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Is it possible to make my site xhtml strict?

Taustin Powers

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I have it validated for xhtml 1.0 transitional. I used an iframe in the layout. Can a site be xhtml strict compliant if it contains an iframe? The reason I am using it so far (I'm still new to html, mind you) is that I want the top and menu section of the page to always be there and NOT reload every time a different content is selected from the menu. Are there other ways to achieve this, without an iframe? (I know about regular frames, but find that option even less appealing...)This is what it looks like:http://www.theletter3.com

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You could use PHP and include the navigation in an external page, and when you click on a link it goes to a specific If statement with the stuff you have in the iframe in it.But that would require PHP.There is a way to do it with some javascript and CSS also. Dynamic Drive tutorialThat link up there shows you how its done. You basically just copy and paste, and change it to your liking.

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probably not...once you change the extention you can include files like this
<!-- #include file="filename.html" -->

http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/howto/ssi.htmlIt's <!--#include ... -->. If you have a space before the # sign, it's just treated as a regular comment I think...
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