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Everything posted by niche

  1. wrap them in a <div> and give that <div> the float:left; property/value
  2. niche


    What's your question?
  3. niche


    Please post your relevant code using the code tag Also, what are you using server side? or, do you plan to handle your form results client side
  4. wrap this: https://www.w3schools.com/html/html_images.asp in a <td> tag https://www.w3schools.com/html/html_tables.asp
  5. Did you find any of those techniques helpful?
  6. Use many BETWEEN operators with an OR between each BETWEEN if you want do it with SQL. I'd use one BETWEEN and process the resulting array with a php loop. https://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_between.asp
  7. I think the issue is hello_world.php in not a command. This works fine: shell_exec("mkdir data5"); EDIT: This might help - https://hotexamples.com/examples/-/-/shell_exec/php-shell_exec-function-examples.html
  8. Pls post the relevant part of your code using the code tags <>.
  9. one way to use fox's info, in php, is number_format() https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.number-format.php
  10. Just get started on your 10,000 hours. I used the w3schools tuits for my start.
  11. this'll get you started:https://www.w3schools.com/css/css_navbar.asp
  12. Since you asked in the php forum: https://www.w3schools.com/php/php_arrays_sort.asp the sql answer will be different
  13. You target a multidimensional array in php, through loops, current(), next() just off the top of my head. Cracking these kind of arrays can be tough. As I remember, they were for me.
  14. $acnm[$cntr] makes sense assuming its a numeric array. {print($acnm[$cntr])}; produces a parse error - print() enclosed with curly brackets $amts[$cntr][11] what are you trying to accomplish with [11]? EDIT: Seems to me you might be trying to describe a multidimensional array https://www.w3schools.com/php/php_arrays_multidimensional.asp If so, what does the dump of $amts look like?
  15. Your script has many errors and warnings. Can you focus on a specific snippet that's not working for you?
  16. https://www.w3schools.com/jsref/tryit.asp?filename=tryjsref_onscroll
  17. Do you want a SQL query that does that?
  18. then your code would look something like this: $acct_a = 'company abc'; $acct_b = 'company stu'; $acct_c = 'company xyz'; $val_1 = 35; $val_2 = 1007; $val_3 = 20004567543; $accounts = array($acct_a=>$val_1, $acct_b=>$val_2, $acct_c=>$val_3); var_dump($accounts); Now everything is variable EDIT: Be sure to use => instead of = AND use array_push() to add to your array https://www.w3schools.com/php/func_array_push.asp
  19. https://www.w3schools.com/php/php_arrays_associative.asp for example: $age1 = 35; $age = array("Peter"=>$age1, "Ben"=>37, "Joe"=>43); var_dump($age);
  20. What do you mean "didn't kept the whole price"? Did you define how many decimals you wanted?
  21. The path for my WAMP is $file = "drive:/wamp64/tmp/filename_with_extention";
  22. No doubt a call out to people that somewhat justifiably dislike acronyms
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