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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. make sure the file and folders have hte needed permissions.
  2. aspnetguy

    new to php

    I suggest going to www.w3schools.com and clicking on the PHP tutorial. Learn the basics (for FREE) and save your money for when you need an advanced PHP book. You can usually learn the basics of everything on the internet.
  3. you could try Cassini.http://www.asp.net/Projects/Cassini/Downlo...lt.aspx?tabid=1I don't know if you can configure VS to use it.You can also write .Net apps with Mono (mono-project.com) to run them on Apache but you have to write and compile them manually.
  4. you can download Cassini for freehttp://www.asp.net/Projects/Cassini/Downlo...lt.aspx?tabid=1I think this is your only option since you can't run IIS on XP Home. Chances are you won't get VS.Net to run correctly either since it debugs in IIS.Did you mean classic ASP or ASP.Net? If it is .Net I'll move this to the correct forum.
  5. aspnetguy


    that is the whole point. To have the link take over the whole window. That is what they wanted
  6. I agree with justsomeguy I think it would be a good thing for this forum if they added an offtopic forum but that is for them to decide . In the mean time I don't mind filling the gap
  7. I'm not sure, I use Red Gate to do that so I am not sure.
  8. you could do that too...it would take a lot of work and code writing though...and a decent server if you get a lot of users.
  9. a blog is just an online journal you can talk or rant about whatever you want or are interested in. I suggest downloading WrodPress to run your blog. It is great and easy to use.
  10. or is there ? ?Coffee Lounge
  11. 1) yes it si possible. It isn't any less secure either way. Red Gate has some really awesome tools for syncronizing database structures and content between servers.
  12. Did you receive a mail error? I just found it and fixed it. I also validated you in case oyu got the error so ignoore the validation email if you get it
  13. aspnetguy


    it works fine in FireFox. Are you sure you set it up correctly. What problems are you getting?
  14. I can understand where both sides are coming from.It would be nice to be able to discuss off topic issues here, but that can be done elsewhere.The admins pay for bandwidth. This forum is meant to support the main tutorial site. If they allow an off topic forum, which would be very popular, then they will be paying for users to just chat.I am sure this is not an issue they blew off easily. Infact kajim told me he was in favor of it but was out voted :)So we'll just have to accept their decision. Maybe they may change their minds in the futureEDIT: My forum is now open. Feel free to use my 'off topic' forum if you like.
  15. The admins want to keep the focus on web development.As for the topics that go astray, as long as the question as sufficiently been answered I see no problem allowing the discussion to continue (where ever that may lead).
  16. Well you could start a blog and use that domain.What type of things do you like? You could start a gaming site or clan. Or some other type of fan site.Just pick something you like and want to tell people about.
  17. that's ok...I only know that cuz I had to take a 6 month course in it in college
  18. some days I wish I had no life, man I have to much to do!
  19. Kajim and the other admins have talked about this before (I didn't know) and decided not to have an off topic forum. Sorry guys
  20. setup up a forum or another website. What is the domain?
  21. aspnetguy


    that depends on what you want and have. You can download mysql for free or you can pay for sql server. It is up to you.
  22. just a small note: JSP is also server side. It is similar to ASP.Net as it is compiled JAVA code.
  23. 2 very different groups of devlopers are making those votes. Goes to show some of us are visually and creatively inclined while others of us are more procedural and text based.I fall into the latter.
  24. I have made a suggestion for this to kajim. Waiting to see what he decides
  25. You will need to know how to work with databases and either sessions or cookies for storing the users authentication status.
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