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Help with blog website


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So my mom blogs on a norwegian blog site. She got loads of readers there, and wanted to make a website. 

I finished the website and was quite proud, but there was one problem...

I had to automaticcly add her blog post to the website. So everytime she uploads a new post, I have to go into the codes and put it in manually..

Is there a way to do this automaticcly?

I have coded the website with HTML and CSS.

Any help would be appreaciated!!

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I think if you don't want to go with code again and again then you can go with Wordpress like CMS.

Wordpress (CMS) is software that helps you create, manage, and modify content on a website without needing to interact directly with the code.

You can simply create a website without much effort. If you want to convert your HTML website to Wordpress then you can also do that.

You can check about this on web. With wordpress you can develop your website effortlessly.

I hope this information is useful for you. Thanks

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You can also create a Database and make an admin panel, so every blog post is comming from the database with it's details (title, name, content...)

Whenever a query in database is added, the blog displays the newest query!


If not, use Wordpress, but better learn to create these things, everyone can use WP.


Happy Coding!

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