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Learning PHP & MYSQL


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Friends,I am a newbie as far as PHP & MYSQL is concerned. I have been told to do a project using PHP & MYSQL.So can anyyone of you suggest me a good project using PHP & MYSQL.The PHP tutorials of this site is really nice but I need some help as far as MYSQL is concerned.Thanks in advance.

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http://sqlcourse.comhttp://sqlcourse2.comhttp://devzone.zend.com/node/view/id/627:), those are some good sites I reccomend. Also, the man who made PHP (something O`Reilly or something close to that lol) has some some really good books. I just got the PHP pocket Handbook for $10, its a small book but I have already learned quite a few things for it.For instance, there is another was to parse php besides <?php php source; ?>!You can just do <script language="php">php source; </script> :ph34r:
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Also, the man who made PHP (something O`Reilly or something close to that lol) has some some really good books.
:) O'Reilly is just a publisher, they aren't responsible for PHP. Rasmus Lerdorf created the original Personal Home Page Tools (PHP Tools 1.0) in 1995, added SQL support and embedded the language into HTML pages for PHP/FI 2.0 (check out the sweet documentation for that version here). Then, Andi Gutmans and Zeev Suraski essentially completely rewrote it for version 3 to make it more powerful. Those two and Rasmus decided to cooperate and released that version 3 as the successor to PHP/FI 2.0. Version 4 included the first Zend engine, which was a rewrite of the PHP core, and added quite a few features. 'Zend' is from 'Zeev' and 'Andi'. PHP 5 included Zend 2.0, which had a new object model and plenty of other new features. I know that there is still some development of PHP 4 and major development of PHP 5 and Zend 2.0, but I'm not sure if they are working on a next version yet, or simply making the current one better.So, back to my point, O'Reilly is just a book publisher. But this is written in part by Rasmus Lerdorf.
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