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help me test the code on the firefox, mozilla, netscape navigator, please


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Hello; i got a bbcode, and i want to it whether it can be compatibility with firefox, mozilla, netscape navigator, please, and i has not of them. Would anyone help me to test it, please. Just see it can work on them or not.test.html<html><head><script language="Javascript">var isMozilla = (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('gecko')!=-1) ? true : false;var regexp = new RegExp("[\r]","gi");function storeCaret(selec){ if (isMozilla) { // Si on est sur Mozilla oField = document.forms['news'].elements['newst']; objectValue = oField.value; deb = oField.selectionStart; fin = oField.selectionEnd; objectValueDeb = objectValue.substring( 0 , oField.selectionStart ); objectValueFin = objectValue.substring( oField.selectionEnd , oField.textLength ); objectSelected = objectValue.substring( oField.selectionStart ,oField.selectionEnd ); // alert("Debut:'"+objectValueDeb+"' ("+deb+")\nFin:'"+objectValueFin+"' ("+fin+")\n\nSelectionné:'"+objectSelected+"'("+(fin-deb)+")"); oField.value = objectValueDeb + "[" + selec + "]" + objectSelected + "[/" + selec + "]" + objectValueFin; oField.selectionStart = strlen(objectValueDeb); oField.selectionEnd = strlen(objectValueDeb + "[" + selec + "]" + objectSelected + "[/" + selec + "]"); oField.focus(); oField.setSelectionRange( objectValueDeb.length + selec.length + 2, objectValueDeb.length + selec.length + 2); } else { // Si on est sur IE oField = document.forms['news'].elements['newst']; var str = document.selection.createRange().text; if (str.length>0) { // Si on a selectionné du texte var sel = document.selection.createRange(); sel.text = "[" + selec + "]" + str + "[/" + selec + "]"; sel.collapse(); sel.select(); } else { oField.focus(oField.caretPos); // alert(oField.caretPos+"\n"+oField.value.length+"\n") oField.focus(oField.value.length); oField.caretPos = document.selection.createRange().duplicate(); var bidon = "%~%"; var orig = oField.value; oField.caretPos.text = bidon; var i = oField.value.search(bidon); oField.value = orig.substr(0,i) + "[" + selec + "][/" + selec + "]" + orig.substr(i, oField.value.length); var r = 0; for(n = 0; n < i; n++) {if(regexp.test(oField.value.substr(n,2)) == true){r++;}}; pos = i + 2 + selec.length - r; //placer(document.forms['news'].elements['newst'], pos); var r = oField.createTextRange(); r.moveStart('character', pos); r.collapse(); r.select(); } }}</script></head><body><center><form name="news"><input type="button" value="b" style="width:50px;font-weight:bold" onclick="storeCaret('b')"><input type="button" value="i" style="width:50px;font-style:italic" onclick="storeCaret('i')"><input type="button" value="u" style="width:50px;text-decoration:underline" onclick="storeCaret('u')"><input type="button" value="quote"style="width:50px" onclick="storeCaret('quote')"><input type="button" value="code"style="width:50px" onclick="storeCaret('code')"><input type="button" value="url"style="width:50px" onclick="storeCaret('url')"><input type="button" value="img"style="width:50px" onclick="storeCaret('img')"><br><textarea name="newst" id="newst" rows="10" wrap="virtual" cols="45"></textarea></form></center></body></html>

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It would be a good idea to download them, It's not like they are extreamly large downloads and Personally I think FireFox is a really good browser.
If one computer have 4 different browser, do they affect each other perfomance?
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Well they ARE allowed to import Favrourites or Bookmarks from each other arent they?

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Well they ARE allowed to import Favrourites or Bookmarks from each other arent they?
I don't think they import from eachother, your favorites is probably stored somewhere inside the computer and the browsers extract from that.
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Prateek, you can choose not to import your favorites from IE in the firefox setup process - i'm sure it's the same with other browsers.
Hi Webworldx;At the movement, i got 3 browers in my computer. If i use the FireFox most of time, and i add some more links to bookmark later on. Then in this case, how i can import the bookmark from the FireFox to IE and the NetScape? Do you known how to do that?
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Thnx :)

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