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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. This is the only cross browser solution I could find although it is just repositioning an outside element. <div style="width:200px;height:159px;filter:alpha(opacity=25);-moz-opacity:.25;opacity:.25;background:url(http://www.mandarindesign.com/images/monday.jpg)"></div><p style="width:200px;text-align:justify;position:relative;top:-159px;color:black;">This opacity background with fully opaque text works in Mozilla and IE.</p> This solution only works in IEhttp://www.domedia.org/oveklykken/css-transparency.php
  2. aspnetguy


    cool, I didn't know that...one of the short comings of being fairly new to php :)Thanks
  3. If you do let me know because if you do you will have bypassed the borwsers builtin functionality
  4. If the html page is going to be used locally on your computer then the images can be used locally.
  5. You could always place an iframe in the center column and target the pdf to the iframe.
  6. The Access denied is what I expected you'd get. You cannot do anything to the document inside the iframe if it is not from the same domain. That obviously include scrolling. Sorry
  7. try this articlehttp://www.devarticles.com/c/a/PHP/Quick_E...PHP_and_PayPal/
  8. try this<body onLoad="document.frames['iframe_name'].scrollTo(10,700)">...<iframe name="iframe_name" id="iframe_name" title="iframe_name" src="http://www.xxx.ro/xxx.php" ></iframe>
  9. from what I can tell this is the source of your error cart.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("price", GetType(Decimal))) You are adding a datacolumn to cart but the datacolumn value is "price" and you're trying to convert it to decimal (which you can't).I think that is the problem.
  10. I am pretty sure they all support innerHTML aswell.
  11. aspnetguy


    helping is no problem...as long as you get there the means of transportation doesn't really matter
  12. aspnetguy


    try thishttp://ca3.php.net/types.array
  13. aspnetguy


    $postcode = $_POST['postbox'];$find = array();$replacewith = array();$find[] = ":lol:";$find[] = ":)";$replacewith[] = '<img src="lol.gif" alt="LOL"/>';$replacewith[] = '<img src="smile.gif" alt="smile"/>';for($i=0;$i<sizeof($find);$i++){ $postcode = str_replace($find[$i],$replacewith[$i],$postcode);} something like that. Please excuse any syntax errors, I didn't have time to test it
  14. aspnetguy


    the last 2 errors means you have hte Main function defrined in more than one form. I am not sure abotu the fiorst error without seeing some code.
  15. aspnetguy

    What is this ?

    wow the spammers are getting creative
  16. Yeah that is not truely a gradiant it is just opacity in selected areas, degress. It is the background color of the element and the background color of the underneath element.
  17. using filter:Alpha(Opacity=20, FinishOpacity=100, Style=1,, StartX=0, StartY=0, FinishX=0, FinishY=50); I got thisThe problems I find with it is that it is applied to the entire element: the background, text, borders, everything.
  18. IE has filter:alpha that creates just about any type of gradient you can imagine. Look at that for ideas. For once it is too bad filter is not a standard.
  19. man I can't type without making typos
  20. can we see the code?
  21. oh man, why is that the last thing i read?
  22. That alone would be awesome!!!!!
  23. take a look at thishttp://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_select_into.asp
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