, it only uses number varible values, you only use +"px" when applying a style like width or height when a unit is required.As you create a div element, you use the variable d to apply id ref and className ref then append this created div along with id and class values to container div. You don't even need to use width/height styling with +"px" as you have css to apply these to the id/class ref added to the 7 created divs.Use for loop which goes from 1 to 7, create variable that will hold incrementing value and times that by 25i will equal 1, i *25 = 25i incremented will equal 2, i * 25 = 50And so on you add this variable value to id ref for created div, after 4th loop it become tricky as you have reverse the count down.Use if condition to check loop value and apply appropriate className.That is what you are basically looking for.

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Remove ALL text string from for loop, it only uses number varible values, you only use +"px" when applying a style like width or height when a unit is required.As you create a div element, you use the variable d to apply id ref and className ref then append this created div along with id and class values to container div.You don't even need to use width/height styling with +"px" as you have css to apply these to the id/class ref added to the 7 created divs.Use for loop which goes from 1 to 7, create variable that will hold incrementing value and times that by 25i will equal 1, i *25 = 25i incremented will equal 2, i * 25 = 50And so on you add this variable value to id ref for created div, after 4th loop it become tricky as you have reverse the count down.Use if condition to check loop value and apply appropriate className.That is what you are basically looking for.


I'm so sorry,I couldn't underestand what you mean.I did what you told me,but nothing happened.

please help me more.

Thank you

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