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My websites


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I have made two websites. I guess it isn't entirely necessary for the autohotkey.net one, but I didn't want to use file share websites to show people on the autohotkey forums my programs... Anyway I want to know what you think of them, they are both under some contruction, and hazardzone.tk just got a new style sheet I made.Here they are:1:www.hazardzone.tk2:www.autohotkey.net/~Elevator_HazardAlso you can check out the programs I made if you want :) Autohotkey is a great way to learn how to program other things.

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I can only view the second site, firewall at work blocks the first one. Second site seems to be missing the banner... I only see a white line in top center of the page. There isn't much colours other than black, gray and white... Maybe try something else than solid colours for your left and right columns. Add a banner. It's not really clear that the first link goes to a forum.Note: Your forum is really popular 3200 users and 90000 posts.

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Yeh, they look good, but I really do not like the background of the first one, it really makes oyur eyes go funny and you have to scoll a lot because you have a lot of blank space, and I have my screen resolution at 1152 by 864.Also your links are very messy, why dont you have them on the same lines?

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Yeh, they look good, but I really do not like the background of the first one, it really makes oyur eyes go funny and you have to scoll a lot because you have a lot of blank space, and I have my screen resolution at 1152 by 864.Also your links are very messy, why dont you have them on the same lines?
I will repeat, the background really isn't very nice, it make my eyes go funny. And all of the above aswell.
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with www.hazardzone.tk things would look alot better if they were lined up and of equal widths.i have tried to illustrate this point by making some quick edits in photoshoporiginal: (click for big)layout2b6c.jpg edit:(click for big)layout140.jpg also i would agree with holmedwa04 that the background aint very good and the layout is all over the place for me in IE

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The first one: - it looks awefull - white font color on top of black background (it's annoying for my eyes) - the green borders in the background is "flashing" too much, it burns in my eyes - i don't know what more to say. i didn't even the check out the source for it, so...The second noe: - it looks better - still that white font color on top of black background - dont use tables, use div's instead - the menu shouldnt be in the middle as it is, just take on a <tr valign="top"> to make it go to the top if you didnt know itThat's about what I had to say about them :)

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