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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. close but not quite.OleDbCommand("Insert INTO Dosent ( DosentNo, DnewPassword, DSecretquestion, DSecretanswer ) Values ( '" & txtlectnewpassword.Text.Trim & "','" & ddbpasswordquestion.selecteditem.value & "','" & txtpasswordsecretanswer.text.trim &"' )", myConnection) You can take out the (') if the column is not a string.
  2. aspnetguy


    There is a link in my si to the free version of sql server 2005 and other dtaabses too.You will need to use the System.Data.SqlCient namespace (for SQL Server): SqlConnection cnt = new SqlConnection("Connection String");SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("query",cnt);SqlDataReader data = cmd.ExecuteReader();while(data.Read()){ //do something somevariable = data["column Name"].ToString();}data.Close();cnt.Close();
  3. yup I take the weekend off, plus I have been doing renovations in our apartement because we have a new tenatn moving in this week.Also I was setting up my webserver this weekend. I discovered I have some host header issues this morning. I was hoping I was done with all that
  4. oh I am so happy All this time it HAS been working, my router just won't let me loopback internally. That is a huge load off my mind. Now I can get to work building the control panel :angry:Thanks for your help guys.
  5. It is now on, it was off before, could anyone test the ip think I may have a loopback problem preventing me from viewing it from a pc on the network.Please let me know what you see.Thanks,I will be leaving it running all day.
  6. I would like to see if those facts can be confirmed and not just made up by someone.
  7. I have discovered that the router admin interface is runnning on port 80 and that may be conflicting with the domain being forwarded to the web server.I am going to try disabling the remote router access and see if that helps.I have also ruled out ISP blocking port 80 since the router interface is on port 80 and I was able to access it from my domain.
  8. okay if you want to insert a new column and you want that column to NOT allow NULL you must set a default value for that column. Meaning when you add a record and you don't specify a value for that column it will use the default value you set.You must do this if you have existing records because you cannot add a column (it is applied to the existing records too) that doesn't allow NULL (without a default value) because when you execute the statement to add the column it will try to fill the existing records with NULL for the new column which breaks the NOT NULL constraint.Sorry if I am not clear, I am having a hard time explaining it. As long as you were able to do what you needed to do. If you run into this problem you will understand what I mean. It is just hard to explain.
  9. What you need to do is load the firefox stylesheet first then use the conditional comments to load your IE only stylesheet which only contains css code meant for IE. <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="common.css"/><!--[if IE]><link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="ieonly.css"/><![endif]-->
  10. conditional comments should do the trickhttp://msdn.microsoft.com/workshop/author/...comment_ovw.asp
  11. yes putting in those ip addresses go were they should so I am guessing it is a router configuation problem.Things work internally but for the outside I can't get in.
  12. well you may end up posting here and in the javascript forum to get the process done. AJAX uses javascript on the client side as you know and then ASP or PHP, ect on the server side and they talk together.I suggest you take a look at the AJAX tutorial at www.w3schools.com and get familiar witht he basics first.
  13. Well trying to make it easier for the user usually makes it hard for you to develop, that's a given
  14. I think the easiest thing would be to move all the items you want to the second list then hit an update button and have php process them all at once.I am not very strong in ajax but I could try and help you out if you decide you want to go that route.
  15. the only way to make hte moving buttons do that without refreshing the page is with AJAX
  16. I have port 80 forwarding to the internal ip and the domain is pointed at the routers ip (extrenal ip).I have a test page that works when accessing it with localhost on the web server. Since I setup port forwarding it stopped going to the router admin interface but times out.What do you mean let the Web Service allow all urls???
  17. aspnetguy


    no problem. I do that all the time.
  18. AJAX is not hard it just might take you a while to get used to it. I find deciding what to return from the server side function and then how to parse it takes the most effort.I suppose if you want it in an iframe it wouldn't matter that much if it refreshed. I like to avoid frames as much as possible.
  19. aspnetguy


    Hense me saying this:
  20. if you have your heart set on checking for each item change then look into AJAX, it lets javascript execute server side functions without refreshing the page.
  21. sorry thats what i get for not reading hte entire thread.I didn't realise you wanted to check/update the database everytime an itme from select1 gets sent to select2.You could just have an update button underneath so you send all the items you want over to select2 then hit update button and submit the form to a php page to process and update database.
  22. aspnetguy


    wow we are posting all over the place. I never have this problem with anyone else but oyu. We always post at the same time.See my post above for the CSS solution.
  23. why do you want ot do this server side? Incase JS is disabled? You would have to refresht he page for every button click, it would be much slower than using JS.
  24. You won't be able to set the new column to NOT NULL unless you set a default value because if the table already has rows trying to ad a new column with NOT NULL and no default value will try and put in NULL for all the existing records causing hte ALTER to fail.
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