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Password deleter?


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Well, I know this is possible because its been done before, but where can I get a program to run on a windows computer (Xp home edit. to be specific) to delete or change the password of an account. I ask this because my brother decided to change my password on this computer.. so now I cant use it, and I have alot of files on it that I need.Also, since its windows they decided to be stupid and not put a floppy disk drive on that computer and the laptop im on...I know this can be done and I need it desperatly! (btw, I didnt really want to google it in the case that it has viruses.. and I dont really know of another forum to go to for this).Thanks!!BTW, im just curious but what language would this be programmed in? Ive never really worked with anything like this.EDIT: ok, the guy who had it came over but I didnt get to use it, and it was a password changer.. can anyone even point me in the right direction?

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Do a search on Google, maybe search through the groups. See what other people are saying, if the program contains spyware or something people will be talking about it. If you find one you think might work, search for the name and see what people say.

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resovle the issue with your brother or get your parents involved. get what you need off the machine (burn to CD) and then move on.running away (to google) for some password changer is not your solution - being able communicate with your brother - even if you can't solve your problems is.

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BTW, im just curious but what language would this be programmed in? Ive never really worked with anything like this.
First, passwords are the safest if they are processed at the server. At the server, a hosting service executes the code that you wrote in the file, and processes your program. The opposite is a program processed at the browser, which, by all means, is not safe at all. You would use these so called "server-side" languages. Like PHP and ASP. You onely need one of them, and it is up to you what you prefer. They have both their pros and cons, though I myself prefer PHP. Server-side languages are for programming, you can not only draw your pages, but also calculate on them. You can use functions to do some pieces of code more than once by just calling the function, you can use variables and conditions, you can make loops to do code blocks more than once in a row, untill a condition is reached, and much more. But the best thing about server-side languages, is that they virtually spoken "hide" the source code (the code you wrote in the file). No user is able to view the original code that was processed at the server, while the code itself only sends its output back to the user, the client. Client-side languages like javascript don't, they are just entirely sent back to the client without processing, that is the browsers' job.I hope this helped you :)
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Yea Dan, but this is about something stupid. He wouldnt listen.. He has admin privs. and change it.. Anyways I will proably be back on it when school starts (aug. 22).

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well if you ever do get back in and have more than one computer, I would install VNC.. so then if you can get logged back in, you can login to VNC while he's on and go change it (right in front of him... lol)the first time I used VNC on my brother he though it was a hacker who took control of his mouse, so he ran down stairs to me and was yelling "there's a hacker on the computer up stairs and he has control over the mouse!" I couldn't hold it in and I was laughing for a long time... the look on his face. but then he got smart and tried to VNC me while I was VNCing him... like a mirror looking at another mirror... and both on full screen! MAN that exit button was hard to find!---- ---another way to get back if you have a router is to block websites... or limit website viewing times or keywords!(because my brother would pig out on bandwidth... my network speed 108mbps, my internet speed 2kbps... slower that dialup (I have 6mbps btw). Is there a program that eats bandwidth?)

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lol, nice! Where can I download VNC? Im guessing that its a program you put on one computer, then uses a connection to control the mouse of the other computer, then you can see the other persons screen so you just go change it? That sounds ownage :)

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about coding... you would write it in DOS... and put it on a floppy and then boot the computer and have it read the floppy.if you don't have a floppy drive, you could do it with a CD.. maybe USB (I don't think old computers could do it though... I'm not 100% sure.)

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How do I do this? Do I like download VNC or something?Oh, and BTW dan, I sent you an email through your site. I used the send feedback thing. Check it out.. You messed up your captcha thing lol :)

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not at all... Linux will be easier than Windows.On linux I just saw it one day while installing some php things though the add/remove program things... it installed and runs the programs for you.If your on windows, you will have to google 'real vnc' then find the download and tell them for what purpose your using it for. Then after installing it, run the listening program and add it to the start folder so it starts up when you turn on the computer.Then you just click VNC viewer and type in the IP address or the computer name...

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about coding... you would write it in DOS...
DOS isn't a language, it's an operating system. Also, to use VNC you would still need access to the machine to install the client on.
what if both computers have the same IP
They don't, two computers cannot be on the same network with the same IP. The second computer will fail at acquiring an address and not be able to connect to the network. Your home router operates its own network and assigns its own IP addresses to clients. The IP your router uses to access the internet is the IP that your ISP assigns to your house. But behind the router, all clients have a unique IP.It sounds like you need to either 1) get your own computer or 2) kick your brother's ###### until he gives you access. Or open up the case and disconnect the power supply or hard drive until he writes down the password for you.
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resovle the issue with your brother or get your parents involved. get what you need off the machine (burn to CD) and then move on.running away (to google) for some password changer is not your solution - being able communicate with your brother - even if you can't solve your problems is.
VNC is not a toy it is used for remote access to a PC and not to get back at your brother - be part of the solution not the problem. Would anyone be advising anyone else here to log-in as another member to post whatever they want? Maybe its me, but there have been a few posts recently that are beginning to show the maturity level of some of our members - and I've been bitting my tongue.If you want to hack or be cruel - go find the answers on a forum that condones it. I'm sorry, I really am, but I am done seeing this behavior here. I'll leave this thread open you anyone can open b1tch and moan (at me) but unless I am otherwise convinced, this type of behavior will not be permitted and posts will be removed.
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VNC is not a toy it is used for remote access to a PC and not to get back at your brother - be part of the solution not the problem. Would anyone be advising anyone else here to log-in as another member to post whatever they want? Maybe its me, but there have been a few posts recently that are beginning to show the maturity level of some of our members - and I've been bitting my tongue.If you want to hack or be cruel - go find the answers on a forum that condones it. I'm sorry, I really am, but I am done seeing this behavior here. I'll leave this thread open you anyone can open b1tch and moan (at me) but unless I am otherwise convinced, this type of behavior will not be permitted and posts will be removed.
I don't think he wants to get back at his brother.I think the problem is his brother changed his password and he doesnt know what it is, and wants access to his computer again.I could be wrong. It has happened before.
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I don't think he wants to get back at his brother.I think the problem is his brother changed his password and he doesnt know what it is, and wants access to his computer again.I could be wrong. It has happened before.
True - but he will still need to gain access to his brothers machine before he can use VNC. You have to install the VNC Service on the host machine in order to run the VNC Viewer from a client box. So, no matter what, he still needs access to the computer. Which means he still needs to figure out away to make ammends with his brother long enough to get his crap off that PC. If, in that amount of time, he chooses to install the VNC service, then thats where I have issue. Controlling someone elses PC is funny - as posted earlier - but this would not be a joke.
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O... I didn't mean to use VNC to 'get back' at someone... My school also has VNC on the computers (paid version) and they don't always use it for real proposes... sometimes to be funny or make a joke.with the router thing, that would be a good solution if your brother wouldn't let up... he blocks you, you block him... then your going to have to work it out. Just because some people aren't going to be like "you should have access, what was I thinking..." while they have the upper hand. ---- ---Why did he change your password in the first place?Maybe I don't see the real problem... all computer in my house have at least one one account so anyone can access the computer... I also don't keep my data on other people's computers... unless it's my mom computer (where I know I will have 100% access all the time)I don't allow my brother to have access to my computer because he slows down every computer some how... when he uses a computer, it has to be reformated every month, I can make a computer last 6 years (and still have it running like new)

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I don't allow my brother to have access to my computer because he slows down every computer some how... when he uses a computer, it has to be reformated every month, I can make a computer last 6 years (and still have it running like new)
Do you never install/uninstall things??? Even that can slow down a computer over time. But there are plenty of progrmas to clean that stuff up without reformating.If you keep anti-virus/anti-spyware up to date run a registry cleaner and defrag regualrly you shouldn't have any problems.
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No, this is not for revenge. This is just to change my password back on the computer. Im not sure why he did it, but he did.. I hope to get it back soon though =\. Maybe Ill get it back when my school starts back up. Oh well.

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All you have to do is unplug the hard drive man. If the thing won't boot, he can't use it either and he will probably be willing to give you the password at that point if you will make it work. Just make sure you get the password before you plug the drive back in. This of course assumes he doesn't know how to work with hardware, and you do, but if he's being difficult about the situation then it's pretty easy to disable the computer entirely. Just don't snap off any capacitors, that's not as easy to fix.

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Yea, I dont like capacitors anymore :). Bad experience.. I was talking apart my moms treadmil and um, I was seeing something and plugged it in then turned it on, then I touched the top of one I was like.. Ow!But ok, and if I did snap off any my brother in law is a comp. tech guy, and my uncle is an engineer :).

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