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After Opera 9.0 was released, I've decided to try and use the summer holiday learning xml/xslt. Now, looking at the examples, I was wondering:http://www.w3schools.com/xsl/xsl_choose.aspWhen one uses xslt to say, create <td bgcolor="#ff00ff"></td> around text, is it also possible to just give the td a class="name" and make <head></head> tags in the xslt with style tagset and info? So it's easier to change one and all at the same time at a later time? :)When executing xml/xslt with serverside scripts(?), is it so that you actually change the xml/xslt and get returned xhtml in the source code?

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When one uses xslt to say, create <td bgcolor="#ff00ff"></td> around text, is it also possible to just give the td a class="name" and make <head></head> tags in the xslt with style tagset and info? So it's easier to change one and all at the same time at a later time? :)

Yes. Every element inside an XSLT file without the XSLT namespace(<xsl:something>) is part of the actual ouput, so this means you can put anything you can do with that other language (in our case, that's XHTML).
When executing xml/xslt with serverside scripts(?), is it so that you actually change the xml/xslt and get returned xhtml in the source code?

Abso****enlutely correct :) . When you view an XML file with attached stylesheet you see the result, but the browser or application that reads the file only sees (thus manipulates) the XML source. Executing XSLT with a server side script allows you to see the output's source code and allows applications to parse this code, instead of the XSLT one. That is essentially useful for devices and browsers that don't support XSLT.
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